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|_)Digimon: UPDATE(_| [IC]


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Yusuke was just about to stick to her word and go off ahead when all of a sudden, she heard a whimper from Gabe, mentioning that everyone should just stick together. Of course, being as bull-headed as she was, Yusuke kept going for a short distance, until Sam made the effort to actually stop her.


"Yusuke, you moron! Don't go in there on your own! We don't want you to be our first impression!"


...wait, did Yusuke hear that right; that last thing that Sam said? Something about not wanting her to be the party's first impression? That really pissed her off, and although she tried to keep her new-found rage in check, she just couldn't hold back what she was about to say any more.


"AND JUST WHAT THE funk AM I TO YOU??!! SOME WALKING SACK OF sheet THAT YOU GET TO KEEP ON A funking LEASH??!! HUH??!!" Yusuke screamed at the top of her lungs, pausing only to catch her breath. Her outburst was far from done, however.


"What about him?!" she yelled again as she pointed to Gabe, before moving her pointing finger over to Kazuto, "Or that lazy funker?! Or that Canadian that you told us could actually cook?! You're seriously placing all of them above me; is that what this is?! REALLY??!! WELL I WON'T funking STAND FOR IT!! Now... what I'm gonna do... is go on ahead like I said I would. And then... I'm gonna come back... in one piece(!)... and if anything actually happens, I'll tell you all about it... maybe..."


With all that of her chest, and not forward to coming back for a long while, Yusuke walked down the lone passageway in low spirits.




Meanwhile, Bearmon was still quite happily eating the kettle corn that Glenn had prepared when Yusuke's sudden outburst had caught his attention. Of course, Yusuke always had the bad habit of swearing too loosely, even around children such as Hotaru and her twin sisters Kame and Kameko. But there was only one condition in which she'd end up letting loose that big an F-bomb, and that was when she was gravely upset or angry. Supposing that he should make the attempt to cheer her up, Bearmon set the kettle down and set off. Unfortunately, Yusuke was long gone by the time he got to where Sam was.


"What happened with Yusuke?" a concerned Bearmon asked Sam.

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Kazuto lay there on the soft grass, his eyes shut, but remaining conscious all the while.  He heard a few passing comments here and there about him napping (something he wasn't entirely unaccustomed to), but didn't particularly make any sort of effort to show he was still awake until he noticed someone sit down beside him.  As he opened his eyes, he noticed it was Takeru, and he gave his friend a small smile and a wave before laying back again, this time with his eyes open, watching the clouds.  All the while, FanBeemon and Hotaru continued to eat with everyone else.

As he heard Takeru floundering in his conversation with Eileen, Kazuto bit his lip, silently praying to himself that Takeru's misery ended quickly.  Sure enough, the conversation didn't last long, and Eileen didn't seem to notice Kazuto right there next to him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

And that was when everything got a bit...Difficult.

Yusuke had been making her way away from the group and toward the temple now, and Sam had called out to her in an attempt to reel her back in.  Ever the...sensitive individual, as Kazuto would put it, Yusuke immediately retorted with: "AND JUST WHAT THE F*** AM I TO YOU??!!  SOME WALKING SACK OF S*** THAT YOU GET TO KEEP ON A F***ING LEASH??!! HUH??!!"


Kazuto winced as he heard Yusuke's outburst.  Sure, she had a bit of a temper and was a bit more prone to outbursts than others, but...This was different.  She sounded defensive...Hurt, even.  But she was far from over.

"What about him?!" she yelled again as she pointed to Gabe, before moving her pointing finger over to Kazuto, "Or that lazy f***er?! Or that Canadian that you told us could actually cook?! You're seriously placing all of them above me; is that what this is?! REALLY??!! WELL I WON'T f***ing STAND FOR IT!! Now... what I'm gonna do... is go on ahead like I said I would. And then... I'm gonna come back... in one piece!... and if anything actually happens, I'll tell you all about it... maybe..."

It was when he realized the "lazy f***er" remark was directed at him that Kazuto rather uncharacteristically (and even more ungracefully) sprung to his feet, stumbling a bit from his undernourishment and fatigue taking hold.  Before anyone else (save for Bearmon) could really process what to do next, Kazuto motioned to FanBeemon, and then to Bearmon, if he was paying attention.  "I think I'm uh...I'm gonna go after her; make sure she's alright."  Then, with a shrug and a half-hearted smile, he added: "Besides, if she kills me, at least she'll calm down after that, eh?"

