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RIP [DeVilleOf] Darkness

Queen of the Abyss

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As much as it hurts for me to say it, earlier tonight a member of YCM passed away: DeVilleofDarkness, known by his peers as simply Darkness. As his girlfriend, I can't help but feel like I could have done something to prevent this, but there are some fates you just can't change. Darkness had been battling depression and stress issues for the past few weeks, and although it seemed as though recently he was looking to improve, it seemed to be the other way around.


For those who were not as familiar with Darkness, most people who would speak of him would have a lot of positive to say. Many in real life would label him as a devoted music lover and as the great Electronic and Hip Hop producer he was, ghost producing for several big name DJs and ghostwriting one or two tracks for rappers. His devotion to the industry was nuts, having crazy expectations that let him set the bar and inspiring others indirectly, with his kindness not being much different.

In YCM, words would be just as positive. In spite of his cynic for the TCG section and not always being the best in resolving conflicts, Darkness in his peak went out of his way to cater to newer members in Advanced and in particular, he was huge on pushing the Duel Portal section. He was one of a few people who were in huge support for the site, a DN for custom cards done by our own seattlelite, getting its own section here on YCM. He followed up as the strongest supporter of the small tournament format created by the first users of the section, creating Side Deck, Post-Tournament, and Card Discussion threads that helped shaped the thread into the community it has been developing now.


I'll end this by leaving down a track from Darkness's favorite album: Nas's Illmatic. He wouldn't be able to tell you his favorite track, but he could quote to you every lyric, and one I wish to leave as my last words for him:

God Bless Your Life


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For something so sudden and unfortunate to happen to one of us...I give my full condolences. Depression can happen to many of us, and it's definitely hard to see it when the pain is hidden in order to bear through life. It's an enigma that can't easily be battled, nor even can be confronted about; you can't blame yourself completely. I didn't recognize him too much, but it apparently there was much more to him than I thought... Hope you and his family will stay strong and bear amongst the legacy he's left behind for you all. You also have us still here to support you as well, and both of you will definitely not be ignored or forgotten Good night sweet prince.

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It's times like these where the true spirit of the family we have here at YCM shows.


He was a great guy, and from what I remember, one of those members that just seemed dedicated to what he did in the best possible way.


My condolences.  I'm here for you, and I'm sure the rest of us will be as well.  May he find peace.

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holy sheet


I knew Darkness relatively well, and I was very fond of him. He was a real good guy who never got seriously angry, was articulate and well-informed and clearly had a passion for YCM and DP. Sometimes I wish I got to know people on YCM better so I could have said so much more about other good traits of his, which I'm sure are plentiful. 


My condolences to you Queen, I know this must be so much harder for you than it is for any of us. Don't second-guess yourself and beat yourself up about it, I'm sure you did everything you could, but there's just no way to stop it if someone's set on it. Rest assured that you were almost certainly the main thing keeping him up, and that's all you could have done.


Rest in peace, bud. Hope you're in a better place. You will be remembered.

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  s***, and I was so ignorant of it all this day.

What a sad thing to happen. My apologies for not paying more attention to his works, and my condolescenes.


  What's really strange, he visited my profile a couple of days ago. Feels so.... weird.   :/

https://gyazo.com/1978299a178bb4e96b89c84815bc68bd (a screencapture of my profile,I left it as a single link in case someone does not want to see)

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For something so sudden and unfortunate to happen to one of us...I give my full condolences. Depression can happen to many of us, and it's definitely hard to see it when the pain is hidden in order to bear through life. It's an enigma that can't easily be battled, nor even can be confronted about; you can't blame yourself completely. I didn't recognize him too much, but it apparently there was much more to him than I thought... Hope you and his family will stay strong and bear amongst the legacy he's left behind for you all. You also have us still here to support you as well, and both of you will definitely not be ignored or forgotten Good night sweet prince.

I think you put it best. Especially in Darkness's case where his expectations for himself and his position of where he was at really kinda turned on him for the worse. He did a lot behind the scenes and as such it is easy to note off otherwise, but his impact will live on, directly or indirectly. Thank you for your wishes!

quite the shocking news, never got to know him though it really sucks that he ended up going out like that being swallowed by his own depression.

Much so, but some fates I suppose you can never change

I am sorry for your loss. You have my condolences. I'm sure his memory will live on.


Depression is tough to deal with. It's sad how it affects a lot of people.

Thank you for your wishes! And indeed, I know of it and how it has hit a few people in my time in Detroit, but I never expected it to hit this hard in the gut on my end to someone this close.

It's always a strange feeling to find a user on the internet dead.



I could understand why actually. But alas, it is a thing, and the Internet is contained of real people and thus real lives. It's a feeling indeed

Darkness was indeed a good member during his time here on YCM.

It is indeed disheartening to learn of his passing, and we all wish circumstances could've been better for him.


But yes, rest in peace Darkness.

Whatever you've done for DP since its conception won't be forgotten.

