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Anime slumps.

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I feel like I'm in a slump with anime recently. I've not really been able to enjoy any series, questioning why I'm even a fan in the first place, finding fandoms annoying, and I'm beginning to find half of the things I watch kinda annoying. Does anyone else ever feel like this, where half of the things you watch feel really just garbage and mediocre? I don't know. I really hate feeling like this as I want to like anime like I used to, but I really feel down about it. I'm not even sure why.

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To be fair, the vast majority of stuff is garbage.

I feel like the vast majority of shows are alright. Passable at worst. People who say this have unreasonably high standards and are caught up in gigantic circle jerks.


ot: slumps come, slumps go. Until semi recently, I didn't watch any anime at all, instead finding manga to be the easier choice. Now I've struck a good balance.

Maybe you're looking at anime too critically. Perhaps calm down and try to be absorbed in the world.

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Maybe you're looking at anime too critically. Perhaps calm down and try to be absorbed in the world.

Honestly, I had a bit of an anime slump a while ago and I realized it was because I started doing this. 

For me, anime isn't something I take seriously often. Sure, there will be titles like Death Note, Ghost in the Shell, or Parasyte where it's mostly serious business and are often regarded as well-written shows. But more often than not, I'm watching to see ridiculous action and shenanigans. You're not supposed to be questioning why Arc V duelists chant before every duel and see Yuya clones as looking similar when they don't look alike in the slightest, you coast with the show for the duels and plot development. Or at least, you shouldn't be. The show's not about solidifying that logic.


I don't know your tastes, but if you're feeling a slump, walk away for a bit. I'm 2 weeks behind on my shows right now because I don't feel like watching any of them right now.

And/or if that above paragraph applies to you, just turn your brain off. I don't think a show's inherently inferior just because you're not using your brain watching it.

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I find what's already been said incredibly accurate. Whether it's anime or not, there have been plenty of series I've seen that I thought were really cool and enjoyable but I later found out a lot of people had a lot of complaints about it, but I felt it was only because they were simply looking into things too much, and they'd like said series a lot more if they simply sat back and enjoyed it for what it is. I'm sure that's actually a bit hypocritical on my part, as well, since it's more than likely I've done the same in the past over something.

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For the most part I've always found at least 1 anime per season that I liked, but then again I usually don't have very high standards, nor do I particularly analyze the writing of a show. Unless it's something hilariously cliche or something ridiculously offensive I can usually find something enjoyable in an anime. Basically what I'm saying is don't try to take it too seriously.

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