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Anita Sarkesean and Zoe Quinn promote censorship at a UN conference


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Looks like the duo are at it again. This time they are presenting to the UN "cyber violence" as strictly a woman's problem. To make matters worse they wish to have regulated what they consider "offensive" and disagreeable. I hope the UN doesn't take these two seriously.

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I love how these two spend more time publishing their "harassment" than they do their own work. It really does seem like they're just really good at playing the victim card like it's funking Exodia. Now, they're going before the UN? I feel so sorry for those delegates. If they so much acknowledge that not everything is a woman's problem alone, the Twitter lynch mob will strike. Hopefully the UN has enough brain power to see the bullshit these two put out and recognize fallacies when they see them.

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1. That sensationalised title is so gross.

2. I think it's fine to present the issue as a women's problem. Obviously, it's not entirely a women's issue, but there's no harm in presenting it from that angle. It's certainly true up to an extent. funk, if anyone else had presented point from this angle, no-one would bat an eye. Beyoncé talking women's sexual freedom? Malala talking education for girls? There's no-one going "LOL ITS EVERYONE'S PROBLEM NOT JUST WOMEN".

3. If I hear about GamerGate one more time, I think I'm going to burst.

4. I do think Anita Sarkeesian has a point at times. She presents her arguments ludicrously, exaggerates massively, and therefore does nothing to progress into anything useful, but, yes, she has a point. Women's rights are pretty funking important. Sometimes, the internet is dumb. Everyone throwing around the term "feminism" like it's some taboo word, and can only see the image of an SJW warrior. If you support equality, you're a funking feminist.

5. I do think this leads to a slippery slope towards the semblance of internet censorship, but let's not pretend it's just these two. Remember the whole deal with anti-trolling laws? This is essentially an auxiliary to that. Knee-jerk reactions on the internet are just unhelpful. It's a genuine issue to discuss on whether it's worthwhile or censorship.


tl;dr funk anita's hyperbole, funk the internet's response to anita's hyperbole, and absolutely funk the fact that people think it's a black-and-white situation


edit: Tentacruel is my spirit animal.


funk em both. funk gamer gate. funk online harassment. I just want to play video games in peace.

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Deadpool's second anti-women's rights thread in as many days! Strap your seat belts ladies and gentlemen! 


Look, I get that there are women who take things too far in the name of feminism, I do! But given that we know they're out there, hunting down instances of radical feminism for sexually frustrated YCMers to circle-jerk to got old quite a while ago! This particular instance doesn't even seem that unreasonable, try pwning people with a female name/character in any given MMO and the ensuing salt may very well take on misogynistic inflections!    




Look at Ms. Quinn's gorgeous silver locks! Seriously though, I'm sorry she was told to kill herself so many times, no one deserves that!  

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Deadpool's second anti-women's rights thread in as many days! Strap your seat belts ladies and gentlemen! 


Look, I get that there are women who take things too far in the name of feminism, I do! But given that we know they're out there, hunting down instances of radical feminism for sexually frustrated YCMers to circle-jerk to got old quite a while ago! This particular instance doesn't even seem that unreasonable, try pwning people with a female name/character in any given MMO and the ensuing salt may very well take on misogynistic inflections!    




Look at Ms. Quinn's gorgeous silver locks! Seriously though, I'm sorry she was told to kill herself so many times, no one deserves that!  

As a person who plays a Female Character in most MMO's I can agree with this. Woman Gamers get a ton more crap including asnd not limited to being hit on (The things they say to me when I tell them I am a man is priceless) to the more common "I got beat by a GIRL!? funk this Game!" and not after I see *X Person has left the Game*

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for those lazy to read...





Looks like the duo are at it again. This time they are presenting to the UN "cyber violence" as strictly a woman's problem. To make matters worse they wish to have regulated what they consider "offensive" and disagreeable. I hope the UN doesn't take these two seriously.

As a gamergater, I am disappointed in the UN. Frankly though, if this is what the people of the world want, why stop them? It is clear that many support this view of harassment and cultural policing and support Zoe and Anita's views on this. Let them see what they fight for come to fruition, at worst it simply stifles free speech. Let the people see the world they wanted actually become a reality and then they will see whether it was a world worth living in or not. If the UN feels this is what is necessary, then let them. I've recently felt like I was fighting a losing battle and, frankly, I feel like giving up. Every time we get one step forward, they send us two-steps back and it is clear that most mainstream media (Except Stephen Colbert and a couple others) don't feel like actually putting research into this either. I say just let em win. I disagree with them so much, but eventually you lose too many battles.

