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Herald of Death


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Slightly changed, current version.


3 Dunames Dark Witch
3 Shining Abyss
1 Archlord Kristya
3 Manju
2 Honest
3 Herald of Ultimateness
2 Advanced Ritual Art
3 Chicken Race
3 Dark Factory of Mass Production
2 Magical Mallet
1 One Day of Peace
1 Raigeki
2 Terraforming
1 Wave-Motion Cannon
1 of each Spirit Message
3 Upstart
3 Destiny Board

1 Abyss Dweller

1 Castel

1 Constellar Omega

1 Daigusto Emeral


1 Diamond Dire Wolf

1 Exciton

1 101

1 Cornship

1 Diamond Crab King

2 Heartlandraco

1 Crazy Box

1 Starliege Paladynamo

1 Steelswarm Roach



[spoiler=Original list]
3 Dunames Dark Witch
3 Shining Abyss
1 Shining Friendship
1 Archlord Kristya
3 Manju
3 Herald of Ultimateness
2 Advanced Ritual Art
3 Chicken Race
3 Dark Factory of Mass Production
3 Dark World Dealings
1 One Day of Peace
1 Raigeki
2 Terraforming
1 Seal of Orichalcos
1 of each Spirit Message
3 Upstart
3 Destiny Board

15 bluffs




[spoiler=Successful murder 1]8opXwPJ.png


[spoiler=Successful murder 2]


[spoiler=Successful murder 3]

Safe to say he was fairly f***ed even if he continued so I'm claiming this.


[spoiler=Successful murder 4]

Yet another giant middle finger to everything he could do.


[spoiler=Successful murders 5 and 6]


Fair to say this guy did not have a great time.


[spoiler=Successful murder 7]


[spoiler=Successful murder 8]



[spoiler=Successful murder 9]


[spoiler=Successful murder 10]


[spoiler=Successful murder 11]


[spoiler=Successful murder 12]


[spoiler=Successful murder 13]


[spoiler=Successful murder 14]

Destiny Board > Exodia confirmed.


[spoiler=Successful murder 15]


[spoiler=Successful murder 16]


[spoiler=Successful murder 17]


[spoiler=Successful murder 18]


[spoiler=Successful murder 19]


[spoiler=Successful murder 20]


[spoiler=Successful murder 21]


[spoiler= Successful murder 22]31kwnuO.png


[spoiler=Successful murder 23]


[spoiler=Successful murder 24]
He took down the Herald after two turns after opening with 3 Mage Powers and a Moon Mirror Shield, but he couldn't finish the job.


[spoiler=Successful murder 25]



[spoiler=Successful murder 26]



[spoiler=Successful murder 27]



[spoiler=Successful murder 28]



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dark world dealings seems bad and also imo

i would just run a herald engine instead here

seems like it would be just much easier to beat them down with your bosses


Dark World Dealings is more draw power and the vanillas are useless when you draw them so replacing them is fine, especially when Dark Factory can grab them back. And Destiny Board is the point of the deck so turning it into Heralds would not be what I'm looking for.

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Ever considered kuribandit?


Egh. Had Cat of Ill Omen in for a bit and it was absolutely terrible. Huge risk of milling Spirit Messages which are unrecoverable.

it also allows your opponent to draw and discarding vanillas isnt good as you can use them for herald


Which is why Dark Factory is there. Vanillas in the hand without Herald are useless, but once I have Herald out of course I'm not letting any of them go. Don't care about what my opponent is doing largely anyway. Also activating it while they have no hand is always nice. Additionally can be used for setting up a Kristya.

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going first means you start with 5 and dwd is a -1 and then you cab also draw into the 8 destiny boards or 7 vanillas or 3 dark mass factory

meaning the deck can brick easily and getting herald out doesnt guarantee you constant negation because of your little amount of fairies

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going first means you start with 5 and dwd is a -1 and then you cab also draw into the 8 destiny boards or 7 vanillas or 3 dark mass factory

meaning the deck can brick easily and getting herald out doesnt guarantee you constant negation because of your little amount of fairies


Herald takes 3 vanillas to make it meaning there are 4 left to potentially draw, and once Herald is out they are all negations so I'm fine with that. There needs to be more than enough vanillas in the deck so as to prevent there not being enough in the deck to actually summon Herald since ARA can't use them from the hand or field. Was thinking of putting in a Magical Mallet or 2 for some of the Dealings but not sure.


Also, the amount of Faries isn't little since more than half the deck is draw power and it can thin out very quickly, and Dark Factory can then recycle the vanillas and Krystia grabs one when summoned as well, on top of the further lockdown it causes. As for potential to brick, I mean... It's still a Destiny Board deck so that's unavoidable.


gale dogra putting 2 herald of arc in grave makes instant Herald of ultimateness.

And puts you in kill range of anything sadly. As great as it is, and as much as life points supposedly don't matter, losing 6k life IN ONE TURN is way too steep of a cost.


