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Trying to think of good level 1 through 11 generic or semi-generic DARK main deck non-ritual monsters

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The card must be genericly usable and a good main/side deck card, also no summoning conditions except possibly "cannot be special summoned from [location name]"


It can be a good side deck card that isn't good this format as long as it stops some kind of strategy.


Ultimately its for this thread but any suggestions are welcome


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D.D Crow is a decent hand-trap, and D.D. Survivor and D.D. Scout Plane have their uses in banish decks.

Lightning Punisher is mediocre by itself but can make a great semi-loop with Iris the Earth Mother and Blast Asmodian.

Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite can help reuse things like Call of the Haunted and Fiendish Chain, as well as providing Tribute/Synchro/Xyz fodder. When combined with Armageddon Knight you can get out a Rank 4 quite easily.

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