I think we can all agree to this. Although in his last few weeks he was all over the place, I think no one will ever forget his peak. I will do my best to carry on what he left for us, and maybe one day it'll breathe the air Darkness always wanted it to breathe

Probably the first guy on here I got to know and befriend. He was really cool and I never would've expected something like. I really hope for the best for you and everyone else he was close to and I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

Before going on DP, you actually were the first person I knew on YCM because Darkness told me specifically to refer to your post about Silverlight. It's no surprise then I suppose you have a correlation to him. Thank you for your wishes!
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I didn't know him, but I've seen him here and there on YCM. It's sad to think that I won't be seeing even these few appearances from him anymore...

Rest in peace, DeVille of Darkness.

There are some who have, but he's usually stayed out as a result of shyness and/or uncomfortableness (Case in point: TCG/OCG Discusssion), but I was pushing him to maybe range a few places, hence some of my own ventures to other places. Alas, thank you for your wishes!

Well this wasn't the best start to my day. While I didn't really know him he had done a lot for DP and he will be remebered.

It wasn't the best start to my evening either, where usually I would spend long hours with him. Alas, you are correct in that he more than likely will be remembered for his contributions and the overall thread's existence

Oh. I didn't really know him much but I wanted to, he seemed like a really good person. This is a sad day, the world lost a good man. If there's anything I can do to help with...anything, just let me know.

It is indeed a great loss! He had quite a bit to offer for the world, though never seemed to realize it due to his own personal flaws. Alas, Thank you for your wishes!

I don't know what to say, but if you ever want to talk, you have me on skype.

I already know, but thank you lots!

s***, and I was so ignorant of it all this day.

What a sad thing to happen. My apologies for not paying more attention to his works, and my condolescenes.


What's really strange, he visited my profile a couple of days ago. Feels so.... weird. :/

https://gyazo.com/1978299a178bb4e96b89c84815bc68bd (a screencapture of my profile,I left it as a single link in case someone does not want to see)

Some things I will never understand. Why he visited your profile will be one. Maybe he was confused by your profile pic and didn't recognize you? Anyway, I think a lot of people missed his contributions, mostly because he has been a person in the background rather than the forefront, but he always tried his best to do something to whatever he set himself to. Thank you for your wishes!

I didn't particularly know the guy very well, but I'll offer my condolences nonetheless.

Thank you for your wishes!

no no no >< NO NO !!

It's hella rough man, I know you got along well with him, but you are more than well aware of his note and praise to your contributions and thus I say man, carry on! I'm here for you and the rest of us are here for ya
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holy s***


I knew Darkness relatively well, and I was very fond of him. He was a real good guy who never got seriously angry, was articulate and well-informed and clearly had a passion for YCM and DP. Sometimes I wish I got to know people on YCM better so I could have said so much more about other good traits of his, which I'm sure are plentiful.


My condolences to you Queen, I know this must be so much harder for you than it is for any of us. Don't second-guess yourself and beat yourself up about it, I'm sure you did everything you could, but there's just no way to stop it if someone's set on it. Rest assured that you were almost certainly the main thing keeping him up, and that's all you could have done.


Rest in peace, bud. Hope you're in a better place. You will be remembered.

Thanks iHop! As you more than know, me and Darkness have high respect for you and your contributions here, so it's great to hear this. I am kinda understanding now and after a call with one of his friends that really there wasn't a lot I could do. I kept his head up in a time where he almost literally had no other friends around him (And at least 8 that were dead) and that I suppose was a great feet in its own. And yes, you are right on his informed state. He competed starting around the time we started dating the first time around and none time since the times we spoken would I say he fell flat. His return to the game was apparently no different, where he hand made the Deck he chose to run thereafter. (A version of the Void Ogre Turbo Decks we see now called "MaskeDAD" that tends to put a lot of the Decks that followed it to shame. Keep in mind those Decks happened after Darkness's version was showcased in a duel vs Azneyes......) Alas, thank you for your wishes! Great to hear this coming from ya

It's times like these where the true spirit of the family we have here at YCM shows.


He was a great guy, and from what I remember, one of those members that just seemed dedicated to what he did in the best possible way.


My condolences. I'm here for you, and I'm sure the rest of us will be as well. May he find peace.

You know what, true to this! Your wishes are all appreciated and really this shows the brighter side of the community. A lot of people like to be negative in any case, but moments like this say otherwise.


Thank you for your wishes! You definitely are on point with all you have said. I am curious though. I have never seen you around on here, is there some way, shape, or form you know Darkness at all?

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  The image I'd created of him is one of a mature 25-35 year-old man, being smart at the game and a good advicer. Unfortunately, I haven't seen most of his work, just that he commented/raised topics/helped here and there. I've mostly noticed him on DP and in tournament/DP-related threads.


  Like jabber2033, I'm one of those who had PMed him our decklists for that tournament. To my surprise, he liked my performance then so much that I heard the best of him. This was the greatest interraction I had with him, and a really encouraging one.


  As for why he visited my profile, I guess he did the same to other members, because he... felt he had to do it. This, or we were so lucky to be noticed these last days.


  This is the part I've known of him, I hope there's more to it. Seeing what the others said, there definitely is.

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