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lets go watch football (american or european i dont even care) or something


no but really can we discuss how sheet this game has become and how sheet it probably always has been?

i dont understand how people are being fooled by konami with all these reprints pretending like they are some gods making the game cheaper for everyone when actually the top decks still cost a lot and rogue decks are worse than before.

even the banlists are a joke and even tho i didnt play a long time, from what ive seen its been pretty much the same top decks being at the top and the banlist isnt doing anything to stop it.

oh and also how pendulums are pretty much retarded. it was bad enough with the generic broken xyz and now more new cards which are being promoted very stupidly.


i dont understand why anyone here actually bothers with the game, to be honest i hope something like cfv becomes more popular and this game dies already

even the anime is sheet

to be honest the original yugioh was the sheet in a good way when i was small and knowing how kids now have to watch 5ds or zexal nowadays makes makes me sad how they cant experience the good yugioh


anyways bye i hope u read this sheet that prob didnt make sense

i hope there can be a discussion or something

pron not since some mod might lock this idk

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5Ds wasn't even bad. I did lose interest after the Dark Signer arc, though. I'll give you Zexal, though.


But really, while YGO is not the TCG that I would recommend to people or play myself, there are people who enjoy it so I do think it's a tad rude to say that it's s***. I don't think it's that great either, for the record. Even though I did consider IRL play not too long ago.

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Arc-V is astounding you shut your mouth



The anime is actually pretty good. I wouldn't call it amazing or anything, but considering the source material and its predecessors, it is a shining star and then some.


And the reason most of the top decks aren't hit... is because they're really not that bad. Nekroz is still the weakest best deck, even after it and others were hit, and Shaddoll are just goodstuffs. Others exist, too, but that's msot of it.


Pendulums are stupid as sheet, though, yeah. Amazingly fun to play (bar Qli for most), but terribly designed for sure.

5Ds wasn't even bad. I did lose interest after the Dark Signer arc, though. I'll give you Zexal, though.


But really, while YGO is not the TCG that I would recommend to people or play myself, there are people who enjoy it so I do think it's a tad rude to say that it's sheet.

well with one arc excluded, 5D's stopped being good after the dark signer arc


it had like 35-40~ good episodes

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But it's like...not sheet. I mean I barely play it but it's honestly a pretty fun game as long as you can ignore the idiots/frustration that is prevalent in every game.

The few games I have played I really enjoyed honestly.

.......Then again I used things like Wights and All Fish but yeah.

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Sure its crap, but absolutely EVERY card in this game has an out.


It doesn't matter how much I hate majespecters or PSYframes, they still have some weaknesses.

If you hate xyz, go play anti xyz decks, also most of the time you should not be watching the anime. Because it has tons of what currently DN has(cheating noobs).

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i dont understand why anyone here actually bothers with the game, to be honest i hope something like cfv becomes more popular and this game dies already




To be honest, I want Yugioh to stick around so the kids and the fedora-wearing virgin weeabos will stay away from my baby.


I mean, can you imagine the Yugioh community running to Cardfight?


Hipsters will champion Megablaster decks as "skillful" and anything that beats them is "skilless" and "sacky", that it's user can't play real Cardfight, and that it steals wins they "deserved."


Meta decks will be reviled until they fall out of power after which they'll become "skillful" or a "rogue deck."


Casuals will call for the banning of Tempest Bolt Dragon because field nuke is a death sentence for their vanilla deck that runs Stardust Trumpeter as the starter.


ARGH!!!! Stay away from my game, Yugiohs. Go cling to your Heart of the Cards topsacking and nostalgia and crappily-written Duel Terminal lore. Let us sack Triggers free of overemotional whining and deluded entitlements.


Also, tell Koonmai to make Machina Fortress Tier 0 while they're shutting down all their AAA franchises.



Sure its crap, but absolutely EVERY card in this game has an out.



Then why do we have a banlist?

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Pretty much so players don't whine about them being unable to compete (for fairness).

Konami designs the cards, but whether or not they actually playtest them to see if they'll end up being abused in Decks is another thing.


(Then again, DN has an option where you can screw the lists, so..)



Admittedly, the power creep lately pushes some Decks into dominance, and others to fall back because they can no longer compete as well.


Yeah, there are idiots on Dueling Network and elsewhere that don't know how to play (hence the little thread in Games to display moments, courtesy of Aix), but otherwise Yugioh is still fun to play for the most part. Just make sure you find someone reasonable to play with, and knows how to read effects and stuff.


Then we have the budget concerns.

A lot of us play online (on DN or YGOPro), so budget and card availability issues are not a problem.


