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Sylvan Plants ft. Chicken Game [Full Guide Included]

Dog  King

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Okay so this thread will be for me to keep track of my decklist and combos, ill probably be constantly updating this with changes and deck combos and also explanation of how the deck works.
Im also keeping this here in case anyone wants to try it or has suggestions or ideas.
Also this deck idea is made by buckwheats from pojo, and Im just trying to go about and expand on it and see what kind of build I can make. Im also going to try expand and explain each combo so you can play with the deck straight away.
The Decklist
Main Deck
Monsters - 23
3 Sylvan Sagequoia
2 Sylvan Hermitree
2 Sylvan Snapdrassinagon
1 Sylvan Peaskeeper
1 Sylvan Cherubsprout
1 Sylvan Princessprout
3 Lonefire Blossom
1 Dandylion
1 Glow-Up Bulb
1 Spore
2 Rose Lover
1 Rose Paladin
1 Rose Archer
1 Mathematician
1 Spell Striker
1 Fallen Angel of Roses
Spells - 16
3 Sylvan Charity
2 Mount Sylvania
3 Chicken Game
2 Terraforming
2 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Miracle Fertilizer
1 One for One
1 Foolish Burial
1 Soul Charge
Traps - 1
1 Vanity's Emptiness
Extra Deck - 15
2 Formula Synchron
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Stardust Spark Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Naturia Beast
1 Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter
1 Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
1 Meliae of the Trees
1 Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand
1 Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
1 Leviair the Sea Dragon
Side Deck - 15
Untested, still figuring out Main Deck and combos, but if you want to try one here is an example
1 Rose Archer
2 Prohibition
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Zombie World
1 Mistake
1 Light-Imprisoning Mirror
1 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
1 Soul Drain
1 Skill Drain
1 Royal Decree
1 Non-Fusion Area
1 Anti-Spell Fragrance
Here is a list of cards I want to try in the Main Deck or I have tried in the past but removed them atm
3rd Sylvan Hermitree
2nd Sylvan Peaskeeper
2nd Rose Paladin
2nd Mathematician
1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 
1-3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1-3 Upstart Goblin
3rd Mount Sylvania
3rd Terraforming
1-2 Jar of Avarice
1 Skill Drain
1 Solemn Warning
1 Safe Zone
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Shooting Star Dragon
1 Black Rose Moonlight Dragon
1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries
2nd Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter 
1 Number 11: Big Eye
1 Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree 
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector
1 Coach King Giantraine
1 Shooting Quasar Dragon



The Main Combo


The Main combo of the deck is to use Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter to stack your deck and topdeck Vanitys Emptiness and Soul Charge and then to draw into them with Chicken Game.

In Game 2 and 3 you will side in 1 or 2 floodgates such as Mistake or Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror etc.

Soul Charge is good as it allows you to summon out Naturia Beast/Felgrand/Stardust or whatever, whenever after you did the combo.


There are many ways the deck can do combos, and I will try and explain each one as best as possible and I will then explain how to use Orea to topdeck your flood and Soul Charge and how to draw them. Tho there really is no way to explain every best possible play with each hand, so if you do wanna try this deck, you may have to figure out the best plays yourself after testing it a bit


So yeah your goal is to make AFD, use it pop field spell or whatever and get Chicken Game, get another lv7 on field and XYZ into Orea. With Orea you stack your deck and use Chicken Game to get whatever you stacked etc.




Part 1 - Making Ancient Fiary Dragon and drawing cards


(Note for all of these combos you can always go Lonefire into another Lonefire and then Lonefire into that target, this way you can abuse Soul Charge more but for these combos I will just say Lonefire into your target)


(Also for those where you need to Normal Summon a Plant Monster, it also always works if you have a way to get it into grave such as Foolish Burial and to then use Miracle Fertilizer on them)


Here is a list for these combos so you don't have to scroll down to check if you have the cards to do summon AFD:

1. Spell Striker + Lonefire Blossom

2. Mathematician + Lonefire Blossom

3. Lonefire Blossom + One for One

4. Mathematician + One for One

5. Foolish Burial + Spore

6. Mount Sylvania + Lonefire + Spore

7. Mount Sylvania + Lonefire Blossom + Dandylion

8. Mount Sylvania + Lonefire Blossom + Foolish + Any Plant

9. Mount Sylvania + Lonefire Blossom + Sylvan Snapdrassinagon

10. Mount Sylvania + Mathematician + Sylvan Snapdrassinagon


1. Spell Striker + Lonefire Blossom

Summon both monsters -> Lonefire into Dandy - Overlay Dandylion + Spell Striker for Meliae -> Detach Dandylion to Summon Lonefire and Summon 2 Tokens -> Lonefire effect Tribute Meliae for Glow-up Bulb -> Synchro Glow-Up Bulb and token for Formula Synchro and Draw 1 -> Synchro Formula and Lonefire Blossom into T.G. Hyper Librarian -> Summon Glow-Up Bulb from grave and Synchro it with a token for another Formula Synchron and draw 2. -> Now you can Synchro Formula Synchron and T.G. Hyper Librarian for Ancient Fairy Dragon



