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  My measures are: ~145 lbs, ~6' tall. Our climate is Mediterranean, and I keep my diet around it (I like all kinds of foods, lucky me). However, I consume meaty and sweety stuff more often than suggested. As for my body, I exercise via working (and my metabolism is good), so no complaints. :D


  Legumes are very good substitutes for meat, and cool fruits (salad-wise or simple) or fruit juices are great to consume instead of relying on ice creams and carbonated/alcoholic stuff. (Honey as well. Sweet but a lot healthier than sugar.) Not only are they nutritious, but also widen your food/drinks variety and are very tasty (and include less fat), so I strongly recommend them for those who can afford them or would like to try them. Unfortunately, many of these cannot flourish at many regions or are less tasty (do to climate or other factors), so my points may mean nothing to you.


 -- I forgot to mention olive oil - One of the best globally... It has its calories, but it's less cancerous and, at some point, healthier from most of the other kinds of oils. If it's not costly, try it.




(I didn't mean to show off; some advice is all I wanted to give)

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