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[CFV] Stand Trigger Outta Nowhere!

Resident Fascist

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1 Beast Deity, Riot Horn

4 Red Lightning

2 Beast Deity, Death Stinger

4 Beast Deity, Ven Paurus

4 Beast Deity, Rescue Bunny

2 Energy Girl


4 Beast Deity, Solar Falcon

4 Beast Deity, Frog Master

3 Beast Deity, Blank Marsh

3 Beast Deity, Max Beat


4 Beast Deity, Brainy Papio

4 Beast Deity, Golden Anglet

3 Beast Deity, Hatred Chaos


4 Beast Deity, Ethics Buster

4 Strongest Beast Deity, Ethics Buster Extreme


4 Meteorkaiser, Victoplasma

2 Meteorkaiser, Vict-ten

1 Meteorkaiser, Tribrut

1 Snow Element, Blizza


So me and Lujan where messing around and I brought up Beast Deity and decided to actually test this deck. Turns out, this deck is actually hilarious and Extreme is a really stupidly good card when you get to use it early. Frog Master actually makes the deck work. Turn 3 Extreme Rush is pretty good, as well as break riding at any number of damage and comboing off from there. The deck still has problems like consistency, but that's just Beast Deity in general.


 Unfortunately, I'm not able to run a card like Cool Hank because he's not a Beast Deity and missing out on the Stand from Extreme is huge, the whole point of this deck is to have Extreme and Papio/Anglet with either Max Beat or Blank Marsh and repeatedly stand. I've never actually really gone into any of the Strides because Ethics Extreme is literally that good. Turns out when you Stand guys that can make guys Stand when they hit which lets you Stand guys who can Stand guys, you get a lot of attacks off and it's really hard to survive all the pressure coming in.


 Deck's surprisingly budget too for any IRL players, because for some reason everyone forgot this deck even exists.


PS: Energy Girl is bae.

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