For this combo and a few such as Number 2, others if you draw Mount Sylvania you can get an extra draw and also a Hermitree on field. What you do is you use Lonefire to get out Sylvan Hermitree and then you use Mount Sylvania to discard a plant (Rose Lover is good if you arent going to use Mathematician combo or Spore/Glow-Up whichever you dont need for your combo) and stack Sylvan Peaskeeper. You then use Sylvan Hermitree to excavate Peaskeeper and draw 1 and summon back Lonefire to continue your combo.

There are also other ways to abuse Mount Sylvania here and you could go and do a different combo depending what you draw (you could have drawn into your flood and soul charge too or something)

ALSO now you have a Field Spell to blow up with Ancient Fairy Dragon and get Chicken Game.

ALSO this can be important as you can now use Rose Archer always.


2. Mathematician + Lonefire Blossom

This is the same as Combo No. 1, except you normal Summon Mathematician to mill Rose Lover and you banish Lover to Summon Lonefire and you go ahead with the combo. You do use up your Rose Lover for the turn if you do this combo.


3. Lonefire Blossom + One for One

(Mount Sylvania and Hermitree doesnt really work here since you need all 5 monster slots)

Use One for One and discard something to summon Spore -> Summon Lonefire and Tribute it for another Lonefire and then with the new Lonefire you Tribute Spore for Dandylion -> Overlay your Second Lonefire and Dandylion for Leviair -> Banish your first Lonefire and Summon Spore from your Graveyard -> Detach from Leviair to Summon Lonefire from your Banished Zone -> Your field is now Leviair, 2 Tokens, Spore and Lonefire -> Tribute Spore for Glow-Up Bulb with Lonefire Blossom -> Synchro Glow-Up Bulb and Token for Formula Synchro and Draw 1 -> Synchro your Formula Synchro and Lonefire Blossom for T.G. Hyper Librarian -> Use Glow-Up Bulb to summon it back and Synchro it and the last token for Formula Synchro to draw 2 cards, now you can Synchro into AFD using your T.G. Hyper Librarian and Formula Synchron.

(With this combo you do use up Spore and Dandy, so One for One while it may seem great, you may be better focusing on the other combos and cutting it for different cards)


4. Mathematician + One for One

(Or a way to get Dandylion in grave (Foolish Burial) and to summon another lv3 Monster such as Spell Striker)

(Also Mount Sylvania doesnt work here since you never summoned Lonefire, unless you have a way to summon it but then you would be better off doing a different combo)

Summon Mathematician and mill Dandylion and summon 2 Tokens -> Use One for One to Summon Glow-Up Bulb -> Synchro Token and Glow-Up Bulb for Formula Synchro and Draw 1 card > Synchro Formula Synchron and Mathematician for T.G. Hyper Librarian -> Summon Glow-Up Bulb and synchro your Token and Glow-Up Bulb for your second Formula Synchron and draw your 2 cards

Now you can Synchro into Ancient Fairy Dragon


5. Foolish Burial + Spore

(This is pretty bad and only do it if you really need to get AFD, and anyway you will very rarely draw into this combo)

Use Foolish Burial to mill Dandylion and get 2 Tokens -> Normal Summon Spore and Synchro a token and Spore for Formula Synchron and draw 1 -> Banish Dandylion from graveyard to summon your lv4 Spore and Synchro it and token for T.G. Hyper Librarian and draw nothing ->

Now you only drew 1 but you can still make Ancient Fairy Dragon



6. Mount Sylvania + Lonefire + Spore

Lonefire Blossom tribute itself for Lonefire Blossom -> Second Lonefire Tribute itself to Summon Sylvan Hermitree -> Use Mount Sylvania to discard Spore and topdeck Sylvan Peaskeeper -> Use Sylvan Hermitree to excavate top card aka Peaskeeper to draw 1 and summon Lonefire Blossom from your graveyard. -> Tribute Hermitree with Lonefire to summon Dandylion -> Banish Spore by banishing a Lonefire from grave. -> Summon Leviair with Lonefire and Dandylion -> Detach Dandylion and Special Summon Lonefire Blossom and 2 tokens. ->

