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Mummy/Egypt deck


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This is my Mummy kind of deck based around cards from Pharaonic Guardian and their abilities to flip face-down.




Fushioh Richie

Great Dezard

Guardian Sphinx x2

Giant Axe Mummy x2


Royal Keeper

Pyramid Turtle x3

Wandering Mummy x2

Swarm of Locusts x2

Medusa Worm

Swarm of Scarabs

Des Lacooda

Guardian Statue

Dice Jar

Gravekeeper's Guard x2

Spirit Reaper




Chorus of Sanctuary

Book of Life x2

Book of Moon



Tribute to the Doomed




Needle Wall

Needle Ceiling

Compulsory Evacuation Device x2

Bottomless Shifting Sand x2

Ordeal of a Traveler

Magic Jammer

A Feint Plan

Magic Cylinder



I do realize i could have some much better M/T cards, and less monsters, but i dont have duplicates of any of my good M/T cards.


I didnt realize how well Bottomless Shifting sand, Needle Wall, Needle Ceiling, Reasoning, Dice Jar, or Guardian Sphinx really are until i made this deck. Reasons:


with Bottomless Shifting Sand, i can simply destroy their high ATK monster and when its my turn, it disappears because i dont have enough cards.

With Needle Wall, i usually get rid of one monster per turn

With needle ceiling, my monsters are always face-down on my opponent's turn, so they dont get destroyed

with Reasoning, i can get out good monsters fast.

with Dice Jar, ive given my brother 6000 damage many times

with Guardian Sphinx, i can simply flip it and my Giant Axe Mummies/royal keepers/wandering mummies then all their monsters are returned, and i can atk directly, then flip em all face down and use wandering's effect to mix em up.


although this may look like its not that good, it really is.


i usually just play this one for fun though, and to annoy my brother (he's got a great beat down deck and he gets really frustrated when he picks the wrong face down monster with his Super Conductor and then i return it during his turn.)



Pure fun.



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