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Highest unassited ATK/DEF stats of monsters of each level?

1 - Red Eyes B. Chick [800]

2 - Pixie Knight [1300]

3 - Insect Knight

4 - Giant Kozaky [2500]

5 - Guardian Grarl [2500]

6 - Summoned Skull :: End of Anubis :: Skull Archfiend of Lightning :: Spirit of the Pharoah :: Toon Summoned Skull [2500]

7 - Armed Dragon LV7 :: St. Joan :: Fusilier Dragon, the Dual Mode Beast :: Guardian Angel Joan :: Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon [2800]

8 - Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth :: Valkyrion the Magna Warrior :: Berserk Dragon [3500]

9 - Master of Oz [4200]

10 - Cyber End Dragon [4000]

11 - Gate Guardian [3800?]

12 - Five-Headed Dragon :: Dragon Knight Master [5000]


Highest assisted by its own effect?



3 - Agent of Force - Mars



6 - Great Maju Garzett


8 - Mirage Knight


10 - Cyber End Dragon

11 - Gate Guardian

12 - Dragon Master Knight


And Highest unassisted with no downside?










10 - Cyber End Dragon

11 - Gate Guardian



Post guys!

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the 6 star monster assisted by its own effect is definitely Great Maju Garzett.


ive got that thing up to 12,000


and for 3 stars assisted by it's own effect that one Agent of Mars guy.


Slime Lord's got that thing up to 30,000.


needless to say, my Mystic Tomato was smashed.


and also, for 4 stars by the same would definitely be Maha Vailo, cuz slimy has also got that up to like 16000.



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Level 1 unassisted: Red-Eyes Black Chick, with a (relatively) MASSIVE 800 ATK.

Level 2 unassisted: Pixie Knight @ 1300 for a Lv2 ain't bad...

Level 5 unassisted: Guardian Grarl with a massive 2500...

Level 6 unassisted: Five-way tie, @ 2500:

Summoned Skull :: End of Anubis :: Skull Archfiend of Lightning :: Spirit of the Pharoah :: Toon Summoned Skull.


Level 7 unassisted: Five-way tie AGAIN, clocking in at 2800:

Armed Dragon LV7 :: St. Joan :: Fusilier Dragon, the Dual Mode Beast :: Guardian Angel Joan :: Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon


Level 8 unassisted: Triple-tie, with a HUGE 3500:

Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth :: Valkyrion, the Magna Warrior :: Beserk Dragon.


Level 9 unassisted: Master of Oz, with a killer 4200!


Level 10 unassisted: Tie, with 3500... really slacked off, Lv10...

Thienen the Great Sphinx :: Ultimate Obedient Fiend


Level 11: FOR ALL CATEGORIES: He's the ONLY Lv11: Gate Guardian.


Well that fixes... like 10 of your necessary things up.


For level 3 in the "boost" category, I'd actually go out on a limb and guess Injection Fairy Lily... except the Agent of Mars is unbounded. Curse Slime and his fairies.

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