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Anxiety Attacks.

Resident Fascist

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So I've been having them again. They're awful. I fear the coming of death and the irrational fear one of my organs is going to give out at any moment, especially my heart. Any sort of pain in my chest, legs or upper arms is enough to make me feel anxious, which in turn causes more pain, which makes you more anxious until one has an enormous anxiety breakdown. My heart has scared me since I was young, and while I'm just in healthy weight leaning on under weight, have never touched a cigarette or alcohol in my life, don't eat huge amounts of fat, my biggest crime is a lack of routine exercise.


I've been on an Anti-Anxiety medication for nearly a year, I want to come off it but when I feel like this, it just... Eh. Anxiety is a monster, cut off my thumb if I never have to deal with it again.

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