However for those who want to play certain Decks IRL, then the price tag and regional availability is an issue. We had Nekroz going for +$1000 at one point; something that most of us wouldn't bother to do unless we were dead serious (come to think of it, the price went down a bit, but still a pain in the neck to buy).


With other Decks, certain cards are still expensive as hell, so in a way, you could pretty much say that the game is dominated by who has the most money to buy top-tier Decks.


Sure its crap, but absolutely EVERY card in this game has an out.


It doesn't matter how much I hate majespecters or PSYframes, they still have some weaknesses.

If you hate xyz, go play anti xyz decks, also most of the time you should not be watching the anime. Because it has tons of what currently DN has(cheating noobs).

Majespecters are on the lower side of offensive power, so you can still run them over in battle with most things. Either that, or kill their Scales and backrow.

Hell, Vanity's and other floodgates stop them hard.


(I say this from playing them often)


Also, learning Yugioh from the anime is a bad idea.



Sure, Yugioh has gotten somewhat crappy lately (we can partly blame Konami for this), but it's far from being a total wreck.

Then again, I'm slowly easing up on buying stuff for RL (at least until I can craft a fully functional Deck on a reasonable budget [in college student terms]).

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For some reason, i agree with you sir . . .

I also think that Konami jumped too fast


Pendulum mechanic, you can SS almost anything each turn (yay . . . sounds broken) but sure once you learned how they play, how they works and how to counter, you will  learn that mechanic "is good, but not as good as you might think"


It's kind of . . . how you enjoy s*** things with a different way and perceptions and so it becomes enjoyable and fun (that is why i'm no longer play rated at DN, mostly played in unrated using some fun-weird-random deck, i even once FTK'd some Nekroz users with my "random" deck in unrated)

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this thread is so full of sheet man


i dont understand how people are being fooled by konami with all these reprints pretending like they are some gods making the game cheaper for everyone when actually the top decks still cost a lot and rogue decks are worse than before.


Yugioh's not cheap, but no card games are all that cheap. Top decks are undeniably cheaper than they used to be especially now with mega tins since you can get decks like Tellarknights, RB and HEROes for well under £100 for the entire deck, and at the end of the day hobbies cost money and you should see it as an investment. 



even the banlists are a joke and even tho i didnt play a long time, from what ive seen its been pretty much the same top decks being at the top and the banlist isnt doing anything to stop it.


God forbid balanced, enjoyable and varied decks stay at the top for a lengthy time!


oh and also how pendulums are pretty much retarded. it was bad enough with the generic broken xyz and now more new cards which are being promoted very stupidly.


I guess


i dont understand why anyone here actually bothers with the game, to be honest


I mean I could write you a page-long essay on why I play Yugioh on behalf of most of the community but I really can't be arsed. Suffice to say not all of us think it is sheet.



i hope something like cfv becomes more popular and this game dies already


Oh yeah cool I'll go and play a luck-heavy slow-paced game where it's extremely hard to regain lost momentum.


even the anime is sheet

to be honest the original yugioh was the sheet in a good way when i was small and knowing how kids now have to watch 5ds or zexal nowadays makes makes me sad how they cant experience the good yugioh


Is it? I'll take your word for it,


yugioh is objectively sheet


What? Objectively sheet? What kind of magic yardstick of card game quality are you backing that up with?




Your post is probably even more obnoxious and insulting than Dog King's.


I realise I haven't done a particularly good job of defending myself and this whole post played out better in my head but I'm still lightly hung over and extremely hungry.

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kinda says a lot about this site that someone makes a thread saying the game the site is based around is sheet and nobody should play it and all anyone does is defend the anime

hey, I defended both ;~;


I just can't defend pendulum as a card design buff... However, I do give it credit as a general game design, as it tends o make players feel like they're being "anime" when they summon a bunch of monsters like that.

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kinda says a lot about this site that someone makes a thread saying the game the site is based around is sheet and nobody should play it and all anyone does is defend the anime


there's not even that much posts actually discussing the anime (which is actually pretty nice anyway but eh).


Game's fine as is, and in general it's getting better. KoA getting better grasp on things compared to before when it comes to things, the game itself in its best state, catering to both casual and competitive alike, among others. It has its flaws but it's actually enjoyable.


At times kinda felt that people that bash the current game are either bash it since they're stuck seeing it as the bad formats of the past (or just hating the top deck in general) or they hate it just because it's different from the Yugioh that they remember.

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no but really can we discuss how sheet this game has become and how sheet it probably always has been?

The game is in one of the best positions it's ever been currently due to the top decks being incredibly balanced from what I've seen and not warranting too much of a power level change from the banlist. Of course there's going to be straggling cards that prove this point wrong like Ptolemaios when CDI eventually comes out, but there's always an exception to the rule.


