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Activate this card by targeting 1 monster you control. It cannot be destroyed by battle. If it is targeted for an attack by an opponent's Level 5 or higher monster: You can destroy that monster, and if you do, it gains ATK equal to the destroyed monster's ATK.



Considering Dragon's Bind is gonna be in 907 there's a chance we might see this as well. What are your thoughts? Is it good as is or does it need a buff/nerf.



No picture because "this image extension is not allowed" even though i've gotten pics before in past threads.

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Is it a Continuous Trap or Spell? Because if it's a Trap then I presume you could surprise your opponent when they attack with a high-level monster and use it as a Magic Cylinder + Sakeretsu Armour.


Also, it doesn't seem to target the opponent's monster, which is nice.

its a Continuous Trap

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