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British teenager sentenced to life for terror plot.

Mutant Monster RAEG-HAPYP

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I'm not familiar with the British justice system. I think a life sentence doesn't necessarily mean life in some places but I'm not 100% sure.


Anyway, it's sad to see someone so young brainwashed by this ideology. He could have done more with his life, but chose the wrong path, and where did that lead him to?

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Why am I not suprised it's another Jihadist plot? Of course the media won't refer to it as Islamic extremism. Life sentence is gentle. Should have beheaded him and left his body as a feast for the crows


The media won't refer to it as Islamic extremism because he's not a convert turned violent. He got affected by a doctrine from a terrorist group that has twisted and manipulated the islamic faith for their own agenda. ISIS doesnt give a damn if you're muslim or not, only thing they care about is if you'll follow them. Now,b unlike what some people like to think, Islam doesnt support blind violence against non-believers, but terrorist have grossly perverted the meaning behind the few verses of the Quran that do speak favourably of Jihad, such as the Verse of the Sword. As far as I'm concerned it's a good thing that the media has gotten very careful about calling it "islamic extremism" since the abuse of that term in the past has fostered a incredibly toxic bias towards that religion.


And forgive me while I'll say I think life sentence, assuming he does serve full term, is more then fair, given how the death penalty would make the goverment appear tyrannical.

Lock him up so he's no longer a threat, as they've already foiled his plan before it could be carried out.


There's no need to kill him

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The media won't refer to it as Islamic extremism because he's not a convert turned violent. He got affected by a doctrine from a terrorist group that has twisted and manipulated the islamic faith for their own agenda. ISIS doesnt give a damn if you're muslim or not, only thing they care about is if you'll follow them. Now,b unlike what some people like to think, Islam doesnt support blind violence against non-believers, but terrorist have grossly perverted the meaning behind the few verses of the Quran that do speak favourably of Jihad, such as the Verse of the Sword. As far as I'm concerned it's a good thing that the media has gotten very careful about calling it "islamic extremism" since the abuse of that term in the past has fostered a incredibly toxic bias towards that religion.


And forgive me while I'll say I think life sentence, assuming he does serve full term, is more then fair, given how the death penalty would make the goverment appear tyrannical.

Lock him up so he's no longer a threat, as they've already foiled his plan before it could be carried out.


There's no need to kill him


Britain doesn't even have the death penalty to begin with. 

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The media won't refer to it as Islamic extremism because he's not a convert turned violent. He got affected by a doctrine from a terrorist group that has twisted and manipulated the islamic faith for their own agenda. ISIS doesnt give a damn if you're muslim or not, only thing they care about is if you'll follow them. Now,b unlike what some people like to think, Islam doesnt support blind violence against non-believers, but terrorist have grossly perverted the meaning behind the few verses of the Quran that do speak favourably of Jihad, such as the Verse of the Sword. As far as I'm concerned it's a good thing that the media has gotten very careful about calling it "islamic extremism" since the abuse of that term in the past has fostered a incredibly toxic bias towards that religion.


And forgive me while I'll say I think life sentence, assuming he does serve full term, is more then fair, given how the death penalty would make the goverment appear tyrannical.

Lock him up so he's no longer a threat, as they've already foiled his plan before it could be carried out.


There's no need to kill him

I mean, people like you are gonna keep defending this reckless violence over and over.


Why are so many Americans fleeing to ISIS to live under Sharia law then? Have they not seen the brutality that ISIS commits? Forget ISIS, Al-Queda and the kind. Christians were spared the barbarics of Islam, but anyone who is a Parsi or Hindu knows about the Persecution of Zoroastrians, and how civilians, not rabid militants bastardizing texts, your everyday civilians butchered my people for not being warlike and for being different.


It's just rearing it's ugly head one more time. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and if you truely see no problem with that, you're going to have to endure innocent people being inhumanely murdered again and again.


Tyrants? No, to him what he would on others, it is justice, no less, no more




Britain doesn't even have the death penalty to begin with. 




Don't say that like it's a good thing >_>

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I mean, people like you are gonna keep defending this reckless violence over and over.


Why are so many Americans fleeing to ISIS to live under Sharia law then? Have they not seen the brutality that ISIS commits? Forget ISIS, Al-Queda and the kind. Christians were spared the barbarics of Islam, but anyone who is a Parsi or Hindu knows about the Persecution of Zoroastrians, and how civilians, not rabid militants bastardizing texts, your everyday civilians butchered my people for not being warlike and for being different.


It's just rearing it's ugly head one more time. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and if you truely see no problem with that, you're going to have to endure innocent people being inhumanely murdered again and again.


