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Konami Shutting Down all Development on Major Games Except Pro Evolution Soccer


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I am starting to think that Konami doesn't care anymore about video games to the point of going bankrupt. All AAA game franchises will no longer have new games indefinitely. This means no Metal Gear, Castlevania, and no Contra. The Yugioh franchise will still keep goin' but with their game breaking decks I doubt it will last. They could always make a new Franchise but I doubt they will bother. Not even EA is willing to go this deep. R.I.P. the Konami I knew.


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The sad thing is that they'll probably keep their IPs and make more pachinko machines like what happened to silent hill or something.




I dont doubt for a second that this is what they're planning, unless they do end up selling their IP's and the FOX engine (which is, again, highly unlikely)


I mean ffs, at this point I cant help but wonder if they're actively trying to murder their own legacy and mock their customers by the way they've handled the transitioning of the company, both internaly and externaly. And somehow the mobile market is already making profits for them ._. how.


How is a company like this still afloat after collectively assassinating everything they stood for.

I wish I knew

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Well, Metal Gear is done, and they weren't doing much with Castlevania and Contra, so Konami can go now.

This is basically my thoughts. I mean I had thought they had finished the Metal Gear series already honestly.


Honestly I don't think I've really cared much about the games Konami made anyway so I suppose this doesn't bother me much. ^^;

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I don't blame them. Cost of production of games, especially AAA games, has been going up significantly and consistently for years, while the mobile market has shown itself to be a place large enough to be able to produce games on the cheap and turn a large profit. Konami has had issues making a profit on games recently, with the tipping point likely MGSV, which unurprisingly was surrounded by rumors that its budget had bloated like every MGS game. With all that in mind, and considering that the bulk of their business is elsewhere, it's not all that surprising that they'd make this decision.


That's why I'll call out someone for saying something like "Konami hates money." Fans are deservedly angry that Konami no longer wants to produce content for them, but it's not because it's a bad business decision.

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Again I ask:



I'm half tempted to call this spam. Its a old game for an old TV show that most everyone does not care about. Like if I didn't know better I would think your just trolling.



From all that I've heard about Konami the past few months this news honestly isn't shocking. They've been puling away from the market for a while now and MGSV was their last dying breath of relevance to the bigger gaming world. Honestly, its far more interesting to see what comes of the big franchises the company will just be sitting on and if more money can be made selling them off to other companies vs. making mobile games and pachinko games with them.

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I have to asked. Why are you so obsessed with that game? Honestly I've never heard anything about it, is it that good? How would it save them? I'm so confused.


Konami co-produced these games until 1998. They were still kickin, even went 3d. That is until Defenders of the Looniverse was cancelled. Shame too cause with the exception of the late Don Messick, they reunited the original cast of the show after a whole decade.

I'm half tempted to call this spam. Its a old game for an old TV show that most everyone does not care about. Like if I didn't know better I would think your just trolling.



From all that I've heard about Konami the past few months this news honestly isn't shocking. They've been puling away from the market for a while now and MGSV was their last dying breath of relevance to the bigger gaming world. Honestly, its far more interesting to see what comes of the big franchises the company will just be sitting on and if more money can be made selling them off to other companies vs. making mobile games and pachinko games with them.

What I'm saying is this could give Konami some quick cash, I mean the backlash with Legacy of the Duelist probably killed them, not that it's a bad game but they could have added more duels.


And I am no troll. I've been a fan of Tiny Toons when I was a kid, and that was 25 years ago. All I'm saying is it would be great to play these games again, games like Buster Busts Loose, Wack Sports, Buster's Hidden Treasure, games from our childhood that defined a generation. I say to them please don't kill off your franchises. Give them to other companies like Nintendo or Sony.

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