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Pokemon Gijinka: The Fallen God [OOC/PG-16/Not Accepting]

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In about half an hour I will be working on the post.


Edit: Posted and here's the stuffs




Scyther “Edgelord”: Level 40. Moves: Quick Attack, Slash, Focus Energy, Wing Attack. Special Attack, Void Blade: A swift and sudden attack that strikes from the ground itself. A pair of blades that can cause numbness in anything it hits, and is sharp as razors. This attack isn’t effected by weaknesses or resistances.
1 Sandslash: Level 22. Moves: Dig, Crush Claw, Rollout, Defense Curl. Ability: Sand Rush.
1 Murkrow: Level 30. Moves: Dark Pulse, Substitute, Hidden Power (Fighting), Feather Dance. Ability: Prankster.

Edgelord has left the building, after giving some threats and murdering a girl.

The Sandslash scored a crit Rollout on Kah and is gearing up for another.

Murkrow is falling falling falling, but Taiga is the bottom in this case.


Mac's worried about the tree, going numb, wants water.


Sada (Zangoose Leader): Level 38. Moves: Fling, ???, ???, ???
Zangoose Gang (4): Level 20-25. Moves: Scratch, Detect, Revenge, ???
Phinehas (Seviper Leader): Level 35. Moves: Coil, Poison Tail, Poison Jab, Venom Drench
Seviper Gang (4): Level 20-25. Moves: Coil, Bite, Screech, Poison Fang

The Four Zangoose are now backing up Sada, who has denied Wes and threatened her, trying to get Poke from her instead.
The Seviper are awake but they have left the building.
Phinehas poisoned Aegon and then used Venom Drench at him
Heather has arrived and called for people to cease


Gwen is gonna try and hang with Wally apparently.

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Baron, I know you're having your character head to the inn Wally's staying at to pick up the payment and all, but do use the fact that Keto's character is interacting with yours to detract Wes from heading over to Wally's for the day. I had Wally take Gwen to the bar and leave and it'd be kinda awkward to have her go back again with Wes and Hydreigondude's character to treat the two of them. Save it for the festival day.

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A'ight peeps this is the deal. Keep on with interactions, if anyone needs ANYthing to be able to post just message me and I can help. Including just details about a place/person. This is a slower part but this is where we figure out what groups we'll be in, where we'll go, etc.


Also on the Juyu side, soon I'll be moving to the singing competition so anyone who wants to be in it/watch it, make sure you keep in mind that the competition will be happening in either a single, or possibly two, posts of mine. That is to say if you didn't write you were there and wanted to be, you can do so. And if you want to be IN it, then you'll have to work with me to figure out where you'll fit in. I can split the thing up if people want to be able to do stuff in the middle of it.


But the main thing is to communicate. I can't do anything if you don't meet me halfway.

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So friends a thing for the Juyu people.

If you wish to have the singing competition start in your post you can. Just keep in mind that.

-It begins with the old man saying this has been a tradition that has gone on for hundreds of years, getting more and more popular each time. That Gijinka from all over come to show their skills and entertain the crowd, and that it's a wonderful example of how Gijinka can live together in peace.

-You must leave room for me to write up several more singers, even if it's at the end, just as long as you don't get to THE end.

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So yeah there’s a big post there as you can see. Uhhh if anyone needs some more information, or anything, let me know. Oh and Reptilious, Sethera, and Mitcher. If y’all don’t want me dragging your characters, literally in Ari’s case, with then let me know and I’ll edit.

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Now that I have your attention.....


Reminder to everyone at risk. Please work with me to figure out what needs to be done to move your character along. I know some of you are waiting for others or more information. So let me know what you need and I will try and work something out.

Saiku. Safe.
Nai. Safe.
Yui. Safe provided Fawkes posts as soon as opening happens.
Reptilous. Safe provided Crimson does something when they can.
Mitcher. Safe.
Cosmo. Safe-ish but should work with Nai to figure out next post ASAP.
Keto. Somewhat at risk.
Hydreigon. Somewhat at risk.
Hollow. Code Red. Must post soon or I will be forced to act.
Stalfos. Already written out somewhat, but please try and post.
Sethera. Safe provided Easter post when possible.
CowCow. Safe but still needs to post.

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Okay so I will be gone all of tomorrow and a chunk of Tuesday. When I return, I will be working on a post to move us along. This is the final warning, get what you need done, for it is time to continue.

This is for everyone. If you're waiting for someone else, move on, you have about a day. I won't let us stall at the first location.

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