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Fate/infinity compendium [OOC | | NOT STARTED ]

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Fate/infinity compendium




The Holy Grail.


A lost relic of a time long gone, many a mage have devoted their life to searching for it.  With powers said to be unbound to our universe, it is believed by many to be an omnipotent wish granting device capable of granting godhood to those who wield it.


It was said to be nothing more than a shallow myth, a foolish notion that old men mulled over nearing the end of their days.


If only it actually was.


One hundred years ago, three mage families with an explicit interest in the Grail - the Argus family, the Hultgren family, and the Blackmoore family - came together and made a plan to summon forth the Grail so that they may share its power.  Little did they know that Grail was a beast of its own, bringing forth great destruction and shattering the alliances that the families held together. All knowing that they weren't prepared for something like this, they researched and trained for the next attempt at summoning forth the Holy Grail.


Agreeing only to cooperate in the summoning of the artifact, these three families are more than prepared to play the games that the Grail so desperately wants to play.  They have invited other magus to take part in the war, as well, with promises of all their deepest desires sated if they succeed in claiming it.


The three families, however, have no intention of letting this treasure go to anyone's hands but their own.


You are one of the magus who has been summoned forth for the second Holy Grail War.  With a tattoo-like Command Seal emblazoned on your arm and a wish in your heart, you are more than ready to take the rest of the world on.




??? means that the player has not specified whether or not they want to play as the master yet.

  • Ruler:  Goddess
  • Saber:  Goddess | | Saber's Master:  Elly
  • Lancer:  Elly | | Lancer's Master: Merciful Idiot
  • Archer:  Nai | | Archer's Master: Goddess
  • Berserker:  N. Tuesday | | Berserker's Master:  Nai
  • Rider:  ??? | | Rider's Master:  ???
  • Caster: Ketodama | | Caster's Master:  Nai
  • Assassin:  Goddess | | Assassin's Master:  Ketodama


  1. Why keep a rules list unnecessarily wrong? You don't read this s*** anyways.

  2. Regardless, Nai, Rinne, and I have the absolute final say here. Sorry!

  3. Oh, and I guess you should read the RP section's rules. Yeah, thought I would mention that.

  4. Try to be a respectful roleplayer. If you're accepted, it means we trust you.

  5. Skype is a requirement to join this RP.  Failure to join the Skype chat voids your position in the roleplay.  To join the Skype chat, contact one of the GMs (me, Rinne, or Nai).  Take it up with me if you have a reason for not hopping in. 

[spoiler=World Information]

[spoiler=The Basics]

Welcome to a world of magic - no, seriously. This roleplay is set in an alternate universe version of Earth where magic does indeed exist. Only certain special people of various bloodlines have the ability to cast magic; they are called mages.


Magic stems from this life force that all people have called "mana". Mages have abnormally high concentrations of this, and, because of that, can utilize their mana consciously, either for offense or defense. There are a myriad of uses for magic, and while not all of them are combat oriented, combat is the focus of this roleplay.


There are a few more terms and things you should know, for the sake of the Holy Grail War.

  • Command Seals:  You gain these upon summoning your Servant.  These tattoo-like seals are a representation of the bond between both master and servant; you have a total of three seals emblazoned on your hand.  You can use one seal to force your servant to do something - against their will or not.  When you use your third command seal, the bond between master and servant is broken after completion of your ordered act, and your servant will disappear.

[spoiler=Locations and Organizations]

  • Crystalwater City:  A sprawling city located in northeastern California.  Crystalwater was designed as the perfect environment for the Holy Grail War, and as such has any amenities any other well-developed city would have.  The weather is bearable for everyone and the general location is rather close to anywhere else while still being isolated.
  • The Church:  The organization that prevents the general populace from learning about magic.  Usually relegated to cleaning the messes that magus make, they have an negative outlook on how it affects humanity as a whole.  The church has been explicitly kept out of the Holy Grail War, due to the role they played in ruining the first one.
  • The Mage's Association:  A council of magus made up of all the most prestigious of families.  These are the people running the world behind-the-scenes.  The Mage's Association advertises itself as a largely benevolent thing, and its actions point to this being rather true.  However, there lies a great deal of corruption in the upper echelons of the mage's world that isn't exactly mirrored in the public level.
  • The Coastal Institute: A school for young magus located in Irvine, California.  Partly owned by the Hultgrens, most if not all great American magus - along with magus from countries on the other side of the Pacific ocean - come from this school for the gifted.

[spoiler=Great Families]

There are three great families involved in the creation of the Holy Grail.

  • Argus Family - supposedly descended from the famous builder of the Argo, the Argus Family is a family of magi that specializes in the creation of magical artifacts. While they prefer building vehicles, their help was crucial in the creation of the Grail for the new Holy Grail War.

  • Hultgren Family - An American family that has an extreme affinity for summoning. While one of the great families of the world of magic, they’re incredibly secretive and tend not to share any information whatsoever with the rest of the community. Besides being the only American family of mages, they’re also one of the newest, having only existed for around two-hundred years. Integral to the Grail’s ritual, they created the Master/Servant system used to fill the Lesser Grail with mana. This family is considered to be the richest amongst almost all magus.   Along with creating the system by which to fill the Grail with mana, the Hultgren family also provided the land with which the Grail was to be summoned on:  Crystalwater City, located in eastern California.

  • Blackmoore Family - A family of Celtic origins, currently living in Wales but with estates across the British Isles, the Blackmoores date back to a time before the Roman conquest of England. They specialize in Necromancy, and generally escape the ire of the Church and the Mage’s Association by maintaining a very low profile in their activities and strictly policing themselves to prevent accidents.





NOTE:  These are only rough drafts of your character’s app.  You may fill these out as you see fit, but I expect you to put effort into them.

[spoiler=Application Outline - Master]

Write your character’s quote here






Short Biography:



[spoiler=Application Outline - Servant]

Write your character’s quote here

Servant Type


GM Only Information

True Identity:

Noble Phantasms:

Other Abilities and Weaponry





Your posts here will only be used to reference your character sheets.  Please PM Nai and I your applications to apply.

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"Raise hell!"


Name:  Saber

Alignment:  True Neutral


Strength:  A+

Endurance:  B

Agility:  A

Mana:  B

Luck:  D

N. Phantasm:  Unknown


Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: A

Riding:  A


Personal Skills:

???:  ???

???:  ???

???:  ???


Noble Phantasms:

???:  ???

???:  ???

???:  ???


[spoiler=At A Glance]  Saber initially comes off as cool and collected; however calm she may seem, however, every word she speaks is drenched in a harsh venomous tone.  She freely throws around insults and raises all hell once let loose into battle with a reckless abandon that can only be described as legendarily destructive.  She's doesn't seem particularly wise, humble or even gracious, and draws her blade at the slightest provocation;  she's a tried and true warrior at heart with an all-too-obvious bloodlust waiting to be satiated through battle.







She stands at an impressive 181cm, and weighs around 65kg.  While slender in build, it's quite obvious that her body is toned from countless battles.  Her hair is long, but is usually tied up, and her facial features, while leaning on the feminine side, are still very androgynous.  Her blade emanates an eerie golden glow - one that wouldn't necessarily be typical of a blessed blade.






