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My First Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Cards - Please Rate!

Mizuku Kagirinai

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For christs sake I said they already existed. I just remade them into English and added Holo Effects to some. I also created Speed World (Which was just used in Yugioh 5D's episode 1) Which hasnt even been released by Konami, nor will it ever be, as it is only functional with the new anime's 'D-Wheel' Contraption.

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I used GIMP and a great tutorial made by one of the members here in the 'Tutorial Section'. Something tells me I shouldnt of posted these.... Even though the guy who posted God Neos (as he'd made it as soon as it came onto the anime, similar to what I did) got 9/10 and 10/10 and 'Great!' and lots of other great comments, while I get flamed and get told every one of my cards are pure trash. Maybe you people arent 5D's fans?

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