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Rate my skull lair+soul absorb deck

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ok this is my deck it is a skull lair soul absorb with blue eyes and relinguish back up note i am using tournament rules and have not that many cards.




Tribute Monsters


2x blue eyes white dragon

1x airknight parshath




2x wall of illusion

2x man eater bug

1x lord of D

1x muka muka

3x la jinn the mystical genie of the lamp

1x opticlops

1x gearfried the iron knight

1x big eye

1x harpies brother

1x reulinguish

1x paladen of white dragon

1x dark jeroid

1x old vindictive magician

1x hysteric fairy

1x kaiser sea horse




1x black illusion ritual

2x stop defence

1x big bang shot

1x premature burial

1x the flute of summoning dragons

1x final countdown

1x gravekeeper's servant

1x soul absorption

1x white dragon ritual

1x Monster reborn




3x trap hole

1x skull lair

2x waboku


ok there is my deck now inprove it


Monsters: 19

Spells: 11

Traps: 6

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