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I'm thinking of tackling Zoodystopia, but I'm at a loss for names that fit the prompt if I'm perfectly honest.




It's Mad Max, with Disney visuals.


Jokes aside, this is seriously a badass- and very irritating- archetype. A mix of Beast-Warriors and Machines, with a playstyle that mixes the modern Nekroz style with the resource-screwing antics of Dark Scorpions and Gravekeepers. Every member does double duty as both a solid monster and a decent handtrap, including two archetypal battle boosters (think Honest, Kalut, or Aleister), several different searchers, and a card that causes any effect cost (LP payment, discard, monster loss, or Desires's "banish 10") to be doubled. Then, your monster lineup kills off your opponent's remaining resources in short order, including a monster that acts as a one-sided Necrovalley on legs, and one with Dark Law's "screw your searching effects" as your big bosses.


As for thematics, the number of Beast-Warriors is slightly higher than the big Machine bosses, because each Machine is the vehicle of choice for one of/a group of your fuzzy/scaly survivors. Each Beast-Warrior is named after the animal they're based on and a character from a post-apocalyptic book, movie, show, or game (ie, "Zoodystopia Vole Max"), and each vehicle is named after a real car model and a type of weaponry (ie, "Zoodystopia Thompstarossa", after a Thompson/Tommy Gun and the Testarossa).

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(You realize that I put that name out because someone compared that to the amount of drama on YCM at a high point last year, right? Oh wait, it was YCMDystopia; you figure out how that works.)


Some ideas (least for the Beast-Warriors):

  • Rip off names from Mad Max, and corrupt them slightly.
  • Modified Disney character names (well, you probably got the point of it being an inverted Zootopia/tropolis; maybe you can rip off the names of certain ZPD officers because most usually have their species in surname [iirc])

Can't help you with the car names.

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Unfortunately, we aren't completely set up on DP. In regards to the contest prompt, though, I could look through the WATER and Insect support for you. Regardless, I'd recommend designing at least 1 monster with 1000/0 stats, as Hydra's Egg can search anything with that statline. Also, if you intend to go the Xyz route, I recommend R4 for WATER especially because Mistress of Ice is a thing, but anything Level 4 or lower works well for WATER because Storm Surge lets you Special Summon any Level 4 or lower WATER monster from your hand with its ATK doubled.


In regards to Insect support, most of it is based around Graveyard dumping, making R3, or using Servant Gnat for Ritual plays.

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Some of the Archetypal stuff on AGM is already there; last time I checked, but yeah, the pool is extremely large and would take quite a while to update.


(Also fun to note that I'm the one who wrote the description for the round 1 theme [hehehe], but forgot who provided the name. So yeah, you have a bit of stuff to play around with there.)

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I just have to add another Tuner, the Level 5/6 Synchros and maybe review the backrow. (Then again, Dova said he'll look over them after BGMaxie's stuff [and if he can handle doing Leaderboard at the same time]).


Also reviewed the new additions to yours; like I said in the thread, YCMaker's legitimately inactive, so don't bother with making a card for him.

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Well, I guess there's that.


Also, my new Stardust support gives you a way to use Cosmic Blazar Dragon (the one Quasar kid we let in) in a Stardust-centric Deck, or a way to put Quasar Nova Warrior on board if you're nuts enough to leave a defenseless Tuner on board:

Use Stardust Dragon and a Level 2 Synchro Tuner of your choice (Chrysanthemagus and Symbiotic Amoeba are among your better options) to make Stardust Warrior, then drop the new Stardust Delta I made.

Stardust Delta returns Stardust Warrior to the ED and gives you a free "Warrior" Synchro monster of your choice if we have any, and you toss Stardust Dragon and your Synchro Tuner back out off Delta's effect.

If you have a Tuner on board that isn't your Synchro Tuner, target it with Delta so it becomes a Tuner itself.

8 + 2 + 2 = 12, making Blazar/QNW.


But yeah, most of my Konami support has fallen through the cracks, outside Dova's pretty amazing review of my Venom, Malefic, Toon, and Predaplant support.

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You can still review it if you want; at least AGM users are commenting on stuff (because it is in our card pool and stuff has different interactions than how it would be in Konami's world). Though, it is still designed to at least function in the meta.


I could add that Rank 7 Beast I made before going to sleep at a later time, albeit it amounting to 2600 points of direct damage with a detach, and can't touch it with targeting if it has mats. (Thematically, it sort of fits the creature I designed it on, so...)



Dova's going to have some work ahead of him for Leaderboard, because he's stepping outside AGM boundaries. (He knows what the theme is)

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I'd rather wait until the set is complete- I'd rather not have a "Performapals are useless" moment in a review of an AGM archetype.


. . . Yeah, no. 2600 free burn is never a good thing.


I'm also going to use this post to open up a Q&A on Disasterman, because I realize that, with such a weird effect, it brings up some rulings questions that I should probably answer for.


Here are some basic ones:

●A monster not currently on the field when "Disasterman" attacks it is always treated as being in Attack Position. So, if your opponent tries to activate the effect of "Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit" to destroy a card you control, you can have "Disasterman" declare an attack on "Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit", it will be destroyed by battle, and your opponent will take damage equal to the current ATK of "Disasterman". The effect of "Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit" does not resolve, as it was not sent to the Graveyard by its own effect.

●As Tribute Summoned monsters (or pseudo-Tribute-Summoned monsters, like "Lava Golem" and the like) must be identified before the Tributed monsters leave the field, if you choose to attack such a monster in the hand with "Disasterman", and that monster's ATK is less than that of "Disasterman", the monster(s) that would be Tributed remains on the field.

