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Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord otk (editted from my last post ) Improve plz

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3| Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord

5| Exodia cards

3| Deep Diver

3| d- hero plasma

3| d-hero dogma


3| Diffusion Wave-Motion

3| Mist Body

1| Giant Trunade

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

3| Hand Destruction

3| D - draw

3| Trade in

2| Poison Of The Old Man


3| Spirit Barrier ( support )


alright you search for Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord, then use Mist Body on your opponents monster then use Diffusion Wave-Motion.

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Guest PikaPerson01

How is it an OTK if it requires 5 turns?


Also, a huge WTF @ Poison of the Old Man.


Lastly: Average life span of a monster is 1 turn (and that's before the lightning quick deck = hand format). You're not going to be winning with Exodius, which pretty much leaves you with no other win condition.

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each time Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord attack you can take a card out of your deck ( exodia part ). Mist Body is an equip card that stops a monster from being destroyed as a result of battle. Diffusion Wave-Motion allows to attack all monsters.


but ty for making me check my deck, iv miss read Diffusion Wave-Motion, i need to find ways of getting more monsters onto my opponents field. soz

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