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"Donald Trump said"


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Watching the Republican Debate (mostly cause my grandpa is here and wanted to watch it). And the phrase I keep hearing over and over is "Donald Trump said" followed by some rude/controversial remark that he had said.

So I guess, discuss Donald Trump without just saying he sucks without explanation or making jokes please

Mostly because it's interesting how the debate is, literally and figuratively, putting Donald Trump in the center of things.


Personally I hope he doesn't make it but it's honestly looking like there's a good chance.

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Personally I find it interesting we can't handle someone being unashamed to show how prejudiced/racist/rude they actually are. I don't think there's anything Mr. Trump thinks about people that he doesn't say out loud on national television. We'd rather our politicians kept lying to us that they were champions of social justice while being as bad as Trump in private. Not sure which really I prefer. I'd prefer he didn't become president and I don't agree with his views of people but at the very least he's not sucking up to me for my vote by pretending he doesn't have them.

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Personally I find it interesting we can't handle someone being unashamed to show how prejudiced/racist/rude they actually are. I don't think there's anything Mr. Trump thinks about people that he doesn't say out loud on national television. We'd rather our politicians kept lying to us that they were champions of social justice while being as bad as Trump in private. Not sure which really I prefer. I'd prefer he didn't become president and I don't agree with his views of people but at the very least he's not sucking up to me for my vote by pretending he doesn't have them.

Well I will say one thing about that though. The fact that he's "unashamed to show how rude he is" just shows that he'd be a bad leader. Cause I could imagine some serious issues coming our way if he says certain things to certain people. While I'm not saying people should straight up lie about things, they also have to be able to say things the right way.


Ummm basically I would want someone who can say what they think without making a buffoon of themselves. And the closest to that we can get the better, Trump is far from that.


I don't know why you say "can't handle"

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I think you can be politically tactful when it matters without having to spout the usual array of political responses. You don't become as successful a businessman like Trump without at least some concept of diplomancy and tact even if he chooses not to show it. 


But really politics is usually a case of picking your poison nowadays. 

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Well I will say one thing about that though. The fact that he's "unashamed to show how rude he is" just shows that he'd be a bad leader. Cause I could imagine some serious issues coming our way if he says certain things to certain people. While I'm not saying people should straight up lie about things, they also have to be able to say things the right way.


Ummm basically I would want someone who can say what they think without making a buffoon of themselves. And the closest to that we can get the better, Trump is far from that.


I don't know why you say "can't handle"


I'm not trying to defend the man at all or say he's good for America. The things he says are stupid. And by can't handle I'm referring to all the media outrage over everything he does. Because most of these other ancient old white politicians are just as bigoted as he is. But they pretend to not be and we ignore them. Then he actually says things and we're shocked to hear that people honestly hold these views or opinion when they're much more commonplace than anyone's comfortable admitting.


Something else to keep in mind is that America is actually quite a lot more conservative than the news would have you believe. And at the same time America has always liked sticking it to people. The fact Trump has support is conservative america saying screw you to all the things that have been going on of late that they don't like. It's kind of like what happened with Ronald Reagan only he wasn't quite so dumb at the whole talking to the media thing.

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I'm not trying to defend the man at all or say he's good for America. The things he says are stupid. And by can't handle I'm referring to all the media outrage over everything he does. Because most of these other ancient old white politicians are just as bigoted as he is. But they pretend to not be and we ignore them. Then he actually says things and we're shocked to hear that people honestly hold these views or opinion when they're much more commonplace than anyone's comfortable admitting.


Something else to keep in mind is that America is actually quite a lot more conservative than the news would have you believe. And at the same time America has always liked sticking it to people. The fact Trump has support is conservative america saying screw you to all the things that have been going on of late that they don't like. It's kind of like what happened with Ronald Reagan only he wasn't quite so dumb at the whole talking to the media thing.

Oh okay that's understandable. Which is funny cause all it'll do is bring the extremist edgy voters who want to vote for someone based on "Murica can't handle the truth and is weak so we need someone like him" so all the outrage might help him.

 Which is kinda what you said in the second paragraph XD

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Not a justification. However, as said before, rather an open bigot than a hidden one. A lot easier to deal with.

with public figures, politicians included, the way they behave is a hell of a lot more relevant than the way they feel. I don't care if they are only pretending to not hate women, if they manage to behave themself in the public image, good on 'em.
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Interesting way of thinking about things. I agree with what you say on behavior, but I don't think they should behave themselves. Because if he/she is a dick, and they act like a dick, we can kick dick out of office for the aforementioned offense.


Someone who hates woman managing to stay in office because he hides the fact is a terrible thing.

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I don't care how open he is. He wants to build a solid wall on our southern border? Forcefully push out all illegals and such? Is anyone aware at all at how much all of that will cost?! Plus, there will be racists involved who will try to round up the legals along with the illegals.


Trump as President = Clusterfuck with the world laughing harder than they ever have.



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I don't think "at least they are being honest" is any level of justification for openly bigoted views and actions. 

Yes it is.

I don't care how open he is. He wants to build a solid wall on our southern border? Forcefully push out all illegals and such? Is anyone aware at all at how much all of that will cost?! Plus, there will be racists involved who will try to round up the legals along with the illegals.


Trump as President = Clusterfuck with the world laughing harder than they ever have.



You're worried about money, but you're wanting Sanders. This is actually hilarious. Sanders is going to fuel a lot more, or just as much, money to get all of his plans initiated. Instead of a deficit, it will be in increased taxation. And attacking Rich people in a free market is a shitty idea, as well. It would purposely be equal taxation.

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Yes it is.


You're worried about money, but you're wanting Sanders. This is actually hilarious. Sanders is going to fuel a lot more, or just as much, money to get all of his plans initiated. Instead of a deficit, it will be in increased taxation. And attacking Rich people in a free market is a shitty idea, as well. It would purposely be equal taxation.


Money towards helping the people of the nation = good.


Money towards building a big ass wall and forcing people out of the country, including legals due to racism and thus inciting civil unrest = bad.


Comparing the two agendas and claiming they are similar is ignorant.

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Trump is for removal of illegal immigrants, not legal. What he is doing is for the good of the nation in a sense that it will be establishing a more centric work force in America, lowering the already lowered unemployment rate. Now, he is a racist, but only based around stereotypes; not his statement of immigration.


Different agendas, different goals, still functioning under what they want as president and the same limits as said presidents. If you're not comparing plans for candidates, then it is just a waste of time.

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