●Because the effect of "Disasterman" immediately declares an attack, it cannot be negated by an effect that negates effects, like "Solemn Strike". However, it is vulnerable to any cards that would activate in response to an attack, such as "Necro Gardna". In addition, if your opponent controls no monsters when "Disasterman" attacks a monster in their hand or Extra Deck, cards and effects that activate in response to a direct attack (like "Drowning Mirror Force") can be activated.


[spoiler= Disasterman]


FIRE - Level 9 - Warrior/Fusion/Effect - 2200/1400

1 WIND monster + 1 FIRE monster + 1 EARTH monster

Cannot be destroyed by battle. Once per turn, during either player's turn, if a monster would be Summoned, or the effect of your opponent's monster activates, this monster can attack that monster (this effect can activate outside the Battle Phase). This monster gains the following effects if 1 or more monsters of the following Types was used as Fusion Material for this monster's Summon:

●Warrior: If this monster destroys your opponent's monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the original ATK of the destroyed monster.

●Fiend: This monster gains 300 ATK and DEF for each card your opponent controls.

●Rock: If this monster destroys your opponent's monster by battle, you can Special Summon the destroyed monster to your side of the field with its effects negated at the end of the Damage Step.



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Actually, it has 2700 (I forgot about that) and locks other monsters from striking, but nonetheless, will need nerfing before it comes over here (if at all). Or you get a smaller version; idk.


But fair enough on reviewing until later. For the most part, it should function, but being restricted to Level 7/8 right now in Synchro options isn't great. Might have to finish it after Friday due to my dynamics final at the end of the week (it's almost over...).

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Also, things that stop declarations of attacks won't work (a la Threatening Roar).


I don't believe Disasterman works on Ritual Summons or Fusion Summons, only Normal Summons or things that are "inherent Special Summons" (including Synchros and Xyzs). It is worded pretty much like what Solemn Strike hits and Strike can't hit Rituals or Fusions.

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You're absolutely right!


However, I must clarify that not all Fusion Summons share this immunity. Contact Fusions, like in the "Spiritrinket" and "Gladiator Beast" archetypes, are still subject to being punched in the face by "Disasterman".


And, yeah, if your opponent has "Disasterman" on board, you should activate Threatening Roar during the Standby Phase if you want it to do anything whatsoever.

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Yup. If I don't find the name inspiration I need, I'm just doing Raptor Ace.


Another "Disasterman" ruling:

●Attacks declared by the effect of "Disasterman" do not technically target, meaning that monsters that modify attack targets (such as "Magician's Valkyria") do not have any impact on the effect-attack of "Disasterman".


[spoiler= This old thing]

Raptor Ace

Dinosaur-Type starship fighter pilots. Basically, think the Gradius monsters meet The Calculator: They each gain stat boosts based on the Levels of your monsters, and if they attack successfully you get a Token at the end of the Damage Step. These Tokens themselves are Level 1, but you have all manner of ways to boost the Levels of the Tokens- and only the Tokens. But wait, you can also Ritual Summon in this archetype, and your Rituals continue this gimmick and add a mix of the Six Samurai stuff and Greed Quasar- they can pop your own cards to protect themselves (and kill your opponent's stuff when they do) and they can boost their own Levels above 12. Absurd stat gain, the archetype.



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Well since it isn't July yet for our highlighted member:


[spoiler June Deck Challenge]


2 Alpha

2 Beta

1 Gamma

2 Delta

3 Epsilon

3 Theta

2 Eta

2 Iota

2 Rho



3 Electric Field Return

1 Raigeki

3 Gravel Pit

2 Library of Sanctuary

2 Terraforming

3 Jumpstart

2 Storm Surge

2 Awakening from the Dream

3 Overdrive Tuning

1 Synchro Junction



2 Sigma, Assault Captain of the Electric Field

1 Omega, Commander of the Electric Field

1 Sakura the Leaf Ninja of Scattering Petals

1 Báofênglán the Tornado Dragon

1 Senkōkūra the High Majestic Dragon

1 Numerix-061: Vengeful Mage

1 Numerix-092: Elite Equestrian Star Goldrider

1 Lycanroc the Sun Wolf

1 Sawsbuck the Four Seasons Messenger

1 Punishing Void Creator - Zero Infinity

1 Storm Rider Bunny

1 Caramelgician

1 Numerix-025: Cavalier of the Abyss

1 Numerix-024: Draconic Demon



Mass Rank 4/Synch 8 plays with a good deal of banishing in the deck to bring out the surprise boss Zero Infinity. Number 25 comes in as a secondary win condition, and Terraforming/Library of Sanctuary pulls everything together so you can always get precisely what you need.

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Yeah, I literally just put all the ED generics you made that were summonable in this deck, practicality be damned (but really, it's protection isn't bad). I would've loved to use some of your level 10 Synchros, but I couldn't find any super useful level-modulating cards or other easy means of hitting that Synchro level.

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I just realized that you've put Library in most of your challenge Decks now.


By the way, July's challenge is going to be EARTH-Attribute: At least a supermajority (2/3) of monsters in your Main and Extra Deck must be EARTH. It was originally going to be DARK, but I'm saving that for October.

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I just realized that you've put Library in most of your challenge Decks now.

I also believe that most of my decks are pretty Spell-heavy. It's actually pretty funny, whenever I try to round out one of these decks, I immediately jump to field spells. Library just happens to be the first in the list of generics that just fits in.


That said, if I were putting together a banlist, Library would probably be limited at best. The raw potential of a lot of our cards makes having Library at any value over 1 too much. Can't name specifics right now (too tired) but I can assure you that the generics pool should be able to speak for itself.

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