That being said though, Yugioh is certainly not for everyone. The power level is at a much higher point than what one would consider and no-one will fault you for having the opinion of not liking the game because of that. That's perfectly fine, it's your preference. But with that being said, you really shouldn't be faulting people for liking the game since they may actually enjoy the higher than normal power level.


i dont understand how people are being fooled by konami with all these reprints pretending like they are some gods making the game cheaper for everyone when actually the top decks still cost a lot and rogue decks are worse than before.

Top decks always cost a lot of money in every card game. In MtG a best deck in Standard costs $400-$500. In Modern it costs average $1200. These are the two most played formats in Magic and both of these are a lot higher than the average $150-$200 that a much better than average YGO deck would currently fetch for. The reprints really helped to bring the prices down a lot and honestly jabroniing about this any more is pretty stupid because it's becoming one of their cheaper card games to keep up with competitively.


even the banlists are a joke and even tho i didnt play a long time, from what ive seen its been pretty much the same top decks being at the top and the banlist isnt doing anything to stop it.

Reference first point. Nothing really needs to be changed.


oh and also how pendulums are pretty much retarded. it was bad enough with the generic broken xyz and now more new cards which are being promoted very stupidly.

This is opinionated again. It's a much higher power level than people are used to but at the same time some people will like that.


to be honest the original yugioh was the sheet in a good way when i was small and knowing how kids now have to watch 5ds or zexal nowadays makes makes me sad how they cant experience the good yugioh

This is purely nostalgia speaking tbh, there wasn't even anything said about how the original YGO was the sheet. :v


tl;dr People have opinions. You can by all means say that you don't like the game any more and think that it's sheet, no-one will stop you from saying that. But this card game is very different from other card games. The fast pacing and strong combo plays tend to make the game much more appealing to a demographic that doesn't want their games to take forever. If you want to play grind games, then by all means feel free to play a different card game. But you shouldn't try to bring other people down when you do because other people do enjoy this game for what it is.


On a side note, there is another thing that I want to question. Not really related to the topic, but:

Oh yeah cool I'll go and play a luck-heavy slow-paced game where it's extremely hard to regain lost momentum.


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Pro-tip to all y'alls:

Never present your subjective opinion regarding a piece of media as fact.


That being said, I really enjoy Yugioh. I played it a lot as a kid when it was super slow and the base strategy was "Summon strong monster, hope it lives, and then summon a stronger monster". I liked it back then. I found a lot of charm and fun from what it took to summon larger monsters and being able to find ways around fields. It was simpler then.


Then, because I didn't have any friends that played it (I had friends, take note), I just kinda stopped playing the game for a while until the late 5D's/early Zexal period when I jumped back in, learned all the new cards and the new power levels, and found a new joy for the game.


I really like the design of the game. I've enjoyed it on many levels, ranging from the super situational and hammy casual strategies to the opposite end of the spectrum with hyper optimized competitive decks and finding ways of overcoming large fields. I like the current level of power, and have found that there are so many different ways to enjoy this game; from accomplishing incredibly-hard-to-summon Achievement Monsters (Armityle, etc.) to heated battles between very strong decks and very smart players. It's not a simple game, and I really enjoy the complexity.


And heck, I could go ON about how much I like about this game. And clearly, it's not your thing Catman, and it's not the thing of several other people in this thread. That's fine. You're entitled to like and dislike different things just as I'm entitled to like and dislike different things. Does this mean you don't like YGO? Sure. Does this mean it's s****? No, and it doesn't do you, or anyone any good by walking around and figuratively shouting explicit negativities over something people enjoy. It's, frankly, a very sh***y thing to do.


I could go on about the reasons that I don't like CFV and why I actually hope that there isn't a massive exodus from this game to that. I don't enjoy CFV, and there's a lot I don't like about it. Does that mean it's bad? No. Does that mean I wish its immediate failure? No. If you, and many others enjoy CFV, then play the heck out of that game and I hope you have as much fun as you can.


Meanwhile, please don't rag on other people's parades just because of your opinions. Thank you.