Note:  You do not have to put parameters; they are merely a general outline of your character's power level.  I'm displaying mine here as an example.







"You know, I could get used to this whole 'commanding ultimate power' thing."


Name:  Bailey Braunbeck | | Tabitha Blackmoore

Alignment:  Lawful Good

Servant:  Archer

Gender:  Female

Age:  20



Post meeting




110 lbs.


[spoiler=Biography]"Boom!  Crash!  It's Bailey Braunbeck, actress extraordinaire!!!"


Bailey Braunbeck, born Tabitha Blackmoore, had a fairly decent early life; born to a mother who had run away from the world of magic in favor of a normal man, she wasn't ever trained in the proper way of the magus.  In fact, she was firmly taught to ignore her own magic development from the time she could produce even the smallest spark of dark magic.  This lack of mana expenditure and flushing of her identity caused her to act in odd ways as a child; one habit that got particularly bad was her insistence on running.


Eventually, this bad habit of running away went away, only to be replaced by another odd habit; pretending not to be herself.  Well, rather, pretending to be a superhero she had seen on the television.  Left to her own devices, she could easily get lost in her own little world and come to fully believe that she was living an alternate life.  Be it Batman, Superman, or Magneto - any of them, really - she would act out their lives to the tiniest detail.


Her parents worried, they took her to a psychologist to have her evaluated.  Seeing her odd behavior not as a problem but more of something to be cultivated, the psychologist recommended that they give her an outlet for it - like acting!


And, well, that's exactly what they did.


Bailey's odd behavior and ability to delve directly into character translated incredibly to stage plays, which caught the interest of talent scouts.  This eventually led to her being recruited into showbusiness - first, starting small with odd roles here and there, to actually starring in her own children's movie at the age of eight.  This trend continued well into her early and mid teens, but her popularity eventually petered off and her interest in acting declined, along with her income.


Now an aimless mage whose past career really can't support her anymore, she's been looking to reappear in the limelight, only this time as a great magus.  Well known pretty much everywhere, it wasn't that much of a struggle to get her convinced to join the holy grail war as an easy target to eliminate; thinking that it's just a friendly competition for a few mages to participate in for a prize, she was more than happy to put forth her shoe in the ring.



Bailey is, in all senses of the word, a brat.  She's so self entitled that she thinks she deserves absolutely everything; this leads her to overstepping her own boundaries for her own personal gain quite often.  In the movie industry, this worked wonders; she was seen as the quintessential go-getter who would do anything for fame, which worked to her advantage in getting roles.


Now, however bratty Bailey might be, she's not a terrible person; far from it.  While her motivations to do things may be for personal gain, she offsets this by also going out of her way to help those in need on the path that she's taking.  Her focus is still on herself, but that doesn't mean that others should be hurt by her.


[spoiler=Abilities]As a novice magus, Bailey has little ability of note in the way of Magecraft.  She's currently been observing Alexandra Blackmoore over the past few weeks and has copied a basic few of her spells, but nothing really of note.

[spoiler=Other Information]






"A leaf's only purpose is to fall."


Name:  Cassidy Thomas

Age: 34

Alignment:  Chaotic Good



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"The Heavens have presented you with two choices: to join me, or to die."



Adapting to the modern world, to normal people, Rider looks like a typical Asiatic man in his mid-twenties, with the only exception of his striking red hair and green eyes. He is not tall, nor is he particularly short; he is not big, nor can he really be said to be slim. Yet despite his average appearance, it is obvious to any true observers that he is far, far removed from any ordinary man. There is a cool confidence to him, backed by an iron will comparable to a force of nature. His piercing eyes belay an extremely high level of intelligence, yet he possesses a warrior's body completely honed without a gram of fat. He speaks with a deep, honeyed voice well used to coercing others.


I'll reveal his parameters when someone finally spots him.

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"I shall become your sun, if that is what you wished me to be."


Class: Archer

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Master: Tsukino Kimiko


Archer is 162 cm tall, and 53 kg in weight. She has the body of a 16 years old teenage girl of unknown descent for the most part, instead of the mature body people would expect from her if they knew of her supposed real identity. Her silver hair was somewhat of an oddity, but it was not much of something to be concerned about compared to how she often has her eyes suddenly change its color at moment’s notice. Usually they’re red, but at times others could swear that her eyes were green instead. Whether she herself realized this fact or not was something no one is sure of yet.


Calm, collected, careful, and charismatic. Despite what her appearance would suggest, Archer acts as someone far older than she looked like. Rarely talks unless when it's necessary, she usually tries to pick her words carefully when she does talk, since every single words counts for her. Having an air of wisdom with her, Archer is also quite knowledgeable, and her supposed long life had given her a lot of experiences regarding things in life. Her overall attitude gave off the impression that she's a member of nobility, but even that is not really clear enough. However, at times she can break from the dignified image she set up above and act like how a teenager would act normally.


Strength: E

Endurance: E

Agility: A+

Magic: A+

Luck: E

Noble Phantasm: ?

Class Skill:

Independent Action: B

Territory Creation: A

Personal Skill:

???: ?

???: ?
???: ?

???: ?

Noble Phantasm:

???: ?

???: ?

???: ?



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“I am a leader of leaders, while you are leader of men.”


An oddly tall Asian man born of Japanese decent, his gaze is always imposing as if you were in the presence of someone who is charge of your future. He towers over most men standing at a mighty 6’4, which is the perfect height to look down on someone. However, once you get to know this man you will see that he is someone you can rely on. He is prized for his brilliance and tactics, but the histories only tell the tale of a demon. This does not phase him though. Sometimes the world needs a demon and maybe it is time for a demon to awaken once again. This new world is foreign to him, yet it is filled with a familiar form of warring chaos. Clearly, he must take up the mantle and lay siege to the world once again. 

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"I am a warrior of God, and in His Holy name shall I win this war!"

Class: Lancer

Alignment: Lawful Good



Servant Stats:

  • Strength: B
  • Endurance: C
  • Agility: A+
  • Mana: A
  • Luck: D
  • Noble Phantasm: N/A

Class Skills:

  • Magic Resistance: A



Noble Phantasm(s):

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Personal Skills:

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???





Height: 5'9" (175 cm)

Weight: 160 lbs (72 kg)


[spoiler=Personality]As one might expect from someone of his reputation Lancer has a strong sense of mercy and justice. The type of person who is always willing to put the needs of others before his own, and tries his best to express kindness to others, to a fault. An optimistic, glass-half full type of person he always attempts to see the good in people. A devout Christian, he has a firm belief in the religion's teachings, and tries his hardest to adhere to them, though he knows that he is not perfect and is always looking for ways to improve himself.


Despite Christianity's advocacy of non-violence Lancer has what he would call a guilty pleasure of enjoying battle, or rather battle with a worthy opponent. For this reason Lancer has become excited for the coming Holy Grail War, in which he hopes to cross blades with many warriors of legend.



Other Information:




I am Morgan L. Hultgren, pleased to make your acquaintance.

