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Global Goals


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Global Goals (site) - "We the People" YouTube


Sorry in advance if this opens up a can of worms. I only just heard about this, though the idea seems to have been around for a while. I mean, the general idea seems to be admirable. It's just... look at that YouTube vid's dislike bar (not putting the vid in the thread). Following up on that, most of the sites I've been to seem to despise the idea. Something about 'Agenda 21' and 'Depopulation'.

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I think the large ammount of dislike, atleast going by the perspective of the video, is not entirely just cause of what it presents, but how it presents it, since I know I atleast found myself thinking that while these are all very noble goals, there's basicly nothing (new) regarding how they actually plan to reach these goals, there's no proof that progress is actually being made instead of just going to the middle-class and saying "Gee, wouldnt it be sweet if we could all work togeather. I mean there's so much we could solve"


As for the more concrete bit, what they're actually trying to do will likely involve solutions that are incredibly anti-capitalistic, which is why I'm not surprised people are rejecting this already. Some just consider captialism to be a completely fair system, and things like mass poverty problem to not actually be a problem. That those stuck in poverty are only there because of their own fault.


Even assuming the leaders of the world plan to fully enforce all of these goals, it's gonna take several years to just change the public opinion to it being necessary (Those denying Global Warming to be a thing arent exactly gonna wanna fix something they dont even think exists), then even longer to get it working.


We'd be lucky to even have the first 3 goals done during our lifetime

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