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{Archetype - Galiants} Use their Deck against them! Rank 4/Lvl. 4 Beatdown!

Major's Shadow

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Hey guys, it's been a good long while! After playing Hearthstone's Grand Tournament expansion, I found some inspiration to explore a mechanic not often used in Yugioh: Knowledge of Deck and Hand! Based on the type revealed (Monster or Spell/Trap), you get a different effect from each of the monsters. This provides some interesting dynamics to the monsters, and offers enough versatility to justify the potential inconsistency. Hopefully you guys enjoy the archetype, and once I iron out more of the design bugs, I'll release it to the public. So, without further ado, here's the archetype!


[spoiler=Updates (Latest 9/3/15):]


Update #1, 8/30/15:

*Chains of Foreboding Despair: Removed floating effs w/ destruction. Made eff negation work during only the Turn that monster was banished by the eff.

*Galiant Soldier Sparrow: Made buffing eff only function on another monster you control. Made both reduction and buff an 800atk modification.

*Galiant Sorceress Horus: Instead of adding from Deck to Hand, it now sends from Deck to Graveyard after a successful destruction.

*Galiant Knight Heron: Reduced base atk from 2600 to 2300. Spell/Trap effect is now chainable to.


Update #2: 9/3/15:

*Due to too many mechanical similarities to Tellarknights, I've decided to redo the deck from the ground up. Gaining full control of your Opponent's board, hand, and deck is near impossible to balance correctly. I will be doing plenty of testing, and see what needs to be changed, in order to make this deck both viable and mechanically interesting.



Art Credit goes out to Tsabo6 @ DeviantArt: http://tsabo6.deviantart.com/gallery/


[spoiler=Monsters (6)]



















[spoiler=Spells/Traps (2)]






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Well, been a while since I commented on something.

Fyi, I'm reading this backwards, no idea why, so my review will also happen backwards.

Also if you want to credit something, please don't do that in the monster type section. It just looks awful and makes the cards unrealistic, which isn't what we aim for here.


Chains of Foreboding Despair: Please don't do such stuff. Not only is the removal the stronges kind in banishment, but also does it serach itself when you MST it? Please don't let cards search themselves if they are killed, let alone trap cards, and especially not if they have an effect like this. I mean, it doesn't even only banish, it also negates the effects of that monster? That's far too much for one card.

Galiant War Grounds: Aside from the fact that this doesnt even work on DP unless you banish your whole deck (which makes shuffling retarded), it looks okay.

Galiant Elemental Phoenix: Becomes a very likely one-card-R4 with War Grounds. I dislike that a bit, maybe give the Special Summoning from the Deck a discard cost or such?

Galiant Sorceress Horus: Both effects are a free +2. Please rework the card overall, as it stands it is FAR too broken for the DP metagame. Not only should we be careful with searches, but also with random destruction effects. This card has both, which isn't desirable. Not to mention that this card gets the +2 100% of the time and isnt even reliant on what you reveal with its effect.

Galiant Slayer Crow: Again free pluses, and a 1-card rank 4 too. The second effect COULD be fine if Chains of Foreboding Despair werent broken af.

Galiant Soldier Sparrow: Maybe lower the ATK it gives and takes a bit, other than that its fine.

Galiant Knight Heron: It has Protection, too much ATK for a rank 4, and a split armades eff. Pls nerf it a bit.

Galiant Mistress Peacock: Has very strong protection and an effect that reveals the hand AND that removes extra deck monsters completely, its far too strong tbh. Plus revealing the hand is a LOT of information, and you should be careful with these kinds of effects.


What I didn't even mention thus far is that the effects trigger too easily. You could just use Horus in your turn and use stuff like Call of the Haunted on it during the opponents turn and since it is worded like that its effect would go off both times, giving you a +4 in the process. The whole thing needs to be balanced strongly and most of them need a hard OPT clause.

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