Name: Morgan L. Hultgren

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Servant: Saber

Gender: Male

Age: 16




Height: 5'3" (160 cm)

Weight: 102 lbs. (46 kg)

Morgan's is a very pale white, almost the same color as his skin, while his eyes are a bright, silver color. Due to his rather fragile constitution Morgan relies entirely on Saber for protection from other Servants as well as their Masters. However his high affinity for magecraft, even among other Magus, means he's not completely defenseless. Morgan's Command Seal heavily resembles a large sword, it is located on the lower right hand side of his stomach, near his hip. The Magical Crest Morgan received from his father is engraved on his upper back in between his should blades.



[spoiler=Personality]Brought up in a very proper household Morgan exhibits a polite, yet distant attitude one might expect from a person raised in high society. He displays a rather optimistic disposition, yet when talking to him others tend to notice a slightly awkward undertone to his voice, as if he does not fully understand the words he is saying. Many, however attribute this to the shyness he has around others, and the sheltered nature of his childhood. However as the other Masters of the Holy Grail War will soon learn this could not be further from the truth.


In reality Morgan is a very cold, and calculating individual who acts only based on self-benefit and unfeeling logic. Morgan chooses to suppress his emotions, and acts based on what will be beneficial to him in winning the Grail War. This manner of behavior most likely stems from his home life which has left him damaged on an emotional level, and given that most of the human interaction he has had for the first 16 years of his life has consisted of people who's only emotion towards him was spite it is unsurprising that he seems to have developed sociopathic tendencies. His belief in hyper-rational, cold logic, along with his seeming lack of remorse or shame and inability to feel empathy for others all seems to point to this.


However Morgan is not actively cruel, nor will he go out of his way to harm others if he sees no benefit in it, however on the other hand should some attempt to stand in his way he will not hesitate to cut them down. He realizes quite acutely that he is most likely one of the more inexperienced magi in the war due to his age, and despite his intelligence exercises extreme caution. Morgan has learned to quickly adapt to new situations and learn from them, and during battle is able to keep his calm and exercise good judgement not choosing to act recklessly.



[spoiler=Short Biography]

"The lives of the rich must be so easy!"


"What could you possibly be unhappy about, I mean you have all that money!?"


"Honestly what's your problem? What did Mommy and Daddy decide not buy that second yacht after all?"

Often times people think the life of the wealthy and powerful is happy, and free of hardships. They believe that all of their problems could be cured if they simply had money. Unfortunately it is true what they say, that money does not buy happiness. You see unlike many Mage families who choose to rear only one child the Lucian and Moira Hultgren had several children.The youngest of them was named Morgan. By doing this Lucian and Moira hoped to spur competition between the siblings to create, what they believed would be, an ultimate tool in winning the Holy Grail War.


As one might imagine this competition was not entirely in good spirit, and Morgan being the sickly runt of the back received plenty of spite from his siblings, more so when it was discovered that he had the highest magecraft aptitude in the family. In jealousy his older siblings often attempted to sabotage his training so they could claim the glory of one day becoming a Master as they had been promised in their youth. However Morgan was hardly innocent in the back and forth between the siblings, though Morgan's counters would attack them on a psychological level, by bullying his siblings.


However despite the verbal, physical, and mental abuse that occurred between their children both Hultgren parents did nothing to interfere, believing this to be the best way to ensure their family would come out on top in the Holy Grail War. To ensure that the greatest possible magus could be created the Hultgren children where taught on the vast estate their parents owned, and where taught extensively in both magical and contemporary subjects.


About a month before the current Holy Grail War the marks of the Command Seal appeared on Morgan's body, much to the ire and jealousy of his brothers and sisters. Soon after he performed the summoning that would allow him to summon Saber. In the weeks leading up to the Grail War Lucia and Moira have both left Crystalwater City for a vacation home in Europe, though Morgan's brothers and sisters have elected to stay behind hoping to watch their brother's downfall at the hands of another Master.



[spoiler=Abilities]Magic Circuits: An ability inherent in all magus, Morgan's Magic Circuits afford him a certain amount of protection against the spells of other magi.Since he comes from one of the three Great Families, as well as being "blessed" by the Hultgren family's extremely... selective breeding he has an unnaturally number of magical circuits. Another rather odd part of Morgan's Magical Circuits is his ability to use them to actually actually disrupt the casting of even completed spells that would target him due to his absurdly high levels of magical energy.


Earth Elemental Affinity: Like many Magi, Morgan has the ability to manipulate an element to his will. Earth element spells often have to do with grounding, cultivation of energy, and embedding of energy. This allows him to draw Magical Energy from the area for use in spells, as well as embed this energy into inanimate objects. Morgan's Earth affinity also gives easy access to Earth magecraft, which allows him to manipulate things such as soil or stone.


Magical Weaving: A very interesting technique Morgan has developed through years of learning magecraft is that his able to convert mana into a physical form, which in it's most basic state takes the form of a thin purple thread. On their own these "threads" can do very little, however Morgan can combine these threads together to form physical objects. While a powerful technique it is important to keep in mind that because these threads are made from mana converted to a physical form Morgan must be constantly pouring mana into them so that they are able to remain active, thus the objects formed are not usually viable for more than a minute. Another important clause to keep in mind is that the more complex the object the hard it is weave, so Morgan cannot simply create things like guns or tanks from thin air. While skilled in using this technique in both an offensive and defensive capacity he prefers to use it to support Saber as she is the more experienced combatant.



Other Information:

  • Theme: Venari Strigas ~ Yuki Kajiura (arrange by TAMUSIC)
  • Morgan suffers from anemia, and because of this is not able to perform long amounts of strenuous activity, as such he often relies Saber for physically demanding tasks
  • Morgan has a genius level IQ, with a score of 157
  • Morgan chooses to wear dresses for no other reason than because he enjoys the way he looks in it, and finds them very comfortable to wear. 
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“Are we ready to begin? I’ve been waiting long enough.”

Class: Assassin.
Alignment: True Neutral.

As per his class, Assassin can change his appearance how he pleases. However, he normally appears to be a man of ambiguous descent and of indeterminate age. Although his build and body are young, his skin is heavily weathered and deeply tanned, suggesting a long lifespan. However, his hair is an unusual shade of blond, and is cut long and floppy and hanging down over his forehead. His tendency to wear hats and hoods to further cover his head obscures his appearance even more, covering bright blue eyes. He is a quiet and taciturn character, able to fade into the background of any environment with which he is in. Thus, his clothing changes regularly. It tends to conform to the fashions of the day, but it also tends to be faded, worn and dust-scrubbed. When he speaks, his voice is low and steady, almost monotonous in a way. This overall leads to a man of unremarkable presence and character, which is a facade he deliberately keeps up.

(Parameters to be revealed upon IC encounters.)

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“The most important thing is the journey, not the end result – said the person who kills everyone that competed with her.

There is always two sides to wisdom.


Yes, that does not supposed to make sense, so don't think about it much."




"Meased to pleet you, I'm Tianzi and I'm here to end you."


Name: Tianzi Hua Xiaohui
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Master of: Caster

No records of her proper height and weight exists.