Tyrants? No, to him what he would on others, it is justice, no less, no more






Don't say that like it's a good thing >_>


I wasn't. I have no opinion on the death penalty.

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I mean, people like you are gonna keep defending this reckless violence over and over.

I dont know were you got this from, but I'll kindly ask you to refrain from making assumptions about me since the only thing I said was Islam doesnt actually condone the violence these people are comitting.


This is a recless and senseless ammount of violence comitted over and over, I recognise this and wish it would stop, but I'm sick and tired of it being blamed on Islam when Islam doesnt even condone it to begin with.


ISIS and Al-Queda is to Islam like what Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK is to Christianity, a group of extremists who twisted the message of the religion to serve their own agenda and I wish people would stop assuming all muslims actually condone things like terrorism.


Why are so many Americans fleeing to ISIS to live under Sharia law then? Have they not seen the brutality that ISIS commits? Forget ISIS, Al-Queda and the kind. Christians were spared the barbarics of Islam, but anyone who is a Parsi or Hindu knows about the Persecution of Zoroastrians, and how civilians, not rabid militants bastardizing texts, your everyday civilians butchered my people for not being warlike and for being different.

I do not see what this has to do with anything, nor am I capable of answering you, as there are multiple reasons at work and I have no means to determine which one is accurate. Maybe it's social outcasts looking for a sense of community or the violence simply appeals to them. As for not seeing the brutality ISIS commits, I'm sure they know about it, but believe themselves safe from it if they obey ISIS.


Forget ISIS, Al-Queda and the kind. Christians were spared the barbarics of Islam

While you do have a point in that christians have largely been spared persecution by muslim forces, it's no secret that christians today, in muslim dominated countries, still face heavy persecution for their faith. What you in turn digg up to seemingly motivate your hatred, the Persecution of Zoroastrians really wasnt uncommon back then regardless of what the opposing religion is. 


What you also neglect to mention, from what little I can find in such a short notice, is that while the initial conquest may have been bloody, it's far from a exceptional occurence in world history. Zoroastrianism had been on the decline for years even prior to the invasion, and for a time they were even permitted to keep their faith in exchange for Jizya (tax). Why this was eventually stipped from them and they were in one way or another forced, compared to before where it was volontary but incentivised, to convert to the islamic faith or face death I can only assume is a product of the Persian culture being co-opted by the arabs, but the faith being non-negotiable as converting away from Islam was, and I believe techniqly still is, considered apostasy, and is punishable by death.


"Your people" were not persecuted for

not being warlike and for being different.

They were persecuted as their faith ultimately conflicted with Islam, and believe it or not this was how countries went about things when invading another back then. What can be adapted into your own society is adapted, what must be discared is discared.


Early Islam may have been particularly violent, but only because being defensive ultimately presented a threat to their culture and faith, and it's the only violence Islam condones. That which is against non-believers who proposes a threat to Islam as a whole. But the animosity between religions isnt new. It isnt unique to Islam, believe it or not.


It's human nature at its worst.

We dont like to be wrong, and some of us are more susceptible to it then others and religion is most likely what brings that part out the most just because of what it discusses as a whole, and how many of us are terrified of the implications being made.


Why do we exist, and what waits for us when we die.


It's just rearing it's ugly head one more time. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and if you truely see no problem with that, you're going to have to endure innocent people being inhumanely murdered again and again.

Yes, I dont think it's a problem that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, because I know it doesnt condone the stuff people commit in its name, and thusly I dont consider it "evil" and no I dont think we are gonna have to endure innocent people being murdered again and again because of it.


The violence people commit in the name of islam is no different then that people all over the world commit to try and get their view across, but the media loves to paint Islam as something bad since it knows that for one, it brings attention, and has by now perverted the view most people have of it withouth even knowing the first thing about it.


Why you on the other hand think otherwise, and with such certantey baffles my mind.


Tyrants? No, to him what he would on others, it is justice, no less, no more

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.





And for the record, I'm atheistic, so as far as I'm concerned as long as innocent people dont have to be sacrificed, I'm content with just letting all the religions of the world destroy one another untill this world is finally free to be sensible again

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"'It is very well known that ISIS -- and not just ISIS -- uses open source social media like Facebook and Twitter to circulate its propaganda,' said Charlie Winter, of counter-extremism think tank Quilliam.

'What you also see is people in Syria and Iraq who self-advertise as Islamic State fighters and recruiters and they provide the details to their Surespot account, their Kik account, their Telegram account.'

British authorities want the ability to monitor such communications."


Hold me Orwell...

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