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Hello! My username is jackelgull, though I don't mind if people shorten it to Jack. It is nice to meet you all. I admit that I am not the trendiest of Yugioh players. By that I mean I got into Yugioh through playing the ds game I think the 2011 version, and haven't bought a card since the Gemini craze,because Yugioh is an expensive hobby, and I'd rather collect the cards on the ds. I know something like Shaddolls, Noble Knights and Burning Abyss are top tier, but have only a vague idea as to what they actually do. I've also heard about penduluum summons and feel that they sound really broken. I mean sure the penduluum monsters are vulnerable, but they can just be placed on the scales without having to summon them first? So expect some questions regarding the meta and what's popular these days. 

Also I like creating cards. There are a lot of concepts I think would be cool in Yugioh that I haven't seen out of what I know anyways, and I think there are certain mechanics that haven't been utilized properly (I'm looking at you Psychics with the sacrifice you life points for mediocre effects). I also want my cards to create a deck with synergy, but not be too overpowered. 


Well, that's a little about me, I hope to see you guys again the future.

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Konami's changing their rarity policies, so stuff MIGHT be easier to get IRL; we shall see.


Anyway, welcome to YCM, jackelgull.

Like British mentioned, make sure you read the rules and agree to follow them.


In terms of Custom Cards (which is my main section), make sure you know which section you're putting stuff in.

Advanced is catered towards the metagame, so you may wish to keep tabs on the TCG section a bit also.



If you need help, PM me or one of my colleagues.

That, or a veteran like British above.


Have fun.

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