Quiet, and maybe mischievous to a degree, nevertheless Tianzi always prioritize a careful approach to almost everything. She's someone that prioritizes herself above everything else, but if it's necessary for her, she does have the capability to act selflessly or to show some kindness to others. However, most of the time she pretty much just do things for the sake of her own amusement while continuing her own magical studies. She has little to no remorse on things she has done, but she's not an outright evil person; she's simply someone that is too self-centered to differentiate between good and evil. 
Has a tendency to spout incomprehensible garbled mess of a quote or koan whenever she likes it, usually to rile others for the sake of her own amusement. 


Despite of her flighty, trickster-like personality, she's really competitive even in things that she had no real stakes on. Even if she has to resort to dirty tricks, it'll be alright in her books since she doesn't view it as something wrong.

Coming from a minor family of magus and from a normally bad generation, it was pretty much the surprising stroke of destiny that happened when Tianzi was born with an amount of magic circuits unheard of coming from that minor family. With proper education she then grew up into quite the prodigy on the fields of magecraft and issues related to the creation of homunculus; or puppets, as she said it. However, as her talent grew more and more, she started to show her true form of innate magecraft. Her specialization is simple, yet deadly. She has the capability to share her consciousness with her numerous homunculus at once, and after several years of tinkering with the extents of her puppet-making, she has the capability to outright overwrite a homunculus's self, no matter the case, and put them under her control without resistance. Due to this, once she showed interest in furthering her studies to a level that would allow her to operate on a larger scale, she left the Magus Association. This of course was viewed as a danger due to what she might be able to pull off if left unchecked, so she was branded and hunted by the Association.


She could care less, and constantly avoided capture for a decade or so. She only actually reappeared after a long while when she heard about a Holy Grail War ritual that would be conducted near her area of residence. After studying awhile for some probably fitting servants that probably originated from a homunculus, she decided to try her luck and join in the ritual using 愛 麗絲 as her disguised identity. If she's able to summon one of her target servants, she could then just immediately leave the war or find a way to leave it. All that she desired from this is to have the perfect puppet she can mess around with, after all.


Stalking a magus that was supposedly an associate of the Hultgrens, she disposed of the magus before he could summon a servant with his catalyst, and Tianzi then went on and tried her luck on the summoning ritual, and successfully summoned one. While she was bummed that she didn't summon a homunculus-based servant (not that the chance of her summoning one is great in the first place), she decided that this was still nice enough. Nevertheless, now that she had stepped her feet into the war, it wouldn't hurt too much if she participated more in it. After all, maybe the Grail could then allow her to...

  • Creating Homunculus: Her specialty. These artificial humans usually have barely any personality and lives more as her personal servants that she can do anything to them without them being able to defy her. They also serve as perfect batteries that Caster can use whenever he needs more backup, though most of the time Tianzi used them as extra copies of her own body, giving them parts of her consciousness to allow her to be in multiple places at once effectively. As they're not puppets and they're no way in the same quality as the bodies that certain dirty red made, they all look different from her and can easily deteriorate due to all of their defects. They serve as disposable tools, and while Tianzi has created four or so homunculi during her time in hiding that was of almost similar quality to a high-quality one, most of them are pretty much third-rate products made of excess materials that Tianzi just made as ways for her to gain a better information-gathering ability. Her more proper homunculi all possessed high-tier magic circuits and physically they're stronger than normal humans, while the third-rate ones are pretty much all almost weaker physically than a man, but they possessed decent magic circuit even if they can't use magecraft at all.
  • Consciousness Sharing: Tianzi can share her consciousness with the homunculus in her control, effectively using them as extra bodies. Usage of this can be very versatile, though something to note is how she will not be able to move her consciousness completely to another body. Thus, if her real body is killed, then there's that, she will not be escape that death. She cannot actually have her consciousness be active in all of her bodies, and most she can only handle 2 or 3 at a time, maybe 4 if she's pushing herself.
  • Takeover: She can take control of any form of homunculus and constructed living beings by rewriting their contract of existence with the World. This process can only be done from short-range, and while she can do it cheaply and with a speed that can be considered to be really fast, she oddly cannot take control of simpler constructs such as familiars, and this process is still slow enough to leave her vulnerable to fast attacks. One of her research goals is to find a way to be able to use a large-scale magical field to do this, and to extend this ability's application to other beings.
  • She's skilled in creating butterfly-shaped familiars, and she is also capable of concocting different kind of poisons without using magic, and using the knife.


  • While she does a lot of things for her own amusement, she actually does have a concrete goal for her researches.
  • There's rarely any form of change of tones in her speech, but she always has that certain sneering undertone on her sentences.
  • Legitimately can use her erhu. Her music skill is probably one of the other things that she's very proud of.
  • Some people said that her height often changes for unknown reason, though mostly it's dismissed as something not important.




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"The past, the future... I am sure that my own path is buried somewhere within them."


Name: Glauce Euphemus Argus


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Servant: Lancer


Gender: Female


Age: 20









While appearing robotic and intelligent on the outside, within Glauce is a cauldron of chaotic emotions, such as frustration, fear, despair. And regret.


In the past, all she had ever wanted was to be the true heir, having been filled to the brim with hatred and jealousy - however, when the true heir Jaselyn had actually died and her wish to replace her, to be acknowledged by her masters as a daughter, and to become the heir of Argus came true, those feelings changed entirely. All of a sudden, she felt disgust for having ever wanted such selfish things, guilt that her prayers were what was responsible for causing Jaselyn's death, and her hatred was no longer directed towards the family she served all her life, but to herself.


Having been granted absolute freedom so long as she seizes victory as a Master, Glauce has only just begun to familiarize herself with the ways of 'acting independently', only recently coming to terms with the fact that she can do whatever she wants without being punished, which includes showing interest in things. While she hasn't experienced much of the world at all, the one thing she knows she has a definite interest in is antiques, old machinery, especially when it comes to things like automobiles - fiddling around with them. New technology such as computers make her panic since she can't understand them.


Overall, with her only wish already granted, the main reason she is fighting in the Holy Grail War is to prove herself to her family as a true Argus...to her, this is not about glory, but about self-discovery. With her newfound independence, she is intent on finding on just what sort of person she should be.


As a result, despite seeming logically-minded due to her robotic exterior, she is brash, impulsive, and in many ways self-destructive, knowing more about taking care of others than taking care of herself. A broken, confused puppet maid.







[spoiler=Family History]


Renowned though they may be, the Arguses have always been the most eccentric of the Three Great Families, less concerned about the sacred rules of magi than others, caring more about their own creations, and in the past they actually used to do the unthinkable, contributing to science every now and then rather than shunning it like the rest of magical society, particularly when it came to the rise of mechanical vehicles such as cars and planes. Over time, even as they could no longer keep up with science and were reduced to antique dealers who occasionally dabbled in alchemy, these past efforts ended up making them very rich.


As a result, the previous head of the family, Odysseus Argus had been quite the pompous fellow, having been born into high privilege, believing he could do whatever he want. Thus, even though he'd been married to another family of magi as per tradition, so that their eventual successor can inherit a superior range of magic prowess, he simply did not care to keep his pants in check. Now, all magi, especially those whom belong to great families, are expected to follow the laws of the world in order to achieve great heights, and this applies even to the laws of matrimony. Defiance of the law only ever causes unnecessary problems that would drag them down in the future.