Hotaru bit her lip and stood up, as though she was about to protest everything her brother was saying, but he calmly waved her off.  "It'll be fine.  Just stay with everybody else.   FanBeemon?"

FanBeemon kind of looked about, not entirely convinced...And to be quite honest, he was probably far from the only one who felt that way.  However, when his eyes met Kazuto's, he gave a small nod and buzzed over to him.  "Yeah, alright...Don't know what you expect to accomplish, but what the hell..."


And with that, Kazuto and FanBeemon proceeded to follow after Yusuke, Kazuto calling out her name all the while.

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"AND JUST WHAT THE f*** AM I TO YOU??!! SOME WALKING SACK OF s*** THAT YOU GET TO KEEP ON A f***ing LEASH??!! HUH??!!"  Yusuke had flown into a fit that made Gabe tense up.  His face was red and his eyes were starting to well up.


"We should all just..."  His whispers were outmatched by Yusuke's screams.  


"What about him?!"  He could feel the finger pointing at him, but it felt more like a dagger in his side.  "Or that lazy f***er?! Or that Canadian that you told us could actually cook?! You're seriously placing all of them above me; is that what this is?! REALLY??!! WELL I WON'T f***ing STAND FOR IT!! Now... what I'm gonna do... is go on ahead like I said I would. And then... I'm gonna come back... in one piece!... and if anything actually happens, I'll tell you all about it... maybe..."


As Yusuke started leaving, others followed.  Gabe had no intention of following her, he was too busy bawling his eyes out.  The tears that had been held back so far had now began to pour down his cheeks.  Loki looked to his tamer with a rare concerned look on his face.  "Boss, boss!  You can't be cryin' over here!  Rats to that girl...who needs her and her mentally inclined goon!?  You got me right?  Let's follow Eileen instead, gehe!"  That's right, Eileen had attempted to get everyone together.  He would follow her instead of chasing after the others and getting himself lost.  Gabe wiped all the fluids that covered his face and nodded.  


"T-Thanks Loki...you're the best."  Gabe went to pet his Tsukaimon on the head.  Reluctantly, and with a huff, Loki let it slide.  The touch was nice, but after a couple of seconds, Loki moved his head away from Gabe's hand.  


"Now come on...we don't have all day you know?  Gehe!"  Loki guided a sniffling Gabe to Eileen and Labramon. He snickered at Labramon.  "At least you and your tamer can keep your composure.  At least you're good for that much, Gehe!"  

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 Instead of waiting as a sane person might do, by Sam's definition anyway, Yusuke stormed off by herself into the temple. Forget first impressions, there was no guarantee there were not a billion hiding critters between them and Gallantmon. A clearly powerful digimon would be in no danger, and the more intelligent lurkers might still be hiding, expecting smaller prey.
Sam turned to Eileen immediately, hoping to find her interpretation of the situation matching his own. Finding the exact opposite in her words, his leg shook and collapsed, bringing him to his knee. Betamon circled him once with a slightly worried but calm expression. He then stared at the void for a moment.
"You're not walking anytime soon with your leg in that condition." he called finally.
"I didn't know you were a doctor, smartass." Betamon was staring hard at Sam's mocking smirk. His eyes quickly dropped away and his face darkened. "What will I do Betamon? I can't be dead weight like this."
The little green digimon let out a sharp chirp and spidered back behind Sam. The human couldn't see what the other was doing behind his back, but any protests were uniformly met with a reassuring negative. Sam could suddenly feel something tightening around his kneeling leg. The feeling jerked to a stop; Betamon was now calmly tiptoeing as he usually would without-
"Try standing Sam," Betamon said with a wide, heartfelt grin.
The thought clicked, his muscles contracted in perfect working order; his leg felt comfortably cased but fresh with plenty of freedom of movement. Covering his now ragged school uniform's knee was Chthus's crest. He should've thought of this earlier. He wouldn't even have been tired hadn't it been for this. Still Sam couldn't help feeling like he was forgetting something. Betamon's voice practically chimed in.
"I'm not Labramon, but I know about legs giving in." He lifted one of his spiked little legs and waved it best as he could. "And by the way,"
"Ouais sure, I'll carry you." Before Betamon was done giving him his do-this-for-me look, he was already in the air and on Sam's head. It came to Sam's attention for the first time how light Betamon was. Maybe it was Chthus's weight all this time? What was the thing built with that made it so heavy?
Questions for later. Right now, the show had to go on.
But as always, Takeru was still sitting there dumbfounded by Elly. First order of business was to get everyone moving. Staying behind underprepared could get anyone killed here. It still stroke Sam as strange that none of his companions understood that, other than little Gabe with his quiet protest.
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  • 4 weeks later...




