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Dragon’s Bind (907)

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... rulers. Azure Eyes, Tempest, REBD if you run it, Stardust Spark, etc. Oppression is likely still ...

Besides Azure (DEF too high), yeah...


Moonlight Rose does sound hilarious though.


Personally, I'd try this in my Ultimaya deck (probably with Spark). It triggers Ultimaya when set and it also takes care of the deck's worst enemies, Castel and Exciton. It also locks out Instant Fusion plays and (on the more casual side of things) Superheavies, Fluffals, Raidraptors, Traptrix, most R4 and lower spam, U.A... and the list goes on.


I think this is a really good card to push Synchros back into flavor...

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As weird as it is, I personally was wondering how well this card could work with lswarms. Summon Bahamut (2350 atk) after the opponent summons something good, steal it with his effect, then summon Ophion (that turn or one turn later, depending on how your field looks). I like the way the scenario would play out, but it's just hypothetical obviously.

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