One may be able to imagine the amount of panic that Odysseus had when it turned out that lady at the antigue store he had a fling with had gotten pregnant. At first he denied it, but genetic tests proved otherwise. Upon finding out, his very pissed-off wife began pressuring him into arranging her murder. After all, while inferior to their own child, the bastard would still have the capacity for magic. Still, unable to go through with such a horrid act, he decided to take in the baby girl instead - to act as a maid and bodyguard for the true successor.


Henceforth, she was raised alongside them as Glauce Smith, to act as both as a maid and as a bodyguard for the true successor...





Serve the Argus heir. Support the Argus heir. Protect the Argus heir. Those were the sole duties relegated to her.


Glauce was never intended to be the heir, nor a legitimate magus, nor anything at all. Raised to be a servant to be a servant and nothing more, showing any emotion resulted in immediate punishment. She was the bastard girl, the one who was not supposed to be there, the one whose very existence scarred the legacy of an otherwise spectacular family. Oh, they tried to keep it a secret from the Mage's Association and everywhere else, but at home her 'father' never once spoke to her, whereas his wife had for countless years drilled into her just how worthless she was - at least when compared to their darling precious daughter, Jaselyn Argus.


While she was indeed taught some magic, possessing the capacity due to the Argus Magic Circuits that she shouldn't have, it was only so that she could act as foil for Jaselyn. Whenever Jaselyn accomplished something, her parents were overjoyed, but whenever Glauce accomplished something, they would be annoyed, as if the achievement were something she'd stolen. Jaselyn treated her nicely, and yet always seemed to be under the impression that she was some kind of realistic golem, never once recognizing her as human. She was meant to help Jaselyn improve, but at the same time it was forbidden for her to surpass Jaselyn's skills in any way, forcing her to hold back, honing her own skills in private. Her sole pleasure in life was tinkering with the old machinery and antiques the Argus Family owned in her free time, experimenting in ways by combining them with her magic.


Then, her entire life was flipped upside-down when the heir, Jaselyn Argus, was killed by an improperly-contained magical artifact, the preserved mana exploding right in her face. The stupidest, most dishonourable thing ever. Odysseus and his wife were shocked and depressed by it, most certainly, but more than that, they were annoyed because this presented a problem.


The ultimate goal, the Holy Grail War, was impending, and they did not have a heir to participate. The couple themselves were far too unprepared for combat, having never expected that the duty may fall upon either of them, are was not enough time to make and raise a replacement for Jaselyn, so it seemed probable that they may very well miss the chance at a miracle until---


"You'll do."


Those were the very first words her father, Odysseus Argus, said to her, acknowledging her for the first time since taking her in.


Just like that, Glauce had been moved out of the storeroom, given Jaselyn's room and things, had her name legalized to Argus to make her officially the daughter of Odysseus Argus and a member of the great family, was allowed access to all the family secrets, granted total freedom to go wherever she wanted in the city when she had never before set foot outside their manor - and to top it all off, Command Seals had appeared on her arm, confirming her status as a participant in the war.


It was ironic in a way. The war itself had already granted her wish, albeit in a twisted manner, so there wasn't much of a point in fighting, and yet - lost and confused amidst the world, something like the Holy Grail War was a good opportunity for her to discover herself.


When the time came for her to do the summoning, her only thought was that she wanted to summon a hero who could help give her a direction in life, who knew what it was like to serve someone who no longer lived... And so Lancer was the one who ended up answering her call.







#Item Construction - The manufacturing of magical artifacts of varying quality. While a normal magus would have to go about painstakingly gathering all sorts of ingredients and materials in order to create even unremarkable ones, Glauce is talented enough in that she can utilize her transmutation to meet the requirements for the item without ever leaving the room, though this still takes time. In the event that there is no time for alchemy, she is capable of a very low-grade skill called 'Flash Air' which quickly draws in supplementary elements from the surrounding area, and more often than not her blood is required too - even though the process for this can be very quick, the resultant magical artifact is small and pales exponentially to a properly-created one.


Among the simpler items she can create are those with normal but practical properties contained within them. For example, an amulet that glows in the dark, a stick that interferes with nearby electrical appliances, a hat that increases the focus of the wearer, a compass that traces the location of other items made by Glauce and homes in on them. These are the kinds of simple things that she can make within a few hours.


Apart from that, she can also make unique magical potions, composed of coffee (caffeine being an excellent receptor to mana for whatever reason) with dense amounts of mana concentrated within that can be used either to replenish a magus's mana supply, or to heal a hurt Servant. A side effect of taking the potions seems to be temporary hyperactivity. It takes four days overall to brew one with the same effectiveness as the ones Glauce have.


#Transmutation - An alchemic skill that involves channeling mana into any sort of object, effectively manipulating the flow of matter. This is the main key that allows the Arguses to operate. Could hypothetically be used to repair broken objects, but it is most effective when used to modify the configuration of noble metals, and given a few months, Glauce can even synthesize the rare magic metal mythril, which her family has in abundance. It can also be used in a different manner, converting simple objects into objects with magical properties. Normally, this is more of a workshop ability that cannot be utilized practically in the thick of combat...


#Mechanical Transmutation - ...however, this is where the Argus Family shines, by utilizing machinery that would ordinarily be considered impractical, and then covering the flaws with magic to go beyond both other magi and other scientists, creating their very own Mystic Codes (magical weapons). It isn't nearly as easy as it sounds, as the machines need to be simple enough to be transmutated effectively, thereby discounting most modern machinery, and they also need to be specially-constructed for the receiving of mana. Hence, a lot of the weapons that take advantage of this ability may seem rather steampunk-y.


Glauce herself uses the Mystic Code "Talos", originally granted to her in order to protect the since-deceased Jaselyn. While disguised as a very large, unusually light bronze-looking suitcase, it can be readily prepared by Glauce for combat within five to ten seconds. It is meant to be attached to her back, and has two extending controls she's meant to hold onto, in order to control the gigantic mythril-reinforced automaton hand attached to it, specifically meant for combat against others. Despite its size, it is very light and responds very fast, being effective as both an offense and as a defense, comparable to Rank C Servant strength at its peak. Powered by Glauce's mana supply, it only ceases to function when she has fully exhausted herself. Its only real flaw is that it remains dependent upon her own, far more inexperienced physical reflexes.






Normal Theme - The Iron Rose (Clockwork Dolls)

Battle Theme - Arrival of the Guards / Armaros (Drakengard 3)


>Glauce is educated in a lot of fields, but fails terribly at basic social activities due to having only been a maid trapped in the house her whole life.


>She owns and is able to legally drive around a retrofitted '66 Shelby AC Cobra 427. Of course, as soon as she'd been legally able, the Argus Family she served had wasted no time in making her their permanent driver (she has only ever had the opportunity to see the rest of the city on these drives). She loves her precious car and will automatically hate anyone who so much as thinks about scratching it.


