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[MtG] [BfZ] ENEMY MANLANDS! ...and more spoilers (Daily Spoilers 07/09)


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>believing anything MaRo says anymore


I wish bring to light was an instant, It seems pretty weak at sorcery speed.


Also, Scythe leopard is a sweet card, not quite steppe lynx but it gives green aggro decks a really good 1 drop in standard.

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Bring to Light's art, hnnnnrg. Only run in your three to five color EDHs.



Also, the manlands will be split across the block. Probably three for BFZ and then the other two in OGW.

Curious, what are the best 3 drops to get with this?


3/2 split seems reasonable. After number crunching you get 16 lands in the set. Canopy Vista is 234, Sunken Hollow is 249, and a plains is 250. So 5 duels, 3 man lands leaves 8 other lands for the set. At least 5 will be common spell lands like the first Zendikar set had and either 3 other or another cycle with 2 starting with A or B.

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