"AND JUST WHAT THE f*** AM I TO YOU??!! SOME WALKING SACK OF s*** THAT YOU GET TO KEEP ON A f***ing LEASH??!! HUH??!! What about him?! Or that lazy f***er?! Or that Canadian that you told us could actually cook?! You're seriously placing all of them above me; is that what this is?! REALLY??!! WELL I WON'T f***ing STAND FOR IT!!"


Takeru looked up from his food and the ground, his expression rather noticeably souring as he listened to Yusuke's outburst. Conflict was something Takeru had trouble coping with, and his spirits, already dampened somewhat by the long hike and his rather short wasted opportunity with Eileen, quite rapidly sank to a low point for the day. He pinched the bridge of his nose and quietly groaned as Yusuke stormed away.


"What did you do this time, Sam?"


As he was thinking this to himself, he caught sight of Kazuto getting to his feet in his peripheral vision. He listened as his friend spoke to the rest of the group. "I think I'm uh...I'm gonna go after her; make sure she's alright. Besides, if she kills me, at least she'll calm down after that, eh?"


A little ways away, Dracomon had heard the entirety of the conversation and, like his partner, was quite perturbed by it. Rather than letting it get him down, however, he responded to it in typical Dracomon fashion.


"Yusuke you irate ignoramus! Get back here!" He yelled through a mouthful of kettle corn, despite the fact that she was likely out of earshot by now. "We don't know what's in there! Its foolhardy to go alone!" He waited a moment for a response, then growled audibly when there was none.


Dracomon's outburst was loud enough to snap Takeru out of his funk. As he watched Kazuto and Fanbeemon run after her, Takeru too got to his feet, shaking his head back and forth in an attempt to dispel the negative thoughts form his head. 


"Dracomon! We should probably go too! I uhh... I don't think yelling at her is gonna help too much!"


The little dragon gave his partner a satisfied nod, then turned and started after the others who had begun to leave, forcing Takeru to sprint to catch up to him. Harsh, but his partner was going to have to get used to this sort of thing eventually.

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"I think I'm uh... I'm gonna go after her; make sure she's alright. Besides, if she kills me, at least she'll calm down after that, eh?"


It wasn't Sam who said it, although he was the one that Bearmon was expecting an answer from. But instead, it was Kazuto of all people who volunteered to search for Yusuke, which... to be frank, this was the exact opposite of what Bearmon was expecting. Nonetheless, Kazuto and FanBeemon headed down the tunnel.


"Hey! Wait up!" Bearmon ran in an effort to catch up to the two. However, like the complete dumbass that he had to admit that he was, Bearmon had lost the two of them at a fork. Unbeknownst to everyone else, this fork that Bearmon came across was just one... out of enough to make the entire innards of the temple look like a labyrinth. It was difficult to imagine Kazuto, FanBeemon or even Yusuke to soldier on through to the end... but yet here Bearmon was still stuck somewhere near the start. However, he did know that Yusuke wanted to be alone. And apparently this was enough for him to hatch a plan.


"K guys, we need to make a group decision," Bearmon announced, "We can go left at this junction up ahead, or we can go right. What say you?"



