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[BfZ] Daily Spoilers, 09/14

bury the year

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If "creature" wasn't there, that card would be one of the best counterspells they printed in a while IMO.


On a semi-related note, am I imagining things or are they lowering the power level with each passing block?

We just got Rhino and Tasigur last block. The power level of standard ebbs and flows and I don't think has gotten much weaker since Innistrad left.

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This is how I think Converge cards should be done. Its min 3/3 Vigilance Trample for 4. Not good enough, but respectable. In a 2 color deck its a 4/4 where it has a chance of being played. At 3 colors and up its a very threatening and gives the none Abzan decks a very powerful 4 drop. I love Rhino and don't want to stop playing it, but the Sultai and their graveyard is calling me and this gives me my Rhino replacement for the deck.

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