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YCM GPT Match 1-31

Flash Flyer - Sakura

So, two Fighting and two Psychics. Let's see how this turns out in the end  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. You decide who gets out of here alive

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Voting Lucario because obligatory staple in White 2 (I make it a requirement to ALWAYS have one on hand, hence the long hours looking in Floccessy Ranch for Riolu), nomination and overall good battler. (And another one of the Pokes that's somewhat linked to me)


Starmie is cool though, although I've not used one lately.

However, I do have one named after Opalmoon for some reason on another game. Why it's named after her, I'll never know.


Cresselia is iffy; I don't use her much, and while she's a good wall, I'd prefer mine to at least be able to strike when needed.

Base 70/75 attacking stats aren't great (then again, I don't train it much anyway, so mine never learned Lunar Dance)


Haven't used Breloom, but likely due to it being in the Fluctuating Group, which would require a lot more training that I'd want to put in.

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