This is the huge issue with it, as well as it being dead any time when life points have already been lost. Also I prefer not to search Herald if I can avoid it to try not give away what the deck is going to go for unless I already have Destiny Board ready to go.

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Box of Friends + Labradorite & Psyframe Driver as the Normal thing instead?

That would be a way to sort of stall, as well as letting you make R6 stuff like that Utopia one that drops all their ATK to 0.


EDIT nvm I'm an idiot those aren't fairies



Are there even any suitable targets tho lmao



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White elephant's gift is great...

Except it consumes a normal summon you could be using for manju.


It's not a bad idea, but if implemented the draw engine as a whole would have to adapt around it. Maybe a send engine (aka mathematican) with Swing of Memories or something.

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its cool that you have screenshots but so far it doesnt seem like you have beat any "good" deck.


I had DEAT against a Shaddoll guy who managed to kill Destiny Board on the last turn, and the same against a Nekroz who used Ghost Ogre twice in one turn and I admitted before realising. I'd have won that one otherwise and it haunts me. 


On top of that, it is DN. Not many of the decks are high tiers.

White elephant's gift is great...

Except it consumes a normal summon you could be using for manju.


It's not a bad idea, but if implemented the draw engine as a whole would have to adapt around it. Maybe a send engine (aka mathematican) with Swing of Memories or something.


Mathematician would do nothing for me as I need to keep a certain number of vanillas in the deck and he's a Spellcaster so can't even be ammunition for Herald. Swing of Memories + White Elephant's Gift is just an egh draw engine, especially since by whatever point I have the vanillas in the grave I don't need to be drawing more cards as I'll likely have Herald, and Dark Factory is a +1 as opposed to that +0/-1.

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Exactly. Compared to chicken game.engine it pales in comparison.


Speaking of which y no psuedo space?


Don't like the card and that's really it. Makes it look even more like Life Equalizer or some shite like it as well, and I already have basically everyone I encounter assume that's what it is initially. Swapped in 2 Magical Mallets for the DW Dealings, helps a lot. Would rather leave them in then add Pseudo.

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Box of Friends + Labradorite & Psyframe Driver as the Normal thing instead?

That would be a way to sort of stall, as well as letting you make R6 stuff like that Utopia one that drops all their ATK to 0.


EDIT nvm I'm an idiot those aren't fairies



Are there even any suitable targets tho lmao




After a search, this is literally the only Fairy-type Box of Friends target:




He shall not be seeing use.

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After 13 successful killings and a couple more that didn't get screencapped, I think I have thinned the DN herd enough for a little while. Magical Mallet in for DW Dealings was a massive improvement and helped consistency hugely, especially useful for getting rid of Spirit Messages or multiples of Board in the hand. The overall consistency of making this happen is actually quite good, surprisingly so. In using this my singles rating has gone from around 400 up to 765, so it does get a good win/loss ratio. Wish I had thought to change to the Bakura avatar sooner but oh well. The version in the OP is pretty much final, taking out the Shining Friendship for another Mallet may help but these numbers have worked for me so it's alright.

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May as well bump this for another slight change and since I'm still using it because it's magnificent. Took out the one Shining Friendship and added in a Wave-Motion Cannon. It's just an MST (and other removal effects) bait that I don't care about but which can potentially do a lot of damage if ignored. Given that I give my opponent's 3k life with the Upstarts I'm unlikely to win by reducing them to 0 but this is the best option I think for a continuous card that I can remove whenever the time comes without relying on anything else.

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My opening hand: http://i.imgur.com/WQRCEoy.png

I drew Terra, used Chicken, drew Kristya.

The level of this sack is ridiculous.

I almost feel bad for my opponent.


EDIT: End result: http://i.imgur.com/frX3z29.jpg

He Normal Summons Dracoslayer, tries to Tribute Summon for 05, I can just negate it anyways, but he can't summon it anyways either.

He quits when I explain, making a fuss about something I don't even know. xD


I drew a few cards with Chicken Race towards the end just to lower my LP, not that I needed it. I had a solid stock of Fairies that I used to negate pretty much anything major he could've done. I let him draw with it anyways continuously, and he still can't do anything, and just quits in the end.


I also tried to Kristya lock him, but he Solemned it. Pity. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Another game: http://i.imgur.com/hRbWCUa.png

I had made Constellar Omega with double Fairy normals, dumped a mat, used ARA for Herald, and used double Factory to get 4 Fairies, this is the end.

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This is a late late late reply but it's nice to see the deck working for other people and knowing that lives are being ended even if I am unable to be the one doing so. Also going to probably just add in some rank 4s since the odd time it does happen that I have them on the field and may as well put some in the extra. Heartland Draco seems a good idea. And also yes, as explained, the fusions are just a bluff so people don't straight out quit once they see no extra and Chicken Race but since all the monsters are level 4 I may as well put some in.


Haven't really been on DN much the last couple of days so have only one new victim added to the OP and because of how long I've taken to reply this is additionally bumping the thread a bit but oh well. 

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