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[MtG] [BfZ] Daily Spoilers 08/09


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I have a question regarding Zada: Say I target him with something while I have a bunch of creatures with Heroic out, they all get hit with the spell too. Do their Heroic abilities trigger?


Yep, they do, since you're casting a new copy of the spell for each creature.

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Zada's pretty awful as a commander. Only hitting your side of the board and being limited to red means that you're only gonna really see combat tricks played with her. Which, as we all know, are terrible in EDH. She'll see more play in the 99 of decks with more colors to abuse. Maybe five-color Allies?


Smothering Abomination, though... Holy sheet, I want it. That's a very potent ability and an efficient body.

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When I first read Abomination I thought the draw was limited to his effect. I was mistaken. Card seems quite good, especially in a token deck since the draw a card when something dies effects are limited to non-tokens. Pretty sure my friend is going to want a copy for Teysa EDH.


Zada fine, though not something I'm interested in.

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