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[cfv] black nurse/metatron AF, or, "waiting on the bench"


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this would be a concept deck that I've been testing out, it has been winning fairly strong when it does work, but it's been feeling clunky at the start of games, for some reason the g3s like to avoid my hand.

here's the deck, I'll detail how I play the deck afterwards to give an idea how it's supposed to work.

to inform, I normally run concept decks at 16 14 12 8 on the grade lineup.

starter: black candle Azrael

running effect rainbow triggers atm:

sunny smile angel 4

critical hit angel 4

fever therapy nurse 4

doctroid lifros 4 (this card is broken, I really want to run at least 2. it does ALL the support)


black record lsrafil 4 (the counter charge is helpful for this deck.)

thousand ray pegasus 4 (the power booster)

doctroid primas 3 (extra damage summon)

battle cupid nociel 2 (triggers defenses)


medical bomber nurse 3 (extra damage summon)

black slice, harut 3 (gb1 caller to make a row with primas/medical combo piece)

love machine gun nociel 3 (for the meta combos, also places extra summon units into damage for later)

nurse of broken heart 3 (the new thousand ray, it's too good at it's job honestly, often is a big target.)


Black shiver gabreel 3 (strider, defensive vanguard to last for days.)

crimson lore, metatron 3 (strong finsher combo with broken heart and thousand rays. I often have rg rows at 25+ range, and the vanguard is nearing 50 often,)

crimson impact metaron 2 (for the lore support, not actually that good, is on the chopping block to just go 4/4 on the other two)


holy  seraph uriel 1 (1st stride, usually done when riding metatron first and I need to go agressive into field setup.)

holy seraph rasiel 1 (finisher stride, for when metatron hasn't shown up yet, but I have the field ready regardless)

holy seraph raphael 4 (the heals are stronger than i first assumed.)

snow element, Blizza (1st stride with gabreel to get 1 turn gb2, usual flip target uriel, and a second one for after the raphael heals, just in case I have a bad field and need a power push, because by then i have 6 face up in gzone, so a free 30K boost.)


the main idea is to take about 3 damage early game, using the damage space now to make combo plays when possible, I use the damage switchers to counter charge a bit, and the stand trigger does the rest, being a unflip 2/ draw 1 that can shuffle 3 triggers back into deck if needed. it's quite strong, stronger than I certainly expected it to be.

the deck doesn't have a ton of free plays before first stride, so keeping on the defense in the mid game would be recommended. on the grinding turns, stride into raphael if possible, hopefully on top of gabreel, which will trigger all the damage callers as well to make free rows.

metatron plus cupid and nurse, with even 1 stand trigger, can combo out into 6 damage swaps at minimum, which means +12, and a 21k nurse on the front row, a very strong amount for a stand target actually, which makes doctroid useful as a trigger as well. I usually attack with her first to keep that possibility open. try to support the opposite rear guard row with a Pegasus, not the vanguard first, as nurse already boosts vanguard for when it matters. the deck feels very snowballing as soon as gb1 is reached, often helping my hand keep full, and you generally get to sit on a 20k vanguard when the unblocked hits damage trigger, making almost any non vanguard attack pointless for ending the game

as for a bit of reasoning while setting up fields, you only need 1 nurse in play, and 1 pony in play opposite row, to have strong numbers, so don't waste your power by playing 2 nurse and having them get destroyed, while the 3rd one is still buried in the deck,


if anyone else has been testing this stuff, I'd love to hear advice on improving the deck, it feels really close to being something just monstrously powerful

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list update. couple of refinement changes.

-2 draw, -1 stand, +3 crit. with roids returning to deck, its easy to keep the stands coming, and trigger loading the deck is just pure mind game.

-candle +tuirel, helps the early game grades going up, to stop a bit of the grade locking that can happen.

-medical bomber, +harut, nurse, hmg. with the fact I need backrow more than front, I don't need free g2s really.

-1 blizza, +1 madeu. I've always felt that g zone should be more techy rather than lumping 4 and 4.


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