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My IRL Harpie Deck

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Harpie's Pet Dragon x2

Harpie Lady 1 x3

Kuribandit x2

Harpie Channeler x3

Harpie Harpist x3

Harpie Dacer x3

Harpie Queen x3


Harpie's Hunting Grounds x3

Elegant Egotist X1

Hysteric Sign x2

Soul Charge x1

Dark Hole x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Swallow's Nest x2


Mirror Force x2

Dimensional Prison x1

Compulsory Evacuation Device x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x1

Hysteric Party x3

Solemn Warning x1


Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon x2

Steels warm Roach x1

Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack x1

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon x1

Gagaga Cowboy x1

Number 17: Big Eye x1

Number 50: Blackship of Corn x1

Evilswarm Exciton Knight x1

Evilswarm Ouroboros x1

Daigusto Emeral X1

Lightning Chidori x1

Number 101: Silent Honor ARK x1

Castel, the skyblaster musketeer x1

Abyss Dweller x1


Side deck


Neo-spacian grand mole x1

Soul release x1

Book of moon x1

Dimensional Fissure x1

Breakthrough Skill x2

Cursed Seal of Forbidden magic x1

Drill and Lock Bird x1

Shared Ride x1

Light-Inprisoning Mirror x1

Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror x1

Winged Dragon of Ra X1

Brain Control x1

Heavy Storm x1

Trap Dustshoot x1

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I'm wondering how Kuribandit is working for you, it's certainly an interesting choice. I'd try to find room for Zephyros and Fiendish Chains: bouncing Chains and Hysteric Parties can be pretty good.


As for the extra, Zerofyne is a pretty decent pick. And I like Queen Dragun Djinn for Rank 7 plays, especially if you happen to draw into Pet Dragon, but apparently that's just me, not a lot of people run her. Red-Eyes Flare Metal is also pretty good.

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I'm wondering how Kuribandit is working for you, it's certainly an interesting choice. I'd try to find room for Zephyros and Fiendish Chains: bouncing Chains and Hysteric Parties can be pretty good.


As for the extra, Zerofyne is a pretty decent pick. And I like Queen Dragun Djinn for Rank 7 plays, especially if you happen to draw into Pet Dragon, but apparently that's just me, not a lot of people run her. Red-Eyes Flare Metal is also pretty good.

Kuribandit actually does work pretty well considering all the revival power I got(Soul Charge and Hysteric Party). Pretty much with it, I never have to worry about losing anything of value because I'll just get it right back.


I would run Zerofyne, but I don't have one. I would also run Storming Mirror Force over the regular one if I had it.

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Because the majority of the decks I go against IRL are Lightsworn and Dark World. Really, Dimensionsl Fissure is enough. Though, I'll add in 4 more cards, just for you.

then why dont you side 2 more of each light imp and shadow imp?

and no just dimensional fissure isnt enough

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