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And so we see the storm in a teacup the internet managed to brew over people like Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn come to a boil.


If the UN really thought it was necessary to involve these people, then by all means do so, but if they intend to actually involve their findings in something, I sure hope they take it with a healthy ammount of salt since Sarkeesian in particular seems to have a habit of blowing things outof proportion.


Mind you, I do think what they're ultimately there to discuss is indeed a problem, but actually remedying it is a very slippery slope, if we're to assume it to even be possible at this point with how, for a lack of better word, accepted it's become to treat women a certain way online

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Deadpool's second anti-women's rights thread in as many days! Strap your seat belts ladies and gentlemen! 


Look, I get that there are women who take things too far in the name of feminism, I do! But given that we know they're out there, hunting down instances of radical feminism for sexually frustrated YCMers to circle-jerk to got old quite a while ago! This particular instance doesn't even seem that unreasonable, try pwning people with a female name/character in any given MMO and the ensuing salt may very well take on misogynistic inflections!    




Look at Ms. Quinn's gorgeous silver locks! Seriously though, I'm sorry she was told to kill herself so many times, no one deserves that!  

I agree that the killing yourself demands are horrible and that women have it rougher but come on man don't start a post like that I can't take you seriously at all when you do that :P


"hunting down instances of radical feminism for sexually frustrated YCMers to circle-jerk to" and this too.I know you're better than this :T

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I agree that the killing yourself demands are horrible and that women have it rougher but come on man don't start a post like that I can't take you seriously at all when you do that :P


"hunting down instances of radical feminism for sexually frustrated YCMers to circle-jerk to" and this too.I know you're better than this :T

Wait... Was he kidding?

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I'd like to think that it's the people who bullied and abused these two ladies who're at fault for elevating them to this level of relevance.


Which is why the a******s on the internet who want these women gone should stop trolling them, stop calling them c***s and sluts, and stop telling them to kill themselves.


You're giving these batshit crazy ladies ammo to play victim and to make yourselves look like woman-raping savages who want to oppress women.


Thanks internet. YOU made Anita Sarkessian relevant because YOU couldn't either shrug off the opinions in a video game series calling games sexist or make intelligent counterarguments. And, YOU couldn't leave a woman alone whose scumbag ex-boyfriend posted nasty information about her personal life, more or less slut-shaming her out of jealousy.


Thank you internet.






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And, YOU couldn't leave a woman alone whose scumbag ex-boyfriend posted nasty information about her personal life, more or less slut-shaming her out of jealousy.


Eh, I'm gonna have to interject on that one.  I don't know the guy, so he very well could be a complete jabroni, but from what gathered, the relationship was abusive.  He probably shouldn't have posted that sheet on the internet, but you know if the genders were swapped the same people defending Quinn would be crucifying her.  


Look, I'm not calling for a complete neutralization of gender-roles.  Sure, the guy's a beta/pussy/whatever, but it seems a bit unfair to decry someone that much for just whining on the internet that his girlfriend abused and cheated on him. 

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Eh, I'm gonna have to interject on that one.  I don't know the guy, so he very well could be a complete a******, but from what gathered, the relationship was abusive.  He probably shouldn't have posted that s*** on the internet, but you know if the genders were swapped the same people defending Quinn would be crucifying her.  

I have participated in a couple Reddit conversations where he has posted since the gag order was lifted. The evidence against him is minimal at best and he seems like a nice all around dude. I wouldn't know about Zoe Quinn because she blocked me, when I haven't mentioned her on Twitter in the slightest.

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I don't really mind women bringing up issues as their own. However they shouldn't ride the coat tails of other movements just to increase awareness. This was clearly seen during the gamergate incident (sry rai for bringing it up). They could have easily just made their own movement but no, they decided to exploit this one. They pretty much stole the spotlight, if you will.

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Machismo, that was a damn good post.


Honestly, everyone just needs to grow the hell up. We need to stop discrediting even these kinda of feminists, as, sometimes, the points even they raise are valid, and deserve public attention. Of course, part of the problem lies in their behavior, but that is not under our control, so it should not be our concern.

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Screw the title of this thread. When you suffer from diarrhea of the mouth people have every right to shut you up. Using Twitter and various other online social media is a privilege, not a right. If you choose to go around abusing people on them you have squandered that right and full well deserve to lose it. If people here treated certain members the way Zoe and Anita are treated they would instantly be banned and not welcomed back. The same is true of the garbage of the other side. Treating people like trash because they treat you like trash only makes matters worse. The sad reality however is that very little gets done on social media when this happens and that is often how things end up. 