>For all her knowledge and items, Glauce is merely average on the field, completely reliant upon her own things and her Servant to do the work. Her recklessness could be either a strength or a weakness depending on the situation.


>On the other hand, attacking her at her home base, the Argus Manor, is a different story. Her parents have moved to be safe away from the war, but regardless, it has an automated system and is surrounded by countless magical defenses that dampen the strength of any intruder, as well as bombarding them with deadly mana-based bullets. Not only that, but even should they breach into the residency, the manor contains pretty much the whole history of top-grade Argus magical artifacts for Glauce to fall back on, and in the worst case scenario she can blow the whole place up. The Argus Family have, er, never really been known for their friendliness.





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Name: Alexandra Elizabeth Blackmoore


Alignment: Lawful Evil


Servant: Assasssin


Age: 22


Gender: Female




Standing at a fairly petite 147cm (4'8"), Alexandra has to put a fair bit of work into being anything but adorable.  Her build is fairly slight, with perhaps just a bit of fat here or there, thanks to the majority of her activity being not particularly physically demanding.  Similarly resultant is her pale skin, which is nearly comparable to snow in terms of color, speckled with freckles about her face shoulders arms and back.  Compounding the potentially adorable appearance is her preference for wearing her silvery hair cut to hang to her shoulders, and the bright blue eyes set within her face.  Her well-formed feminine figure certainly does not help either.


Seeking to counter this, she wears a very carefully arranged outfit.  Firstly, she covers her face in makeup to make the pale color of her skin appear uniform.  Secondly, she wears a dark skin-tight bodysuit to cover her freckles and provide a little extra modesty.  Over it she wears a pair of thigh-high boots with armored plating on their exterior.  The armor is more of an ornamental thing, and bears large skulls upon the knee plates along with the general imagery of death across its surface.  From the elbows down her arms are covered by a set of gauntlets to match her boots, and her chest is covered by an ornamental breastplate with a large skull at her waist.  A strip of cloth, hanging from her waist in both the front and back, provides extra modesty.  Of course she has a set of robes to wear when it is appropriate, or when mobility is not much of a concern for her.  They cover her entire body from the cheeks down, thanks to a high collar, and are adorned with shaped bones upon the shoulders and upon he lower hem of her skirt.  Whatever she wears, the command seals upon the back of her right hand are kept visible.





Alexandra is, in a word, ambitious.  She has significant aspirations, and accepts no challenge to them whether it be through combat or through more personal interactions.  Nearly everything she does is done to further her goals, and as such she is often described as being overly serious or unladylike.  Of course those comments have little meaning to her, and she often responds to them in an insulting or dismissive way.  In her mind, the most important thing is to become the greatest Necromancer, perhaps even the greatest Dark Witch, in the modern world.  As such the two main things she aspires towards are knowledge and power.  Specifically, she seeks knowledge of more of the Dark Arts to supplement what she already knows, as well as a way to increase the strength of her magical circuits and her overall store of mana.


This does not mean that she allows her ambition to lead her to foolishness.  She remains cautious, tempering her drive so as to avoid making mistakes such as causing incidents which would draw the attention of the church.  While many would consider this a limitation, she finds a way to still perform larger-scale experiments without creating too great of an image for herself.  She aspires to be great, not infamous.  At least she does not aspire to Infamy until such time as she is strong enough to deal with the infamy.


Even though she does not care for being ladylike, and thus could be considered a tom boy, she is still a young girl.  She wants to find someone she can love and be with for the rest of her life, as is the traditional place for a woman.  However, her studies into the dark arts has resulted in her neglecting the proper formation of a social life.  This means she tends to be awkward in expressing her affections, either because she cannot figure out how to say what she wants or because she does and ends up being far too blunt.  She's not exactly modest either, despite her station as the aspiring heiress of one of the great families.




Born the daughter of Gregory and Elizabeth Blackmoore, Alexandra was originally intended to be the future head of the Blackmoore family.  As soon as she could read she was brought into the world of Necromancy, and taught the familial secrets of magic.  Her bedtime stories were accounts of spells being enacted successfully, as well as the failures of Necromancers who had lost their sense of caution.  A favorite of hers was the story of a fool chasing immortality who had unintentionally unleashed a plague upon an isle, and who had ultimately been killed by his own son.  As she grew, she displayed an exceptional aptitude for the family arts, as well as those that supplemented them.  It looked like she would have an unquestioned right to succeed her father as the head of the family.


However, this was not to be.  While she was being trained, her mother gave birth to two more children.  The younger of them, her brother Alexander Gregory, displayed such a prodigious ability with Necromancy that he became the focus of her parents' tutelage and much of their attention.  She was left to learning from other members of the family, never able to capture the attention of her mother and father as she had wanted.  Even when she raised a true Revenant, an animate suit of armor containing the empowered soul of a warrior, she did not garner the praise she had hoped for.  She grew bitter towards her little brother, but she did not take the fool's path and allow it to fuel anger in her.  Instead she used that bitterness to fuel her own studies, and with her parents ignoring her she turned to her grandparents.  Her father's father proved to be a remarkable source of knowledge on the subject of necromancy, and her mother's father taught her the art of Demonology.  With a background in summoning and conjuring spirits, learning to summon and bind those beasts from Hell was simplicity itself for her.  Of course she sought out the knowledge of other schools of magic on her own, and thus came across Blood Magic.


By her Seventeenth Birthday, when the Holy Grail War was announced, she had grown to be a true force to be reckoned with in terms of the dark arts though she knew she had much to learn.  Still, she saw this to be as much an opportunity as a challenge.  While her parents were busy trying to convince her little brother to take an interest in the war, she was researching potential servants and even traveled to America under the guise of seeing the world outside of the British Isles.  What she was truly doing was going to speak to the Hultgrens, whom she convinced to teach her the proper ritual for summoning a servant into the world.  After some two years of effort, she was able to proudly go to her parents and display the Command Seals which had appeared upon her right hand.  Over the following three years she enjoyed the assistance of her mother and father into the selection of a fitting servant, though she ignored much of their advice as she had already decided upon one.  Instead she pursued their aid in obtaining artifacts of the enigmatic man, and finally she acquired the proper item.  Prior to the start of the Holy Grail War, she performed the ritual to summon her servant and was successful.  The following several months were spent with the two learning each others abilities, so that they could function properly in combat.  When it was finally a mere fortnight before the start of the war, she departed to Crystalwater City so that she would have time to set up a proper headquarters to work from during the coming battles.




Demonology:  The art of summoning, binding, and banishing demons as well as wielding the unique powers which those creatures themselves wield.  Given the passion with which she attacked this aspect of magic, and the hundreds of hours poured into learning and practicing it, Alexandra is remarkably able in it.  She is able to summon even particularly powerful demons and command them like child's play, though beyond a certain level they require her to perform far more ritualistic forms of magic to summon and control.  Perhaps the greatest addition to her arsenal that Demonology granted her was the use of Hell Fire, which she wields with skill that has not been seen in many years.  One of the greatest limitations of demonology is the instability of summoned demons, meaning that once a demon is summoned they can only remain in the mortal world for a short amount of time.  Of course, the summoning of demons is often used in conjunction with...

