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Ritual Beasts

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2 Archfiend Eccentrick

2 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit

3 Ritual Beast Tamer Elder

1 Ritual Beast Tamer Lara

1 Ritual Beast Tamer Wen

2 Ritual Beast Tamer Zeframpilica

2 Spiritual Beast Apelio

3 Spiritual Beast Cannahawk

1 Spiritual Beast Pettlephin

3 Spiritual Beast Rampengu


1 Book of Moon

1 Dimensional Fissure

3 Emergency Teleport

1 Foolish Burial

1 Gold Sarcophagus

1 Raigeki

2 Ritual Beast's Bond


1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Macro Cosmos

3 Ritual Beast Ambush

3 Ritual Beast Steeds

1 Solemn Warning

1 Vanity's Emptiness


Other possible choices:

Terraforming + Brain Research Lab/Oracle of Zefra/Chicken Game

Upstart Goblin

Fiendish Chain

Debris Dragon

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I used to play just 1 Bond as well, but with Ulti-Gaiapelio being around, it seems kinda more useful because now it can extend combos OR bring out a huge beater.


Is Wen really that much better than Pilica? Things will usually end up in Graveyard here after Rampengu mills them/Ulti-Cannahawk returns them for a search. I always played with 3/1 split of Lara+Pilica and Wen and it's been doing well enough.

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I used to play just 1 Bond as well, but with Ulti-Gaiapelio being around, it seems kinda more useful because now it can extend combos OR bring out a huge beater.


Is Wen really that much better than Pilica? Things will usually end up in Graveyard here after Rampengu mills them/Ulti-Cannahawk returns them for a search. I always played with 3/1 split of Lara+Pilica and Wen and it's been doing well enough.

It's a bigger body that's more likely to stay on the board and, on top of that, you're going to want access to the names more. It really does work a lot better than 2/1 Pilica/Lara.

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The thing I hate about Bond is that even if you bring out Ulti Gaiapelio with it you can't use it's pretty ridiculous negation effect.


I barely have any experience with Ritual beasts, but just from facing them before perhaps you could run things that have more generic interactions with the banished zone as techs (such as, for example, D.D.R.)?


Maybe I'll try some builds and see if I can think of anything else beyond that, but at the very least your beast-tamer count seems fairly on point.

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I don't think Eccentrick is good enough to main here. You never have a free Normal Summon, there are very few floodgates to deal with and realistically making a scale with Pilica is rare and not particularly important. Definitely side it, but it's not worthwhile in the main. Wen's also better than Pilica just because it's fatter, you can switch the numbers of those. Bond's also only needed at 1, the vast majority of the time it's just used to seal wins/out Valk, making Gaiapelio with it is very rare. Rampengu should never be run at less than 3, that card is broken.


-2 Eccentrick

-1 Bond

-1 Zeframpilica

+1 Wen

+3 Upstart (you really need these)

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