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Star Eater [3200 posts]

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1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Must be Synchro Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card's Synchro Summon cannot be negated. When Synchro Summoned, cards and effects cannot be activated. If this card attacks, it is unaffected by other card effects until the end of the Damage Step.


Because 3,200 posts.

Last time I checked this card's main role in the current metagame is to take down Towers; also as currently the only Synchro11 available, with generic 2-material requirements plus solid effects and stats, it nicely fills a gap in decks that can, even if occasionally, arrange the Levels to Summon it.

Looking at the art makes me think that Wyrm-Type would have suit it better, but Wyrms weren't a thing yet when this card was released.




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I'm wondering how you can't negate it's Synchro Summon if it hasn't technically "hit the field" yet, but I suck at rulings, so of course I'm just gonna go with what it says.


Also the only ghost I've pulled irl, what a box of jotl


The same reason you can't chain anything to Super Polymerization (including cards that can negate the activation). Or negate the Summon of the Egyptian Gods. The card text explicitly says so. It's not a Continuous Effect, but a condition on the card itself.

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