Necromancy:  The art in which her family specializes, and in which she is without a doubt the most skilled.  Though the creation of proper undead servants, zombies mummies and the like, requires a great deal of preparation and ritual, she has discovered a number of shortcuts.  In particular is a magical affliction which she simply names The Rot.  This infection afflicts a person's body, slowly pushing them towards a painful death by way of bleeding out of every orifice.  When a person afflicted with this dies, two things happen.  The first is that their body is raised as a living corpse under her control, and the second is that their soul is twisted and corrupted into a wraith which is bound to her will.  The longer a person is able to resist the affliction, the more powerful creatures they produce.  Of course her truest triumphs in this form of magic are the creation of Revenants and Demon Hosts.  A Revenant is a specially prepared suit of armor into which the soul of a person is bound.  Strangely, incredibly powerful Revenants can be produced either by binding a soul of a recently slain victim, the more painful their death the better, or by binding the soul of one who has been dead for an incredibly long time.  The former are easier to command, while with the latter one must acquire the trust and loyalty of the dead in order to properly command them.  Once a Revenant is created, they can be summoned to their master at any time with a simple incantation.  The one she currently possesses, whom she affectionately has named Giles, was a mage boy whom had fancied her.  She used that to lure him in, and tortured him to death over the course of several days before binding him to the armor.  Demon Hosts are an answer to the instability of demons, allowing them to remain in the mortal world indefinitely by binding them in a specially prepared human corpse.  The demon must, of course, be bound to the prospective master's will beforehand through the use of an ancient ritual.  Of course, many demons are excited at the prospect of becoming Demon Hosts, given that they love to stay in the mortal world and meddle in the affairs of mortals.  At present, Alexandra has only a single Demon Host under her control.  Disguising itself as her personal maid, and going by the name Mary, it stays by her side at all times and acts as a final line of defense.  Given the terms of the ritual, she cannot willingly allow her master to be harmed or else she would be cast back into hell.

Blood Magic:  The most recent art which Alexandra learned, and by extension the one she is least adept at, this still promises to potentially be the thing that propels her to becoming a legend in her own right.  It allows her to steal the mana of another living being by virtue of taking their blood for her own.  With enough use, this could allow her to permanently increase the amount of mana she wields.  In a more directly useful way, it allows her to use her blood as a means to transfer life force to another and heal them in a direct way.  This method of healing in particular is a very old one, dating back to the ancient celts and other pagan healers in Prechristian Europe.  It is incredibly powerful, allowing for the healing of grievous injuries quickly, but also incredibly draining on the caster.  A human only has so much blood to give.  She can make it somewhat easier by using the blood of another for healing, though this is somewhat less effective outside of a ritualistic setting due mostly to her own lack of experience.  One thing she has learned recently is that she can, through a process which very strongly evokes vampirism, take blood more directly from a victim or willing donor to strengthen herself.  While this is somewhat faster than the normal process, a truly significant increase in power would require many hundreds of feedings.





Name: Caster


Alignment: Lawful Evil



Strength: ??

Endurance: ??

Agility: ??

Mana: ??

Luck: ??

Noble Phantasm: Unknown


Class Skills:

Item Construction: B

Territory Creation: A


Personal Skills:







Noble Phantasms:







Caster stands quite tall at a height of 173cm (5'8"), and is most often encountered wearing a full suit of plate armor in a European design.  It is somewhat ornate, having the visually pleasing quality of the various metal plates flowing nicely together, and bears a large crimson cloak which is attached under the pauldrons.  Its dark metal is impeccably cared for, with the only signs of repair to it being spots of slight discoloration where fresh metal was forge-welded to shut holes in it.  On either of his arms, depending upon the handedness of his opponent, one will always find a kite shield of metal matching his armor.  It is forged of plain metal to match his armor, lacking any heraldry upon it.  His helm completely conceals his face, with the exception of an odd lock of dark hair which may come loose every now and then.  His voice has a mellow timbre to it which, if one is not careful, can have an effect of lulling a listener into a sense of security and calm.


At all times, a pair of items hang from his belt.  The first is a hand-and-a-half sword in a plain scabbard worn on the same side as his shield.  When drawn, the blade is revealed to be gleaming silver in its coloration and void of any marring or discoloration upon the edges or flats.  The second is a heavy leather bound tome which hangs from the front of his belt on a chain attached to its spine.  The front and back cover are each decorated with subtly glowing runes, indicating that it contains powerful magic.


Whenever a Servant or Master with the ability to determine a Servant's Parameters looks upon him, his own appear oddly.  They will range anywhere from D to B+, arranged at random.  When a person initially determines his parameters, they appear as such to that person whenever they attempt to determine them again.  However, they will appear differently to different people.  For example, one Servant might see his statline as entirely Ds with one C, and think him an easy target.  Another might see his statline as mostly Bs and C+s, and approach more cautiously.



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  • 2 weeks later...

“Perhaps I should research more about the Holy Grail War before participating.”


Name: Silvio Sant-Angelo
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Master of: Berserker




Silvio is a man that usually would place not much value in the material world, preferring spiritual pursuit rather than that. However, even then he was also a fan of technology, and actively utilized them in his activities, and even to the point of having his magecraft mixed with modern day technology as a contrast to the usual tech-averse magi.


When he interacts with other people, he rarely let his emotions dictate his actions, and he usually attempts to be as impartial as possible, as he is a believer of a certain value of justice that would only be able to be fulfilled if he only judge things with his logical side. This tendency of him would often make him not being able to act according to the atmosphere. However, this would only apply when he’s interacting with other people. If he’s with the people that are close to him, he acts considerably more humane.


He describes himself as neither good nor evil, but simply as just. Just, according to his own moral compass and definition of justice. As he is really devoted to that one value, he usually actively try to change things around him when it did not fit with the ideal he has within himself.

[spoiler=Short Biography]

Born as the son of a high-ranking member of the Church, young Silvio was taught about the values there since he was young, and while he gladly accepted it at first, as he grew and grew, he felt that the values taught on the Church by his family and associates were not the value that he actually could believe in, and after a series of debates and revolts, Silvio left his family and trained to be a magus instead. Becoming an esteemed, if a bit controversial, teacher in the Association after several years of diligent study, Silvio felt at first that he was comfortable with his current condition.


However, something inside of him made him feel incomplete still, and that prompted him to retire from his position. It was a void inside of his heart, and he had no idea about what might be causing it. He went into a year of solitary traveling to find the answer, yet he still couldn’t. Returning to his hometown of Crystalwater City after almost giving up on finding what was causing his ever-looming feeling of incompleteness, Silvio heard about the Holy Grail War ritual that would be held there, and he ended up participating on it.


