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[MtG Legacy] Natural Born Killer | Mono-Blue Storm (feat. Brain Freeze)


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+3 Ponder

+3 Frantic Search

-4 Anticipate

-1 Flash of Insight

-1 Preordain


Is this for IRL? If not, I would go for Snapcasters. More High Tide=Better Chance at winning.

This is for MTGO so Snaps are a little out of my price range for now.


You really don't need 4 brainfreezes. 2 at the most. Run 4 ponders and as many probes as you can fit into the deck. You'll find the brainfreezes with your cantrips.

The thing with Brainfreeze is I need to draw 2 to win most times. I can see dropping it to 3, though.

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