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[MtG] [EDH] Ghoulcaller Gisa

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Reenact the zombie apocalypse with an onslaught of ghouls. The italicized number next to each card is the converted mana cost of the card.

Commander (1)
5 Ghoulcaller Gisa

Zombies (21)
1 Carrion Feeder
1 Gravecrawler
2 Shepherd of Rot
3 Adaptive Automaton
3 Cemetery Reaper
3 Death Baron
3 Fleshbag Marauder
3 Lord of the Undead
3 Unbreathing Horde
3 Zombie Master
4 Grave Defiler
4 Risen Executioner
4 Undead Warchief
4 Vengeful Dead
5 Corpse Harvester
5 Gray Merchant of Asphodel
5 Noxious Ghoul
5 Raving Dead
6 Gempalm Polluter

6 Gravespawn Sovereign
7 Gurmag Angler

Non-Zombies (9)
2 Blood Artist
3 Burnished Hart
3 Liliana, Heretical Healer
4 Crypt Ghast
4 Filth
4 Liliana's Shade
4 Solemn Simulacrum
6 Grave Titan
6 Massacre Wurm

Instants (6)
1 Foul-Tongue Shriek
1 Tragic Slip
2 Malicious Affliction
3 Sudden Spoiling
5 Cruel Revival
X Wake the Dead

Sorceries (10)
3 Read the Bones
3 Victimize
4 Mutilate
5 Dark Petition
5 Syphon Flesh
9 In Garruk's Wake
9 Rise of the Dark Realms
X Consume Spirit
X Exsanguinate
X Profane Command
Artifacts (9)
1 Sol Ring
1 Wayfarer's Bauble
2 Charcoal Diamond
2 Expedition Map
2 Jet Medallion
2 Thornbite Staff
4 Nightmare Lash
6 Caged Sun
6 Obelisk of Urd

Enchantments (7)
2 Cover of Darkness
3 Corpseweft
4 Endless Ranks of the Dead
4 Grave Pact
5 Black Market
5 Dawn of the Dead
5 Dictate of Erebos
Lands (37)
30x Swamp
1x Bojuka Bog
1x Cabal Coffers
1x Leechridden Swamp
1x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
1x Petrified Field
1x Unholy Grotto
1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
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What good does leechridden swamp do you?

Swamp is a fun thing to do before I untap: it's low-key and hard enough to remove that people rarely try to take it out, but the damage adds up. I've gotten ~10 activations off of it in a single game in my Pharika deck, so being able to wear down your opponents by 1/4 of their life off of a measly land makes it worthwhile.


Lashwrithe might be good to maximize zombie output.

I'd play Lashwrithe were I not so anal about not using Phyrexian mana symbols. It's a weird quirk, I know. Nightmare Lash is in there, though.

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I actually had a ghoulcaller list a while ago, I'm just copying and pasting what I have, if you already have them in your deck just ignore it. Ill see if I can find the whole list


heres some suggestions


Geralf's messenger

Death Baron

Grave Crawler

Zombie Apocolypse

Dread Slaver

Diregraf Ghoul

Endless Ranks of the dead

Unbreathing Horde

Ashen Ghoul

Dread Wight

Gangreous Zombies

Bone Knitter

Cover of Darkness

Cryptic Gateway


Walking Desecration

Deathmark Prelate

Vengeful Dead

Lim Dul, Necromancer

Bone Dancer

Cemetery Reaper

Corpse Harvester

Zombie Baron

Gempalm Polluter

Graveborn Muse (suicide mode)

Gravespawn Sovereign

Lord of the Undead

Noxious Ghoul

Shepard of Rot

Undead Warchief

Zombie Master

Necromancer's stockpile

Adaptive Automaton

Contamination (lose all your friends with one card!)

Phyrexian Tower

Volrath's Stronghold

Gauntlet of Power

Caged Sun

Army of the Damned

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Army of the Damned: Crap, how in the world did I forget about this card? It's going in once I make cuts.

Contamination: I'm going to soft-test this in my playgroup when I get back (have a Chinese copy!) If they hate it too much it'll go out: otherwise, it'll have a permanent home as a finisher.

Dread Slaver: My biggest concern is that your opponents get to choose whether this goes through or not, unless you have something like Thornbite Staff out. Worth consideration, though.

Lim-Dul, the Necromancer: Maybe? Iunno, this could be a lot of mana to keep up and going.

Zombie Apocalypse: This will probably go in after cuts, as well.


Everything else is either in the deck or didn't make the cut.

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