Your Field is now Leviair, Lonefire, 2 Tokens and lv4 Spore

there are 2 different combos you could do now

6.1 Use Lonefire and Tribute itself for Glow-Up Bulb -> Synchro Spore and Token for T.G. Hyper Librarian and token and Glow-Up Bulb for Formula Synchron and draw 2,

now you can synchro into Ancient Fairy Dragon

with this combo you only drew 2 but you did not use Glow-Up Bulb effect and you can use it later one (which can be really useful which I may explain later)

6.2 Use Lonefire Blossom and tribute Spore to Summon Glow-Up Bulb from deck -> Synchro Glow-Up Bulb and Token for Formula Synchron and draw 1 -> Synchro Formula and Lonefire for T.G. Hyper Librarian -> Use Glow-Up Bulb from grave to summon it and synchro it and token for Formula Synchron and draw 2

now you can synchro into Ancient Fairy Dragon

with this combo you did draw 3 but you used up both Spore and Glow-Up Bulb, but you can still get them back with Soul Charge and or Miracle Fertilizer

Its probably best if you try out both combos and see which one is usually better

Now with Ancient Fairy Dragon you can pop your Mount Sylvania and get your Chicken Race (just don't use it straight away imo)


7. Mount Sylvania + Lonefire Blossom + Dandylion

Lonefire Blossom into Lonefire Blossom into Sylvan Hermitree -> Use Mount Sylvania and discard Dandylion to summon 2 tokens and to topdeck Peaskeeper -> Use Hermitree to excavate Peaskeeper, draw 1 and summon Lonefire from grave -> Tribute Hermitree with Lonefire and summon Glow-Up Bulb from your deck -> Synchro Glow-Up and token for Formula Synchron and draw 1 -> Synchro Formula Synchron and Lonefire Blossom for T.G. Hyper Librarian -> Summon Glow-Up Bulb from your grave and synchro it and token for Formula Synchron to draw 2

Now you can synchro Ancient Fairy Dragon and you can defo use its eff to pop Mount Sylvania and to get Chicken Game


8. Mount Sylvania + Lonefire Blossom + Foolish + Any Plant

Same as combo 6 and 7 except

for combo 6. rather than discarding Spore with Mount Sylvania, you discard any plant, and then with Foolish you mill your Spore.

and for combo 7. rather than discarding Dandylion, you discard any plant and then Foolish Burial your Dandylion


you may have to test and decide yourself which is the best combo play, as of right now Im still unsure if I would go 6.1, 6.2 or even 7 with this hand


9. Mount Sylvania + Lonefire Blossom + Sylvan Snapdrassinagon

Summon Lonefire -> Use Mount Sylvania to discard Sylvan Snapdrassinagon then topdeck Sylvan Cherubsprout and using Snap you excavate Cherubsprout and summon a Spore from your deck -> Use Lonefire to tribute the Spore and summon a Lonefire Blossom from your deck and then tribute that for Dandylion -> Overlay Dandy and Lonefire for Leviair -> Banish Lonefire and summon Spore from your graveyard, detach Dandy from Leviair and summon 2 Tokens and Lonefire Blossom -> 

Your Field is now Leviair, Lonefire, 2 Tokens and lv4 Spore

you are in the same situation as combo 6. so go back to that and decided what to do


10. Mount Sylvania + Mathematician + Sylvan Snapdrassinagon

Summon Mathematician and send Dandylion from your Deck to summon your 2 tokens -> Use the same Snap combo with Mount Sylvania from combo 9. using Cherubs, but this time summon Glow-Up Bulb from your Deck -> Synchro token and Glow-Up Bulb for Formula Synchron and draw 1 -> Synchro Mathematician and formula Synchron for T.G. Hyper Librarian -> Summon Glow-Up Bulb and token for Formula Synchron and draw 2

Now you can make Ancient Fairy Dragon and you have Mount Sylvania to pop to get Chicken Game




Part 2 - Making Orea the Sylvan High Arbiter


Now you should have a field with Ancient Fairy Dragon and possible a Sylvan Hermitree or Leviair or something else if you did some other combo.

Your Aim is to summon another lv 7

Here are some ways:

-If you have Lonefire Blossom in your hand you use AFD to summon it and tribute it for a lv7 Plant from Deck (Sylvan Sagequoia or Fallen Angel of Roses)

-If you have a lv4 or lower Plant in hand and you have Fallen Angel of Roses in hand which is searchable with Rose Paladin which is searchable with Reinforcement of the Army.

