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Chicken Game

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It was an anecdotal side-note, not an argument in favour of or against the card or its potential uses. Nor was it entirely serious, or in any way challenging the validity of your previous statement which it quoted.

"You wouldn't say that if..." heavily implies you are presenting a counterpoint. It is what the damn phrase means.


But yeah, any problem with this is fixed by banning RML or, if you want Igknight to still work, banning Life Equalizer.

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"You wouldn't say that if..." heavily implies you are presenting a counterpoint. It is what the damn phrase means.


But yeah, any problem with this is fixed by banning RML or, if you want Igknight to still work, banning Life Equalizer.


Thought the general tone of the comment would be clear, was wrong.


The main thing you can do with this though is combine it with Upstart and Terraforming, not replace them with it, to bring your deck down to essentially 31/32 cards.

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- Grand step forward to bringing complex decision making and careful planning in a game of "imma play these Necroz/Shadolls and win"


OK, so this kind of attitude pisses me off. You think that playing Nekroz or Shaddoll successfully doesn't require complex decision making and careful planning? They are two of the most difficult to play decks in the history of the game and in fact, a lot of current meta decks are pretty difficult to play well. While I may not necessarily disagree that Chicken Game (outside of FTK decks) does create a more complex game state, you need to realize that just playing a meta deck isn't an free ticket to winning everything.

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Did you ever actually try to play Nekroz or Shaddolls? They're complex as s***. More complex than most rogue decks are.


BS.... Rich white kid problems.

  1. Get the shiniest cards.
  2. Read the How-to-play tutorial made by people that can only get a glimpse of the cards on the internet.
  3. WIN.


EDIT: Yes, acknowledged it was over the top, ridiculous and stupid, also racist, unintentionally just used the cliché. 

[spoiler=it doesn't justify it, but...]


...but that's just my view on the TCG, as vulgar as it is, i've been losing all this time and from ethnically diverse kids that spend their parent's cash on whatever they want, like opening a Card Shop for example.



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BS.... Rich white kid problems.

  1. Get the shiniest cards.
  2. Read the How-to-play tutorial made by people that can only get a glimpse of the cards on the internet.
  3. WIN.



good trolling xD


these NORMIES won't know what's hit em xD

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Depends on the deck whether you want another 3 spaces for that.

you shouldnt run Pseudo in 3s outside of FTKS

and interesting ratio i have been trying is 3 chicken 2/3 terra and 1 pseudo in non ftk decks such as mermail and blackwing and frog otk and its alright but it can give your opponent too much advantage

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