It wasn't even just a labyrinth that rest of the party had to contend with whether they were aware of it or not either. There were traps of all kinds strewn all over the temple, ranging from rope traps similar to the one Dracomon fell into earlier, to purposefully weakened parts of the structure that would cave in when one made the wrong move, to trapdoors that'd trigger via pressure plates, to flames or arrows being spewed out of the walls every so often... there were even the classic anchor-shaped pendulums of all things, that'd swing back and forth, and skewer anything that would obstruct their paths. Some of these traps Yusuke would have seen coming from a mile away, and others she had to realize were there the hard way. Nonetheless, Yusuke made it through every one of them relatively unscathed, and all that stood in her way now was a slab of rock that had been erected right in the middle of what looked like a doorway.


If Yusuke were to hazard a guess, she'd believe she was at the entrance to the obligatory "boss room". But she wasn't in the mood to hazard any kind of guess. She was still angry at Sam for his insensitive remark, and just reminiscing about it was enough to enrage her... again.


"Oh I'll show that jabroni!" she cursed as she punched the slab of rock in front of her, "Me being their first impressions MY ASS!!"


Yusuke threw another punch at the slab, and another and another and another. She only stopped upon seeing the state of one of her fists with her peripheral vision. The skin of her fingers was starting to peel and run dry, and blood began to trickle down them and drip onto the floor. Yusuke gasp at the sight of it.


"M-my hands...! They're bleeding..." Yusuke continued to stare at the palms of her hands for a few seconds, before suddenly clutching her head, "No. This isn't right... this is... t-this is bullshit! My head shouldn't be hurting more than my hands; it's not even the thing that's bleeding!"


No doubt this was the sound of Yusuke starting to lose herself. Yusuke drew quicker and heavier breaths in her panic, and then she made a big, long, drown-out inhale. Finally, after letting loose a blood-curdling wail of despair, Yusuke threw another series of punches at the slab of rock that were faster than the first... and even threw in several kicks for good measure. She wasn't gonna stop until something would begin to hurt more than her head.


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Kazuto ran as hard as he could (which, in all honesty, wasn't as fast as one might hope) after Yusuke, following the sounds of her cursing and the path of jungle carnage left in her wake.  FanBeemon kept pace beside him, despite both of them knowing he could go much faster than Kazuto could; clearly, he was deferring to his partner on this endeavor.  Kazuto occasionally gave a glance back to make sure Bearmon was still ambling along behind them, and upon verifying he was still in sight, would continue on toward the temple.


When the two of them entered the temple, they only had a brief moment of rest before they heard the echoing sounds of Yusuke's swearing and god-knows-what-else coming from one direction of the fork, and without looking back, they proceeded in that direction.  It wasn't until they heard Bearmon far behind them at the entrance that Kazuto looked back and called "Sorry!"  However, that didn't impede their progress in the slightest, Kazuto still intent on catching up to Yusuke.


FanBeemon, due to his aerial mobility and natural agility, faced no difficulty from any of the traps presented.  However, realistically, there's absolutely no way Kazuto would have survived the traps laid throughout this temple on his own merits.  Somehow, though, due to the strange combination of muscle fatigue and adrenaline rush that pushed his body at just the right pace, he managed to stop short of a lot of pitfalls and narrowly dodge out of the way of some of the nastier booby traps.  However, just as he saw the tunnel widen up...




"Agh!" Kazuto was sent spinning by the sudden blow to his shoulder.  He had stepped on a pressure plate inadvertently, causing a spear to jut out of the wall to his immediate left, slashing him across the shoulder.  There was a small spray of blood, but that was merely a result of the speed at which it had occurred; the wound was not gushing by any means.  The only reason it didn't hit him anywhere vital is that his fatigue, combined with his natural slouch, put him in a different running stance than most would use, putting his left arm nearer the trap than his heart.


However, he didn't let that stop him as he now came into the room where Yusuke was located, currently bashing her hands against a wall.  Winded and clutching his bleeding shoulder, he limped over to her, placing his other hand on her upper arm.  "H-Hey..." he croaked out, panting like a dying animal.  "You...Yusuke...Don't...Run off like that...Okay?"


"Geez, you're an idiot, you know that?!  Running off into the jungle, then through this hellhole...You could've gotten yourself killed!  Even worse, you could've killed us!  I mean, look at Kazuto's arm!  You should honestly—"


"FanBeemon, that's enough," Kazuto said, his voice low.  "She doesn't need a lecture...That's what got us into this mess."  Shaking his head, he turned to face Yusuke again.  "Are you...Are you okay?"