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was probably gonna post here anyways, then I noticed this, I still like the yugiohs, man



Anyways, it's always kinda pissed me off and confused me that people jabroni about this game so much. Not only that, everything they say is within an "objective" context. Don't like the prices? Play online. Stale formats? The cool thing about this game is that it's always expanding. With new lists and new cards, nothing stays on top forever. And from a creative aspect, the number of possible decks you can play is always increasing exponentially, whether you want to play meta or do the "competitive vs casual" thing is all on you. I've heard so many people complain about Konami, what did they do? I've been peeved by a late banlist or two, but I can't see what they've done to make this game go to sheet. I've been salty, bored of the game, all of the above. Even if I quit playing, I really can't think of anything that would make yugioh objectively or subjectively sheet and warrant constant jabroniing

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Even if I quit playing, I really can't think of anything that would make yugioh objectively or subjectively sheet and warrant constant jabroniing

There are 2 very simple explanations for this that I can think of off the top of my head.


1) Not liking what the game has become because it's not what the same as it was when you joined. I feel like this one is probably the majority opinion when people say the game is bad. People will always fawn over the period where they first joined or first got competitive or whatever due to it being a "golden age" in a sense, so anything will look worse in comparison. This tends to escalate the longer this goes on for since they will feel let down by Konami for not "fixing" the game even though it was probably never broken that bad in the first place.


2) They never really enjoyed the game that much in the first place. Fairly simple answer really, they played the game out of another factor and not because they actually enjoyed the game for what it was. I can think of a couple people here who probably fit into this category, but I won't mention names.


Then there are other factors that tend to wear off over time like being mad/upset over a specific top deck because of poor MUs or something but that'll wear off.

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There are 2 very simple explanations for this that I can think of off the top of my head.


1) Not liking what the game has become because it's not what the same as it was when you joined. I feel like this one is probably the majority opinion when people say the game is bad. People will always fawn over the period where they first joined or first got competitive or whatever due to it being a "golden age" in a sense, so anything will look worse in comparison. This tends to escalate the longer this goes on for since they will feel let down by Konami for not "fixing" the game even though it was probably never broken that bad in the first place.


2) They never really enjoyed the game that much in the first place. Fairly simple answer really, they played the game out of another factor and not because they actually enjoyed the game for what it was. I can think of a couple people here who probably fit into this category, but I won't mention names.


Then there are other factors that tend to wear off over time like being mad/upset over a specific top deck because of poor MUs or something but that'll wear off.


You know, upon reflection after being a flaming jackass for over 2 years, I remember why I originally quit in 2013.




It wasn't the bad design or the broken decks (this was between late February and March before Dragon Rulers,) it was the nasty attitudes toward said decks.


Time and time again, I'd see posts on YCM demanding the banning of cards, and never seeing posts suggesting ways to play around them. I remember dubkdad1 made a video where he said "Yugioh players demand for cards to be banned that they don't want to have to play around" or something to that effect.


In my previous post in this thread, I exaggerated the horrors of Yugioh players migrating to CFV in response to that part of Cat King's post.


And, what was in that post is why I quit. YGO players (at least, here) are too goddamn negative, and it was bringing me down (and, recent posts in TCG still do.)


Combine that with a lack of interest in Zexal (aka The Burn Cards n' Bad CGI Comedy Show), and the then-fresh feel I got watching Cardfight, and I eventually got into Cardfight.


It also helped how positive the CFV playerbase is here.


I also tried getting into Magic last year, and was surprised at the greater maturity level I saw at my first Friday Night.


At some point in 2014, I got lost in the whole "we need to rebalance the game" or whatever mentally. However, I recently realized my own hypocrisy because what I, and apparently many others, hate in Yugioh, I enjoyed substantially in Cardfight's Spike Brothers.


I have actually have a small interest in returning to YGO because I keep seeing posts about how Performapals are awesome and the game is more diverse and etc., which is then shot down when someone posts about how this and that should be banned, or how this idiot on DN was a bad sport, or how meta is evil or whatever. Also, I played Monster Mash against an AI, and liked the Rank 3 stuff with Dante's milling into a 25k while setting up for Sephylons.


That's what's made me so bitter about YGO. The negativity towards competitive decks, shaming people for playing the decks they want (I don't care how broken Lightsworns, Chain Burn, or Librarian Exodia are, it's a player's right to run those decks as much as it's yours for running whatever casual deck you want), shaming people for copying decklists, or that one player here refusing to give an Exodia player the win for completing it. It's disgusting.


And, I've seen this argument that Yugioh isn't so bad if you avoid the meta and this deck and that deck. I don't want to limit the people I play against to non-meta decks or decks I can beat. When I play Cardfight at my store, I play against anyone, including the decks that wreck mine (Royals do not like Kagero and Narukami.) Why? Because I want to learn how to play around them if I have to face them in a future tournament. I invested $40-60+ in a budget deck, fancy $12 sleeves, a fancy $17 deck box imported from Japan, counters because I suck at math, and a $5 gamemat to play the game, not to play the game except against this and that.


I don't know. I guess some people need things to complain about.

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