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[CF!V] Chronodragon Nextage...Or Your Chronojet Dragon Just Evolved!

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Open the temporal gates and break forth with your new power, my soul evolved!


Descend, Chronodragon Nextage!!




Chronodragon Nextage

G4 / Gear Chronicle / 15000+ / No Shield

[Stride] (Released when both players' vanguards are grade 3 or greater!)-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] Stride this card on your (VC) from face down.
[AUTO](VC) Generation Break 2 (This ability is active if you have two or more face up G units in total on your (VC) or G zone):[Counter Blast (1) & Choose a face down card named "Chronodragon Nextage" from your G zone, turn it face up, choose three cards from your hand, and discard them] At the end of the battle that this unit attacked a vanguard, if you have a heart card with "Chronojet Dragon" in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, put this unit into your G zone face up, choose one of your vanguards, and [stand] it.


So me running GCs with Chronojet as my avatar was alright...but when this got announced and it was FINALLY letting us know what the ability is, it made it even better for me!

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I think the most important part of this card is that it sets off Chronojet's GB2 skill on it's second attack. Assumingly you'd want to attack with this unboosted, put any Triggers on the Booster and then when this leaves, you get a 16000+7000+Triggers attack that can't be perfect guarded. Another nice thing about this is that you can do it twice per game. Finally some good Gear Chronicle stuff other than Ragnaclock. My G-Zone for Gear Chronicle is now like 2 Ragnas, 4 of this and 2 Fate Rider. Good card.

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I think the most important part of this card is that it sets off Chronojet's GB2 skill on it's second attack. Assumingly you'd want to attack with this unboosted, put any Triggers on the Booster and then when this leaves, you get a 16000+7000+Triggers attack that can't be perfect guarded. Another nice thing about this is that you can do it twice per game. Finally some good Gear Chronicle stuff other than Ragnaclock. My G-Zone for Gear Chronicle is now like 2 Ragnas, 4 of this and 2 Fate Rider. Good card.


That actually the ideas my friend pointed out to me.


And the fact that it gets Chronojet's GB2 skill active on the second attack is pretty ingenious.

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Great card, Dark zone will be the strongest nation by far at the end of the year hopefully, GC and DI are going strong right now by the looks of things and pale moon and spike brothers getting GB stuff will most likely result in them being extremely powerful just due to how they work and the fact that mechanical trainer searches combo pieces AND stride enablers. Which is great for me since I pretty much only play Dark Zone cus its my fav nation.

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They have their own Silent Tom and Bruno to put behind it...I don't know if they needed 5 chances to pass the triggers.


My thought would be deck thinning. I mean, discarding the Triple Drive checks for Nextage's skill and then the next two for a Trigger (maybe).


That, and it may give you chances to get what you need when you need it...possibly.

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