-If you have Foolish Burial and Sylvan Sagequoia in hand

-If you have another Mount Sylvania and Snapdrassinagon and didnt use Peaskeeper that turn, you just combo it to get Lonefire Blossom from grave and get your lv7 from your deck.

-There are plenty of other ways too




Part 3 - Using Orea the Sylvan High Arbiter


Using your AFD and lv7 you XYZ summon into Orea.

You can now tribute your Hermitree on field or just discard a Hermitree or Sylvan Sagequoia from your hand to activate its effect and look at the top 7-8 cards of your deck

Your aim is to reveal Soul Charge and your floodgate.


1. If you only reveal your flood or even reveal your flood and a good card (such as Soul Charge) then you put something you wont on top other than flood (or you could do this other way around) then a plant under that and flood under plant

you just basically use chicken and draw your first good card, use orea to bounce chicken by excavating ur plant (Best plant to put here should be Sylvan Sagequoia so you could add back a Mount Sylvania from your grave on your hand and place it over the Chicken Game before end of turn so your opponent couldnt use it) and you then use Chicken Game again to ur flood or good card


2. If you only got Soul Charge and not flood you can do many things

You could bring back T.G. Hyper Librarian and try to synchro a few times that turn to draw flood or try and make Orea.

Or you could just go and make Stardust or Felgrand or both or even Naturia Beast (Paladin + Glow-Up Bulb)

This part is in theory but if you reveal flood and soul charge you should really win that game.

Stardust Spark Dragon + Felgrand + Flood such as Vanities is really hard to get past


Its also possible to draw into 2 Floods and Soul Charge using this combo and that would be pretty op as well, there are many ways to go ahead when you are at this point)



Other Combos


Felgrand + LV8 Synchro / Giantrainer Combo


1. Mount Sylvania + Lonefire Blossom + Random Plant + Sylvan Sagequoia

Summon Lonefire and tribute it to summon a Sylvan Hermitree from deck - Use Mount Sylvania and discard a plant to topdeck Sylvan Cherubsprout -> Use Hermitree to send Cherubsprout to grave, summon your Spore from deck and then draw 1, then from the excavated Cherubsprout you summon your Sylvan Sagequoia from your hand -> Now you can synchro Spore and Sagequoia for lets say Stardust Spark Dragon -> then you banish Sagequoia and summon Spore 

Now you can overlay your Hermitree and Spore for Felgrand or Hermitree and Spore and Stardust for Giantrainer.


2. Mount Sylvania + Mathematician + Spell Striker + Sylvan Sagequoia

Summon Mathematician and mill Lonefire Blossom -> Summon Spell Striker and overlay it and Mathematician for Meliae -> Use that to Summon Lonefire Blossom from grave, tribute it to summon Sylvan Hermitree from your deck -> Use Mount Sylvania to tribute Meliae to topdeck Cherubsprout -> Use Hermitree to excavate Cherubs, summon your Spore and draw 1, then summon Sylvan Sagequoia from your hand -> Synchro Spore and Sagequoia to summon Stardust and then banish Sagequoia to summon Spore and overlay it with Hermitree to make Felgrand or you could just make Giantrainer.


You can also instead of stacking Cherubsprout, stack a Peaskeeper and summon your Lonefire from your graveyard and also summon your Sagequoia from your hand, you then tribute it for another Sylvan Hermitree.

Your field is 2 Hermitrees and 1 Sagequoia, (2700+2700+2600=8000)

If they have a clear field or you have Rose Archer you could OTK



Opening Lonefire Blossom + Soul Charge


There are definitely better ways to abuse this than making Shooting Quasar Dragon, for which you already dont have space in your extra deck.

ATM Im still figuring out the best way to end your field with this, but if anyone has any ideas then please let me know.



General Theory and Card Discussion


-Sylvan Snapdrissanagon while may be great and good for comboing and getting AFD, it could be taken out and you could focus mainly on the getting out Lonefire + Mathe/Striker or the other combos that don't include Snap. This can also be said the same for One for One.

-Sylvan Princessprout doesn't go into any of the combos in the thread but its nice to have and sometimes needed when you don't open any specific combo, if I can figure out a nice way to use this then I will update the thread with the combo.


-Mathematician is at 1 atm because of how much better doing the combo with Spell Striker is, and drawing into a second Mathematician, you probably wont find any use for it.


-Rose Archer is very nice to have especially if you go second, for games 2 and 3 I probably would side in a second copy for the game that im going second.


-Sylvan Peaskeeper could go up to 2 because when you stack your deck with Orea and you got Mount Sylvania you make it so that it would be the thing you would draw next turn, but then during their end phase you would use Mount Sylvania to excavate it and get something from grave, as long as your flood isnt Vanities.


