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Ancient Gear Chaos Giant [ANIME]

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"Ancient Gear Hound Dog " + "Ancient Gear Double Bite Hound Dog" + "Ancient Gear Triple Bite Hound Dog" + "Ancient Gear Ultimate Hound Dog"

Cannot be targeted by, and unaffected by, your opponent's Spell/Trap effects. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each. If this card attacks, negate the effects of all monsters your opponent controls until the end of the Damage Step.



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Congrats you hacked the system.  It's likely they'll make it a Semi-Nomi or Nomi in its IRL version though.

Well it would be destroyed during the end phase and rely on getting a flip effect and tribute fodder for it ... might be an otk combo, but that is about it.

It should really be a semi-nomi/nomi and then be at least untargetable by monsters, also I feel it should much rather be protected from monster effs, than from spells or traps (but still the others (monsters and traps would be good)), if it requires this much dedication and one lazy answer like castel is enough to remove it ...

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