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[BfZ] Daily Spoilers, 09/14

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Not necessarily. This can draw more cards under Vryn Wingmare and friends.


At that point, though, you're paying four different colors of mana. I can't think of what Standard decks will be wanting to do that (or be even able to).


And Crumble to Dust is gonna see all sorts of Modern play, at least in sideboards. Decks that want Sowing Salt will now want this instead.

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At that point, though, you're paying four different colors of mana. I can't think of what Standard decks will be wanting to do that (or be even able to).


And Crumble to Dust is gonna see all sorts of Modern play, at least in sideboards. Decks that want Sowing Salt will now want this instead.

It is good against it, not with it. While it plays nicely, Vryn is just an ugly card.

If only Sowing Salt was seeing in Modern.

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Painful Truth is garbage. I'd rather cast Read the Bones.


Dragonmaster Outcast is a sweet reprint, though I don't think I'll be too happy to open him.


Crumble to Dust is interesting for Modern. Thats about it.


Endless One is interesting for standard. Should see some play.


The Merfolk is AMAZING. Seriously, its one of my favorite cards in the set. Giving 0-Awaken 3 seems stupid strong.


Ally Encampment is just Haven of the Spirit Dragon that returns a thing for 1 less mana. Card seems amazing.


Also, for those that care we got the last of the 5 land art





I'm pretty disappointed with the reprints since only 1 of my 5 previous favorites made it. Granted I like a new Swamp more than my previous favorite and a new Plains hits a very similar note to an old one, but I grew attached to those lands. I'm not a fan of Bucket Island but I know a lot of people are. I am disappointed that none of John Avon's lands were reprinted. I figured they would do 1 per old artist with 1 doubling since they only had 4 cycles. Would have REALLY rather his Forest to Vincent Proce's since Proce got 2 other basics and that Forest is too pretty. I do really like the new Island and Swamp though. Going to be hard to pick a favorite to stockpile outside of the Mountain reprint.

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I mean, Painful Truth at best draws three for three, which is pretty good mana-wise, but it has to be three colors. Not happy about the rarity though.


Endless One is always on the curve forever.


I'm probably gonna build Noyan Dar EDH. Slam those counters on an INKMOTH NEXUS, YOOOOOOO

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Pretty sure this isn't here




Seems pretty ok.




I like this though. Pretty sure the Blue looking frame is just from it being highlighted.


Also, the new Ally land changes the land math. Its number 228 or 229 and we know we have nonbasics until 249 so that means we actually have 21 nonbasic lands.


We have exactly 11 right now so I'm guessing the last 10 are two cycles with MAYBE one more random land.



And yea, Sand Vomit is creepy. Close to good enough in Modern since Exiling things is SUPER helpful, but it has a LOT of competition and I don't think it will beat them out.

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Pretty sure this isn't here




Seems pretty ok.




I like this though. Pretty sure the Blue looking frame is just from it being highlighted.


Also, the new Ally land changes the land math. Its number 228 or 229 and we know we have nonbasics until 249 so that means we actually have 21 nonbasic lands.


We have exactly 11 right now so I'm guessing the last 10 are two cycles with MAYBE one more random land.



And yea, Sand Vomit is creepy. Close to good enough in Modern since Exiling things is SUPER helpful, but it has a LOT of competition and I don't think it will beat them out.

It is just a funking Essence Scatter. Please give me a break.

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