-Miracle Fertilizer is a nice card to have if your combo got stopped and you want to do it turn 2, or even if you did your combo and your opponent used up your resources and you want to put some stuff on board.


-Rose Lover is at 2 because its nice to discard with Mount Sylvania and One for One and can do some cool combos if you didnt already use it after milling it with Mathematician that turn.


-Prohibition is a great side card and you want to use 2-3 because you can straight away call something like an Effect Veiler or Maxx C and later bounce it with Orea and call one of their archetype cards that they may need, or an MST if you set up your lock.


-BLS - EOTB may be a good card in main as you can stack it from Orea and you summon it with T.G. Hyper Librarian and Formula Synchron, It allows you to OTK or get over something.


-Sylvan Charity, just reminding you that you can use this card to topeck something you may need to have for your combo in your deck, it also allows you to draw into your combo pieces really fast.


-Shooting Quasar Dragon is only really good to OTK or kill something like Towers, using up your space in the extra deck for it is not that great and Lonefire and Soul Charge can be used for better plays. Drawing into your Floodgate and protecting it with Stardust/Felgrand/Nat Beast is much more powerful atm IMO.


-Jar of Avarice seems cool to re use your extra deck and also your Soul Charge. But space is tight and cards like these means you have 1 less card to combo with in your starting hand.




So yeah thats all for now, Ill probably keep on updating this thread whenever I test this deck.

If you have any questions then please ask me them, and if you have any suggestions then please share them :D

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you use these combos to make AFD who allows you to get Chicken Race and also summon your other lv7 (SS a Lonefire from your hand with AFD and use it to get Sagequoia or SS a plant and return it for Fallen Angel)

You then make Orea and because your deck is so thin now you excavate the top 7/8, make it so you can draw your floodgate and Soul Charge, and then lets say you use Chicken Game to to draw Soul Charge then you bounce it using Orea and use it again to draw flood.

Using Soul Charge you make Felgrand/Stardust/Nat Beast and you protect your flood which shuts down your opponents deck.


Basically the main combo if you didnt understand since the guide is pretty long.

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Doing this post now mostly to to show recognition that this is an awesome thread, I will add more after testing.


Ok and thanks!!


also if you do try this then aim for AFD combo, tho if you can figure out other 2-4 card combos that can somehow lockdown opponent then that would be cool.

Oh and if you have questions about what I would do with specific opening hands then ask here.

*added Side Deck and a list of AFD combos so you dont need to scroll*

DERP forgot to list Soul Charge in main

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was looking at more plants and realised that Mystic Macrocarpa Seed looks interesting as it allows me to summon Naturia Barkion and Naturia Landoise oh and Goyo Guardian

Flowerbot is also interesting but I dont think its needed unless there is some kind of combo with it to make AFD or something

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I have a guide to sylvans in the archetype discussion if you want more information on techs and other such things.


Honestly this all seems like too much investment for too little payoff. Sylvans have so much potential to abuse lonefire and the like, and summon so many huge beaters in one turn it's insane. Not only that but there are quite a few 2-3 card Quasars that require minimal deck space investment.


Granted this build seems incredibly fast. The deck thinning potential is absolutely absurd. However, as said, it seems like even with semi-optimal hands it seems that all this will take 2-3 turns of setup, upon which you really don't have that strong of field presence. And all this just to get Nat beast? Knowing the explosiveness of sylvans it just seems like a waste of resources, and possibly time.


It's an interesting build to say the least, but I feel it doesn't do enough for all the effort.

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quasar does nothing imo, all it does is otk or whatever, other than that its really wasy to get rid of


this deck sets up in 1 turn usually, and if going second you can have rose archer to help you


also you dont just summon nat beast, you can summon stardust spark + felgrand along with your flood which you then protect, and anyway summoning out nat beast against stuff like nekroz can be gg


yeah the deck does use up its resources turn 1 but being able to search into your flood and protect it with felgrand and stardust or something after urn 1 means their whole deck is probably shut down and they really cant play, which seems much better than using your cards to make something like quasar which most decks will get past easily

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Would Localized Tornado perhaps help?

it could be an interesting one of to topdeck with orea, also returning cards from hand can be shitty unless you got miracle fertilizer which you summon lonefire with and you got a set rota for spell striker

also you cant really do same combo since u prob already used glowup and spore

but i feel like jar of avarice could be better since you could add back soul charge and use orea to draw into it again and have stuff in grave to use it with


and anyway if u did combo and went through your deck, you shouldhave a very established fieldand you should win anyway imo


nice idea tho

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