One reason was to find the answer that he still kept on searching for, and the other reason was…

  • Magus of the Modern Era: Part of his controversial status during his stint as an Association teacher. Silvio’s magecraft focuses on the tools of the modern era. It could take in many forms, but his main utilization of it is to reinforce and manipulate tech pieces to grant them better functionality or even other functionality as his magecraft allowed him to reprogram them, and this includes weapons, although his ability usually restricts him to only being capable of tinkering with something that operates digitally. Most of the time he’s just using this magecraft to enhance his internet connection, though
  • Mystic Code [Overture]: A piece of art fittingly called as magitech, Overture combines the knowledge of robotics and magecraft into one single humanoid…robot. For the most part, it acts as a reliable helper for him in his daily life, and it has a form of pseudo magic circuit running through it due to its construction as a pseudo homunculus. In combat it is armed by magically reinforced modern weapons, and its physical strength and durability is comparable to the best-quality homunculi due to its construction. Whenever he needs it to be moved around without much suspicion, Overture can pack itself into an unusually large-ish backpack that is lighter than it looks.


-Does not like the fact that he has to summon a Berserker.

-While a formidable and experienced magus on his own, his actual preparation for the Holy Grail War itself was miniscule at best.

-Once again, he’d rather not be called as good or evil. He’s willing to go to absurd heights to withhold his ideals, and do things that even he would call as reprehensible without blinking or wincing. He’s in the end, simply following his own code of conduct, and it doesn’t necessarily follow others’. The growth of this internal code of conduct was also the reason he chose to left the Church.


Not entirely sure yet about details (so that might still change), but here's Berserker's master.

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The Hultgren Family


[spoiler=Lacus Hultgren]


"I wish this foul war would just end, and that I could again see my siblings with happy faces."

Name: Lacus Hultgren

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

[spoiler=Personality]Out of all the Hultgren children he is the most compassionate, and while he encourages competition among the siblings he believes it should only occur in a healthy manner. Lacus resents his parents for the way they raised the siblings allowing them to do as they pleased without ever teaching them compassion. He still believes Morgan is untarnished by their families petty squabbles, and was enraged when his youngest brother was chosen as their representative in the Holy Grail War.




Height: 6'3" (190 cm)

Weight: 186 lbs (76 kg)


[spoiler=Abilities]Fire Affinity: Lacus' elemental affinity is Fire, he combines this and it's sub-element Heat with his martial arts during combat. 


Martial Arts: Unlike his siblings who spent much of their time studying magecraft Lacus' main focus was honing his body, and thus he is less experienced in magecraft that the rest of his siblings. However he makes for this in near mastery of most forms of both Eastern and Western martial arts. Using magecraft to strengthen his body he is quite the force to be reckoned with during battle.


Magic Circuit Quality: C+

Magic Circuit Quantity: A






[spoiler=Rastelle Hultgren]


"I cannot wait to see the tear stained face of my little brother when this Grail War finally destroys him~"

Name: Rastelle Hultgren

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

[spoiler=Personality]Both prideful and spiteful Rastelle is least physically aggressive of the siblings, however she is the most verbally abusive, and is constantly scheming against her siblings. She considers herself far superior and above all of them due her double elemental affinity, and high quality magical circuits. She resents that Morgan was chosen to be their family's Master, and eagerly hopes to play a part in his downfall.




Height: 6'1" (185 cm)

Weight: 172 lbs (78 kg)


[spoiler=Abilities]Double Elemental Affinity: Rastelle has elemental affinity for both Wind and Water elements and has been perfecting her technique with them since she could use magecraft. 


Magic Circuit Quality: A+

Magic Circuit Quantity: D






[spoiler=Thaddeus Hultgren]

Name: Thaddeus Hultgren

Age: 25

Gender: Male 

Alignment: ???











[spoiler=Barnabbas Hultgren]


"Oh, ho ho... Does it hurt yet~?

Name: Barnabbas Hultgren

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

[spoiler=Personality]Barnabbas projects an outward sense of coolness, and intellectualism, however in reality he is maniacal sadist who enjoys watching the suffering of others. He is even willing to betray his siblings if it means watching them suffer.




Height: 5'6" (167 cm)

Weight: 130 lbs (58 kg)



[spoiler=Abilities]Chains of Hell: Barnabbas is able to materialize spiked chains from magical circles. These chains can be used to restrain or stab. Their effective radius is his immediate line of sight, and he is unable to summon more than 4 at a time. The chains are nearly unbreakable, though if one is broken Barnabbas can simply summon more.


Healing: While initially ironic for someone of his disposition, yet when it is made know how he uses it his intention becomes much more clear. Rather than use his magecraft to heal his allies, Barnabbas uses his healing magecraft to keep his victims just barely alive and conscious until he tires of them.


Magic Circuit Quality: B

Magic Circuit Quatity: B






[spoiler=Ozwald Hultgren]


"With what purpose to you trouble me?"

Name: Ozwald Hultgren

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Alignment: True Neutral

[spoiler=Personality]A serious and stoic young man, he cares little for his other siblings' petty squabbles or his parents' expectations. Ever ambitious Ozwald's only concern is coming out on top, and he will eliminate anyone who gets in the way of that goal.




Height: 5'11" (180 cm)

Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg) 


[spoiler=Abilities]Thaumaturgical Study - Kabbalah: Ozwald has studied extensively abroad in multiple European schools of magic. Using the words of power in the branches of Kabbalah Ozwald is able to able to physically manifest magical energy without expending large amounts of mana.


Magic Circuit Quality: C+

Magic Circuit Quantity: B+






[spoiler=Casimir Hultgren]


"One day... One day soon they'll love me. I'll make them love me if I have to."

Name: Casimir Hultgren

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Evil

[spoiler=Personality]The most competitive and physically aggressive amongst all the Hultgren children. He will do anything to beat out his siblings, and prove his worth to his parents. An incorrigible attention seeker Casimir despises being ignored. He hates Morgan for stealing his spotlight, and wants to personally take him out of the Grail War.




Height: 5'0" (152 cm)

Weight: 100 lbs (45 kg)


[spoiler=Abilities]Projection Magic: Casimir relies very little on magecraft, instead fighting with various kinds of knives and employing hit-and-run tactics. However Casimir does use projection magic to make sure he has a constant supply of knives wherever and whenever he needs them.


Magic Circuit Quality: D

Magic Circuit Quantity: A+






[spoiler=Ophelia Hultgren]


"Hm...? Is there something I can help you with I really don't like being bothered..."

Name: Ophelia Hultgren

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Alignment: True Neutral

[spoiler=Personality]The least competitive and most lazy out of all the Hultgren siblings. Most of her time is spent online in the basement of the Hultgren Manor, most of which has been converted into laboratory for her to run her experiments. She is the only Hultgren sibling to surpass Morgan's IQ score.




Height: 5'4" (162 cm)

Weight: 124 lbs (56 kg)



[spoiler=Abilities]Alchemy: The field of magecraft in which Ophelia specializes, specifically transmutation; the creation and forging of matter. Since she hardly ever leaves the basement of the Hultgren Manor Ophelia often uses the vast amount of raw materials she has stockpiled there. Should she leave the mansion however Ophelia does always carry with her a small metal sphere which she can use to create an instantaneous homunculus to defend her.


Mystic Codes: Ophelia's claim to fame in the family is her vast collection of Mystic Codes, most of which she has created herself. However most of them are used to help with her daily life rather than combat.


Magic Circuit Quality: B+

Magic Circuit Quantity: B+





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