To say Hotaru was caught off-guard by this whirlwind of events was an understatement.  Yusuke, someone she looked up to for her strength, had suddenly snapped at the group and stormed off into the jungle.  Then, her brother and FanBeemon rushed off after her, telling her to stay behind while god-knows-what happens to them.  Add onto that suddenly Takeru and Dracomon giving chase as well, Hotaru was in a decidedly bad mood.


Dumb idiots! she thought to herself.  Just running off like that, into the jungle!  What happens if they get hurt?  What happens if they...?


She whirled around to look at the rest of the group.  She pursed her lips tightly, then stomped her foot down.  "Well?" she snapped.  "We can't just let them all go off like that, can we?!  You all know how Kazuto-onii-chan is; he's gonna get killed out there if we don't go after him!"  Tears began to well up in her eyes as she yelled.  With one last sniffle, and a glance at each member of the party left in the clearing, she too ran off into the jungle, hot on Takeru and Dracomon's heels.

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Hotaru's loud reprimand jerked Betamon in Sam's arms, now staring at her image blurring at the temple entrance. He needn't even look at Sam, this sort of thing was plenty obvious. After standing still for what felt like weeks, surely he was aching to test his borrowed toy. Sure enough, and without a word, Sam had picked up the pace and now accompanied Hotaru.
On Sam's face, the look of confidence was deformed by worry and unpreparedness: Did any of the others realize they were likely heading to their deaths? At this point, Sam even doubted whether Yusuke was still alive. The prospects only looked bleaker as he and Hotaru passed a few corridors whose walls were marked with visible violence. Sam could only cling to the fact that there was no blood around, that some digimon or other had offed itself before Yusuke made her way down here, or, or-
"Nothing to worry about so far," Betamon spoke, with his usual calm note and lovely timing; "your brother and the others who ran ahead made it for sure."
He was talking to Hotaru, Sam realized; he didn't just talk to others like that. On turning to look at her (briefly, lest he not see a pressure plate and get stabbed), her tears were rolling uncontrollably still. Sam wanted to speak a word of reassurance, though his own fear kept him quiet. Betamon's voice had always proven to be much more soothing, at any rate.
Yusuke screamed in the distance. Panic finally settled in, putting Sam at the top of his lungs almost without realizing. "DON'T MOVE, YUSUKE! WAIT FOR US!"

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Eileen had been expecting something of a calm movement towards the temple as she'd called on the group to get moving. It was quickly shown to her this would be anything but calm. People had started running off after Yusuke. First Kazuto then followed quickly by Takeru, Sam and even Hotaru. Gabe and Loki were about the only ones yet to really take off after them and had wandered over close to Eileen and Labramon. Loki made a comment to Labramon who had become a little more uncomfortable with the situation especially with the two he trusted the least around Eileen close by. He made no real effort to reply. Eileen seemed to be realizing though just why everyone was so concerned. She hadn't thought the place Gallantmon had called them to might be dangerous but then every movie she'd ever seen should have been telling her a strange temple like this would be crawling with traps. The group was fairly dispersed with how everyone had taken off running at different times that could prove incredibly dangerous. She turned quickly to her partner.


"Labby I need ya to do me a huge favor." she said, a concerned look on her face. Labramon perked up and got excited.


"Okay Eileen! Anything for you." he replied, his dog-like enthusiasm shining through.


"I need you to go catch up to Hotaru for me and stick with her til we can get the whole group back together." she said bracing herself for the incoming refusal.


"No way! I can't leave you behind Eileen! You're fast too we can both catch up if we hurry. Come on let's get going!" he said defiantly. He'd eagerly agreed to do anything for her but leaving her side wasn't in his definition of anything.


"Look Labby, I gotta look after Gabe here. We'll be right behind you but I just need ya close by Hotaru okay? She likes you a lot and I now you can keep her safe. Don't worry about me for now okay, I'll be fine." she replied. She could see how conflicted he was on his face. He really did want to help Hotaru like she'd wanted but at the same time he really didn't want to leave her. After what must have been an eternity in his mind he begrudgingly agreed and took off running after Hotaru.




Watching Labramon take off Eileen couldn't help but laugh a little. Despite how against leaving her side he'd been he was really booking it now.