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I'd like to think that it's the people who bullied and abused these two ladies who're at fault for elevating them to this level of relevance.


Which is why the a******s on the internet who want these women gone should stop trolling them, stop calling them c***s and sluts, and stop telling them to kill themselves.


You're giving these batshit crazy ladies ammo to play victim and to make yourselves look like woman-raping savages who want to oppress women.


Thanks internet. YOU made Anita Sarkessian relevant because YOU couldn't either shrug off the opinions in a video game series calling games sexist or make intelligent counterarguments. And, YOU couldn't leave a woman alone whose scumbag ex-boyfriend posted nasty information about her personal life, more or less slut-shaming her out of jealousy.


Thank you internet.




To be fair, the supposed threats Anita received were actually done by her own fake accounts like this one http://www.returnofkings.com/42602/did-anita-sarkeesian-fake-death-threats-against-herself

Anita, Zoe, Brianna Wu/John Flynt, and Lena Dunham really are the worst examples of Modern Feminism. 

Why are women's rights groups even necessary these days? You don't need a rights group when a lawyer settles problems over rights you already have.

What rights do women have that men don't? Required to go into the draft. 

If Feminism truly wanted equality these days, then they would assist in spreading awareness on how unnecessary and harmful male circumcision is. How there is domestic abuse towards men as well. Especially not trying to "fix" rape laws so only women can be raped. Third Wave/Modern Feminism has successfully turned male on female crimes to guilty until proven innocent. Nowadays women are allowed to make false accusations that damage the male for life and these men can do nothing in return, and when they do, they get to sent to jail like this man



Feminism has so much power these days that you get arrested for simply disagreeing with them



It's awfully sad how much political powers have gotten sucked into something as stupid as this. Yes, bullying and harassment occurs online, but you know what? It happens to both sexes and both genders, and it can be taken care of if you actually do something about it. Is he/she talking crap and it's affecting your health? Use the block button. Majority websites have them now. Are they persisting? Contact the police and have them take care of it. 


Also, for god's sake, don't talk negatively about GG when you haven't even bothered to check both sides of the sources. GG brings cited sources and evidence to their side and the Feminists have tried using Polygon, Kotaku, and similar sources that anyone that has involved with this mess long enough knows it all originated from a simple affair. 


For god's sakes you guys you made me login just to source this crap. 


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Why are women's rights groups even necessary these days? You don't need a rights group when a lawyer settles problems over rights you already have.

Because women get paid .8 for ever dollar a man makes.



If Feminism truly wanted equality these days, then they would assist in spreading awareness on how unnecessary and harmful male circumcision is. How there is domestic abuse towards men as well. Especially not trying to "fix" rape laws so only women can be raped. Third Wave/Modern Feminism has successfully turned male on female crimes to guilty until proven innocent. Nowadays women are allowed to make false accusations that damage the male for life and these men can do nothing in return, and when they do, they get to sent to jail like this man


They do do that. Feminism is about examining the negative effects of the male patriarchy which affects both women AND men. All the feminists I follow care about the issues facing both genders and has representation from both genders. And no, feminists haven't made it guilty until proven innocent. That is simply the really of the American justice system.


That link proves actual nothing. Did she make a mistake to name him the father when he wasn't, yes. Do you know she did it out of malice though, no. The link certainly doesn't suggest that WHEN SHE SAYS HE SHOULDN'T OWE ANYTHING. For all you know she could have thought he was the father. Talk about guilty until proven innocent. The state is the one in the wrong here, not her.


Feminism has so much power these days that you get arrested for simply disagreeing with them


I have zero sympathy for someone who thinks its ok to make a game where you punch an actual human being in the face. That is disgusting. And no, I'm not saying sending him hate is how you fix the situation, or that the guy should be charged for disagreeing, but when that kid chose to jump into a cesspool he can't seriously have thought he wouldn't get covered in crap as a result.


It's awfully sad how much political powers have gotten sucked into something as stupid as this. Yes, bullying and harassment occurs online, but you know what? It happens to both sexes and both genders, and it can be taken care of if you actually do something about it. Is he/she talking crap and it's affecting your health? Use the block button. Majority websites have them now. Are they persisting? Contact the police and have them take care of it.

Thank you for sharing that it happens to both gender. Sure is a shame that the reality is that women get it FAR worse than men. Just ask any man who has female colleagues that also work on the internet. It it far more toxic and gender based (men are much less likely to be called fat or ugly than a women). And no, sadly it is not. Twitter is a major source for it and its well documented that they don't do nearly enough combat the horrible that goes on their.

