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[HS] Truely Inspirational


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2 Abusive Sergeant
2 Argent Squire
2 Zombie Chow
2 Knife Juggler
2 Shielded Minibot
1 Coghammer
2 Muster for Battle
2 Fencing Coach
2 Silver Hand Regent
2 Warhorse Trainer
2 Truesilver Champion
1 Blessing of Kings
2 Consecration
2 Murloc Knight
2 Mukla's Champion
1 Quartermaster
1 Justicar Trueheart

Otherwise known as PRESS THE BUTTON.dek. Your entire deck is created in such a way that makes your Hero Power capable of creating things other than just guys and, in conjunction with Mukla's Champion, allows for a lot of power to be distributed to these newly created freebies by his presence. Currently considerable cards include:

- Equality
- Cult Master
- Solemn Vigil
- More Quartermaster
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Where is Murlock Knight, the card that can single handedly shut down entire classes if not dealt with as soon as it's played?


Edit: I'm going Blind. I honestly don't know about Mulka's Champion, it's alot slower than Quartermaster, and you need to be in a winning position or it's dead.

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