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Fire Fairy Deck


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Unfortunately, without knowing the rest of the Fire Fairies besides their boss, there isn't much I can really say about the Deck.

Speaking of the boss though, it has good stats, but unfortunately this card does not block against monster effects and/or hand traps, which are becoming more prevalent.


Good stats, but otherwise doesn't really offer much.


Banished Draw is a deck thinner that can add Spell/Traps if you have any, but that's about it.

I don't believe other Decks would have much use for it though.


(Only other Deck I can think of is probably Infernoids for banishing stuff, but I don't think they want this card; even if they can recover them somehow)



Again though, post the other Fire Fairies and we can give you a more complete review.

Right now, there exist no others.

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