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God these types of threads make me so angry, cause honestly it's the same sheet over and over again. You realize that if people like Zoe Quinn
(who's really not that bad by the way) and Anita Sarkesian didn't exist feminist issues wouldn't be heard. I mean let's be clear, without people like Sarkesian feminist issues would probably not be that big a deal, because without vocal, "extremist" people like her issues don't get talked about. You don't see people with moderate, well formed arguements getting reported about, no it's only when the extreme happens that things actually become relevant. Malala is a prime example, nobody a single sheet about her until she got shot in the head. Seriously, should we have waited for one of these women to commit suicide or get murdered for their opinions before we finally decided to discuss feminist issues (and even then it's not enough cause I guess a 41% attempted suicide rate or an average life expectancy of 35 years is still not enough to get transgender issues talked about, but that's an issue for another time). 



To be fair, the supposed threats Anita received were actually done by her own fake accounts like this one http://www.returnofkings.com/42602/did-anita-sarkeesian-fake-death-threats-against-herself
Anita, Zoe, Brianna Wu/John Flynt, and Lena Dunham really are the worst examples of Modern Feminism. 
Why are women's rights groups even necessary these days? You don't need a rights group when a lawyer settles problems over rights you already have.
What rights do women have that men don't? Required to go into the draft. 
If Feminism truly wanted equality these days, then they would assist in spreading awareness on how unnecessary and harmful male circumcision is. How there is domestic abuse towards men as well. Especially not trying to "fix" rape laws so only women can be raped. Third Wave/Modern Feminism has successfully turned male on female crimes to guilty until proven innocent. Nowadays women are allowed to make false accusations that damage the male for life and these men can do nothing in return, and when they do, they get to sent to jail like this man

Feminism has so much power these days that you get arrested for simply disagreeing with them

It's awfully sad how much political powers have gotten sucked into something as stupid as this. Yes, bullying and harassment occurs online, but you know what? It happens to both sexes and both genders, and it can be taken care of if you actually do something about it. Is he/she talking crap and it's affecting your health? Use the block button. Majority websites have them now. Are they persisting? Contact the police and have them take care of it. 

Also, for god's sake, don't talk negatively about GG when you haven't even bothered to check both sides of the sources. GG brings cited sources and evidence to their side and the Feminists have tried using Polygon, Kotaku, and similar sources that anyone that has involved with this mess long enough knows it all originated from a simple affair. 

For god's sakes you guys you made me login just to source this crap. 

Also let me just address this absolute train wreck of a post. First of all let me again reference Malala to your question about women's right's groups. Yeah, they are funking necessary. Like why is this even a question. When someone can shoot a little girl for trying to be educated, or honor kill their sister and be celebrated, or hell (i sheet you not this happened in my neighborhood) beat their wife to death with a dumbbell in their front yard, and his family tell you that the wife deserved it the answer is yes you need women's right's groups.


What do you mean what right's do men have that women don't, like do you live under a funking rock, or are you just unaware of the rampant sexism women face the middle east, and eastern asia. Feminism does not just handle the issues of women in the funking US, feminism looks for equality between the sexes around the entire world.


Flame Dragon already talked about how you're point about online harassment is flawed, but I'm going to tell you again. Yes, both genders face harassment over the internet, but I guarantee you it's far easier to find cases of women being abused over the internet than it is to find a man that has been abused through the internet, and even then I'm 100% sure that most men who've experienced harassment over the internet have experienced to the degree a woman harassed has. When you have cesspools like 4chan, reddit, and gamefaqs that attack users for simply being women, or have a violent and harmful knee jerk reaction to any mention of women's issues we have a problem. So yeah get back to me on how it's a huge a problem for both sexes, of course we can't ignore men who are bullied through the internet, however realizing it effects women a lot more than it effects men is important.


Finally don't give me any of that sheet about gamergate. That "movement" if that's what you want to call it is nothing more than a bunch of insecure little boys who felt their video games were being threatened by big scary feminists and then rallied a bunch people together under the flag of "integrity in gaming journalism" as if that is such a huge issue.


So yeah I'm sorry we bothered you almighty intelligence women's issues, and I'm so glad you could grace us with your dumbass shitpost, you absolute funking walnut. 

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oh wow someone on this thread admitting that they're a gamergater. wow oh wow. someone acting like gamergate actually put eithcs in video game journalism.


I mean it did. If ethics implies big game sites finally standing up to shitty little twats who dont know what the funk they're talking about while still changing their ethics policy to more implicitly state something THEY WERE ALREADY DOING IN THE funking FIRST PLACE.



Your post is probably going to start a wildfire here, but Elly, I've never wanted to sleep with you more than I do right now, wow

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