"And he says I'm fast too. I don't got anything on him when he really goes for it." she said aloud mostly to herself. With that she shifted her attention to Gabe and Loki. She wasn't sure how Gabe would do running off after everyone especially given the trek they'd just been through to get here. But she'd also been really worried about Hotaru. Would have been easier to worry about everyone if they'd just stayed together.


"Well come on then you two. We're gonna need to catch up. No need to run full speed or anything, we'll bring up the rear. Let me know if you get tired along the way Gabe. We'll get there as fast as we can but we're not gonna kill ourselves ya hear?" she said as she started off faster than the walk to the temple she'd originally planned on, Labramon's figure getting smaller in the distance. While focused on helping Gabe she could already feel her nerves beginning to stress her out with Labramon not at her side.




Labramon had been really conflicted over Eileen's request to run off ahead. He knew she was really worried about Hotaru but that didn't change the fact he'd be really worried about her the whole time they were apart. Still he had to do what she'd asked and so he ran just about as fast as his little legs could carry him. The temple was rapidly approaching given his pace and as he approached he might have taken in just how large it was had his mind not been occupied worrying about Eileen being alone with Gabe and Loki of all people. He'd arrived at the entrance just in time to hear a far off scream which sounded something like Yusuke. And quickly another yell from Sam though much closer. Labramon found that Sam Betamon and Hotaru were right ahead of him meaning he'd managed to catch up to them.  Now panting heavily from the sprinting he walked up to Hotaru's side.


"Come on," he started, "Let's go catch up with your brother. Stay close by and we'll get you there safe.". Even as he spoke he was already getting anxious about Eileen and couldn't help but look back towards the entrance every few seconds to see when they'd catch up.


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"Well come on then you two. We're gonna need to catch up. No need to run full speed or anything, we'll bring up the rear. Let me know if you get tired along the way Gabe. We'll get there as fast as we can but we're not gonna kill ourselves ya hear?"


Eileen's voice shook Gabe out of his sorrowful stupor.  Eileen had sent Labramon ahead, it was a strange sight seeing just her.  "R-right..."  He stepped towards the jungle, and started off with a light jog.  He turned to Eileen, his eyes avoiding direct contact.  "Thanks...for staying with me..."  As he heard the screams of his teammates, he suddenly found himself increasing his pace, taking the lead from Eileen.  As his jog turned into a run, he was made aware that the jungle was infested with traps.  As he ran, he noticed a sinkhole in the ground that lead to a pit of bamboo like spears.  Gabe barely cleared the jump, and Loki had it easier.  Gabe was sure that if he could make it, Eileen could do it ten more times better.  a 


"Oh boy boss!  This place is a sadists dream!"  Loki cleared out his throat.  "Not like it's mine or anything!"


The group had come to many forks on the path they were on, but Gabe looked to the trail to look for tracks.  "Just like tracking w-wild d-dogs....back home..."  Gabe came to a halting stop as he saw blood spattered against a jungle wall.  "Oh no..."  As Gabe placed his next foot forward, he could fill a sinking tile beneath his toe.  Before he could trigger whatever trap lay in wait, Gabe simply hopped over the area.  "Eileen!  Watch out for this pressure trap!"  As he began his sprint, a trip wire caught him by surprise, and a log swing barreled towards him.  


"BOSS!  WATCH OUT!  Friendly Fire!"  Loki hit Gabe with a dark boom bubble to knock him to the jungle floor.  He was inches away from getting his block knocked off.  Gabe arose and dusted himself off.


"Thank you Loki..I owe you one."  


"You got that you freakin' clutz!  Now let's go, I see the others ahead of us!"  As Loki had said, the group was straight ahead.  Gabe didn't say anything as he approached them, but most seemed to be injured, Kazuto was holding his arm and Yousuke's hands were bleeding.  He was glad at least that no one was dead.  Loki wasn't so silent, and voiced his opinion as clear as day.  "You're all a bunch of idiots!  Every single last one of ya!  You shouldn't be ditching your teammates...like I even care.  But I'm sure Gabe did!  He's the weakest one here besides that little snot Kazuto calls a sister!"


"Loki...It's fine...I'd probably be better off dead anyways."  The last part was almost inaudible.

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