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Majester Paladin, the Rising Dracoslayer

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2 Level 4 Pendulum Monsters
When this card is Xyz Summoned: You can activate this effect; during the End Phase of this turn, add 1 Pendulum Monster from your Deck to your hand. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 face-up "Dracoslayer" Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck, but it cannot be used as an Xyz Material for a Summon.
this funking guy


Absurdly strong T1 play, considering it finds any Pendulum, like Luster, Eccentric, and so on, plus it makes for strong burts later in the game.


1 Level 4 Non-Tuner Pendulum + Any L4 Pendulum + Luster = an Ignister, a Majester, and a Luster. You're playing Pendulums, so you def have a means for Ignister to pop, as well, and that's a 6550 push for 3 cards. Almost any other monster makes that a kill.


I know I said it was underrated before, but damn, I'd call this the best card in DOCS.

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We should really add stagnation to the list of the TCG section's problems.

Has that much really changed between last month and now?


I mean, of course the card is stupid.



mages and pals happened


monkeyboard happened


Big changes.

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I had seen this card before in a previous thread made here on YCM, but it wasn't until I stumbled upon it on DN in the past days that it dawned upon me that this confirms an alliance/crossover between Majespecters and Dracoslayers.


Also, kinda off-topic but I found interesting how the clause on this card's first effect could have been given to Genex Neutron so it wouldn't miss the timing that easily.


That aside, I don't really have much to add to the topic. I'm not familiar with Pendulum decks, so I am taking the OPs words on the power of this card. Although, I would like to know if this card is so good that it even outclasses Rafflesia as a T1 Rank4 in Pendulum decks, or if both are equally strong.

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I had seen this card before in a previous thread made here on YCM, but it wasn't until I stumbled upon it on DN in the past days that it dawned upon me that this confirms an alliance/crossover between Majespecters and Dracoslayers.

Indeed. Just like Ignister is a combination of Draco and Igknight teamup. It seems like the Dracoslayers are Genericpendulumtech.archetype


Who knows what they will combine with next?

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I don't really like him in majespecter since I think the point of the deck is that you can build up the amount of different types of monsters you have so you can search more each turn. And he kind of defeats that because you are removing two cards from the pool by making it..... But in pretty much any other pend deck that can make him he's pretty good IMO.

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