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(MtG) Spitting Slug


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Depends on what you mean by good. It's a nice thing for a casual game, kinda. But it's not really competitive in any way as far as my knowledge. I won't go too into it cause don't have much time and I'm no good with that kinda thing but just wanting to make sure people realize before posting that you (I believe) have no knowledge of the game.

Basically there's plenty that would be a better choice, but it's not horrid.


That being said I hope that you get a chance to learn how the game works with the help of the people here and we can play sometime. ^^

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Well, first and foremost, welcome to the Magic community~


May you never leave.


On the topic of the card itself, it sucks. First strike on this sort of body isn't incredible (it's not even a green ability!), but having to pay for it? And if you don't, you get penalized? Blegh.


However, you have to consider the time period that this card was printed. It came out in The Dark, a figurative and literal dark period for Magic where design sensibilities were tossed aside for card flavor and feel. Thus, the flavor may be awesome (it spits! = first strike!), but the slug wouldn't see any competitive play. On that note, do you see the purple hourglass set symbol? This indicates the card got reprinted in a "blast from the past" set. Why they chose this one I'll never know.


tl;dr - Card sucks, Magic doesn't, so welcome aboard~ If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

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Thank you. I am mainly interested in learning about the game to see why people like it so much, as I hear a lot of "Yugioh sucks MtG is better" kind of thing. Also a lot of the card artwork is much better than Yugioh's, which is basically a picture stuck on a random background.

Don't listen to those people, ygo is a very different game from magic, play both and decide which one you like better.

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