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Dawn of the new age! (the war of the Vamps,Werewolfs,Zombies)


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I slam the Ground, causing the ground under the drug deal to toss them to Ryan, Ryan bites one then Slams him on the ground (total: 160) them Punches the others, causing them to fly to the wall (total: each 120, except 1, the wall crumbles, adding an extra 80 damage to him)


(i can handle handicap battles really well, this one is a 5-on-1)

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your stats ar now normal


you found 200v (Vampira is the unyversal money among vamps)


you found a blood pak (compleatly healls you in battle)


you found 200v


you found 200v

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It was a joke i changed it


as you where walking away a crime lord appears (yay a boss)

Crime lord: You costed me millons so you must die beast from H***

he pulls out guns shooting wildly he dose 20 damage

you now have






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@ last one: maybe but i don't think so ryan would kill you very easily

@ ryan :hey don't worry My spelling is bad most of the time


crime lord cracks his neck and seems to gain health

he pulls out a two hand guns and scores a good hit deals 50 damage

pulls out his cell phone and calls two thugs now you must kill them be fore killing the boss

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(The_Last_One: i would wipe you out in about 1 hit, lulz)


I slam the ground, causing a fissure that swallows the thugs, instantly killing them, then i grab on the crime lord, and break his phone then i swing him at the wall twice (90 damage each: 30 attack, 60 wall) then i punch him into the wall twice (160 damage each: 100 attack, 60 wall) for a total of 500 damage

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@ryan yea you killed them


your stats are now normal


you found 100v


you found lucky amulet (you only use it once it make sure you win the battle)


crime lord cracks his nech and heals get mad you broke his phone

he pulls a gernade luacher and deals 100 damage

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The Pain Enrages Ryan, making him invunerable for 3 turns, and increases all of his stats by 300, then Punches the crime lord into the wall 10 times (160 damage: 100 attack, 60 wall), then as the crime lord recovers from the attack, Ryan snaps his neck by turning the other way, inflicting 400 damage (100 per twist), for a total of 2000 damage (woah, that is epic)

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(i still have 80 health because my rage makes me invunerable for 3 turns)


1 turn has passed


i take a blood pak, fully restoring my health, then i slam the crime lord to the ground 10 times (160 damage per hit, 100 attack, 60 wall) then i slam the crime lord to the ground, then i take all of his guns and eats them, then i eat 1 of his legs, inflicting 100 damage + poison(20 per turn, requires antibiotics to cure, permanent) and i gain 100 health

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al right the crime lord is weak

what will you do



-???? (this is basicaly a mystery event if you go here you cloud end up facing a level 50 monster or facing a level 1 monster that levels you up you just don't know it all depend on what I feel like doing)



you know what choose feed or kill first

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