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Halloween 2015


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i practically live and breathe Halloween, so yeah im damn excited, loads of candy and horror movies during this month. also im gonna see my adopted step-brother have his first Halloween while at my dads setting up the decorations, might wear a costume while giving out candy.

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Halloween's on a Saturday this time, so not too much studying (bar for crap projects and stuff).

I don't know, probably will do the usual stuff. 


Haven't dressed up since what, 7th grade, and no kids come to our house (my parents don't like kids on our property, so have to keep lights out on first floor). 

Then again, we haven't gotten many kids on my street lately.


MAYBE there'll be something at that martial arts club I go to on weekends, since there are a ton of kids, but likely not.

College might have something, but I don't really bother with functions there (outside of courses and whatever).


At best, I'll probably end up buying candy that I'll eat on my own (or my mom will).

I'll be around on here doing stuff; maybe I might watch some movies.

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I think this is the first time in a few years I haven't had to work nights during Halloween. I've had that situation so many times where I'm stuck working when my friends are out partying and then the next morning, bleary-eyed and low on sleep, I get to hear about how much fun they all had the night before.


Not sure what I'll do though. I've been feeling a bit more antisocial this year so I might just spend it doing nothing or watching scary movies.

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