The Nyx Avatar Posted May 22, 2017 Report Share Posted May 22, 2017 Speaking of which, what's this month's challenge? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted May 22, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 22, 2017 Member Spotlight on Dova. A majority of the cards you use must be designed by or for Dova. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Nyx Avatar Posted May 22, 2017 Report Share Posted May 22, 2017 Member Spotlight on Dova. A majority of the cards you use must be designed by or for Dova.So what does that mean? A Deck he might like, or just build something for him using stuff from AGM? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted May 22, 2017 Report Share Posted May 22, 2017 The latter; something composed of cards he made for the most part (or any gifts). For instance, I made him Accelerator Satellites, though he was absent when I made the thread; those are fair game.  As for the monthly challenges in the OP, you can keep them in your sig too, but yeah, because some members do have them disabled for whatever reason (Dova told me he has them disabled), if we want newer members; you can guess where this goes. (I think most have them open) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted May 22, 2017 Report Share Posted May 22, 2017 Just to confirm: A member can participate in a deck challenge themed around them, right? Also, Furnacess will be up shortly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted May 22, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 22, 2017 Bluntly, yes. You can. Â Also, if you want to run Accelerator Satellite, T-Rocks, or Akkedis, my Legacy thread (Legacy Support 2 in the OP) has some support for those archetypes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted May 22, 2017 Report Share Posted May 22, 2017 is up.Also found the remains of an old written AGM archetype before my...hiatus.YtriumYtrium is a series of radioactive monsters, made of material from a meteor. These Psychics have a wonderful Fusion Engine going on, with the ability to fuse with every monster you control, and no less. So you need to be precise with your swarming. They deal continuous damage to each player for every card they control, so handtraps and gravetraps are a must. As far as I can see, I've actually made the archetype, so I'll just have a double check in terms of balance and OCG and post it tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted May 23, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 23, 2017 Hell Stinger WIP open! Â Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted May 26, 2017 Report Share Posted May 26, 2017 At this point, I'm tempted to just declare Firefighter Dragon as tentatively complete and move on to another project (even though I did give them an Xyz to force a specific Attribute onto stuff). Might add more as legacy support in the future. Now to look at the list of stuff I had in mind; one might be trying out Links, another is Majespecter 2.0 (Windy) and some other things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted May 26, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 26, 2017 One problem I just noticed: Firefighter Dragon Headquarters mentions "Firefighter Dragon Academy" in its card text. Which name did you mean to give it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted May 26, 2017 Report Share Posted May 26, 2017 * facepalm *I think I named it Academy first, then went with the current name for whatever reason. I corrected that to say Academy.  ====But yeah, I'm marking it as complete already and moving on to something else. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted May 26, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 26, 2017 Just making sure that the issue was rectified. Â Also, here's our list of Konami's stuff on the approval docket:Â Shaddolls (2/3)Gladiator Beasts (2/3)Predaplants (2/3)Â Shiranui (1/3)CyDra, bar Infinity and Core (1/3)Noble Knights/Arms (1/3 - I forgot who, but evidently someone suggested them) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted May 27, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 27, 2017 Sorry to double-post, but here are the projects I'm most interested in, if someone wants to suggest one for me to do (and/or pull one out to make my decision for me): WyverniteThis is a small archetype of EARTH Dragons- mostly Gemini with a few legitimate Normal monsters and like two full-on Effect monsters mixed in (one of which is basically a True King)- and a few FIRE Rocks that act as their eggs- think the baby dinosaurs, mixed in with cards like Carboneddon or CyDra Core. Most of the support the Rocks do lets Normal monsters be stupidly effective, allowing you to SS Normal Dragons from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, and/or grant them solid effects, but a few of them do actually support just the archetype.  As for what they do, Wyvernite is a Fusion archetype that hits somewhere between Invoked and Metalfoes with having loose Material requirements (some Fusions are based on Attribute, some on statline, and some require a certain monster category, like "Fusion monster", "Effect monster" or "Synchro monster"), because they have archetypal variants of Shaddoll Fusion, Super Poly, and Invocation, to use your opponent's stuff to shove a wide variety of big beaters (most of which with solid effects) right in your opponent's face. That said, they do have a few really solid archetypal Tuners, including one that Summons a non-Effect Dragon from basically anywhere if it leaves the field by any means . . . which means you can Synchro with it to drop a Blue-Eyes on your opponent if you're really hurting for stats. You see, only one of their main Deck members hits the classic BEWD statline, and your going to be using all your copies of it up pretty quickly because Fusion archetype.   Terriform Welcome to Djinn Nekroz meets Tramids.  This DARK archetype based on fear itself is very Field Spell focused, with several different ones that it has access to . . . each with exactly 3 effects. Why 3? Because they also have a terrible trinity of Ritual bosses based on the grand-daddies of fear: Death, isolation, and fear itself. Each of these bosses has, as the first line of their effect text (except the whole Ritual Summon conditions thing), "This monster gains the (insert number here) effect of all "Terriform" Field Spell Cards in your Graveyard". Of course, this means that "Terriforming Entity of Inherent Terror" can (fittingly) Ritual Summon the other two bosses . . . because, surprise surprise, they have a Field Spell that can do that. Their archetype is actually surprisingly consistent, too, given that they have an Orphrys Scorpio, a Stratos, multiple pseudo-Shurits . . . And their Ritual Spells can banish themselves to search each other, and when they do, something else happens.  Then, of course, while the terrible trio are their big bosses, they aren't their only Rituals, and you get all kinds of powerful effects among them . . . including one that acts as a one-sided Necroface, taking away all the penalty of banishing your Ritual Spells.  Then, the Field Spells . . . utterly hate your opponent getting to play YGO. Stat boosts, protection, locking out the ED, standing in for Dark Law, Malefic World, Geartown, Chain Energy, automatically hitting each player with Card Destruction during their Standby Phase . . .  Do you fear power? Terriform breathe it. They feed on it. They love it.  Zoodystopia It's Mad Max, with Disney visuals. Jokes aside, this is seriously a badass- and very irritating- archetype. A mix of Beast-Warriors and Machines, with a playstyle that mixes the modern Nekroz style with the resource-screwing antics of Dark Scorpions and Gravekeepers. Every member does double duty as both a solid monster and a decent handtrap, including two archetypal battle boosters (think Honest, Kalut, or Aleister), several different searchers, and a card that causes any effect cost (LP payment, discard, monster loss, or Desires's "banish 10") to be doubled. Then, your monster lineup kills off your opponent's remaining resources in short order, including a monster that acts as a one-sided Necrovalley on legs, and one with Dark Law's "screw your searching effects" as your big bosses. As for thematics, the number of Beast-Warriors is slightly higher than the big Machine bosses, because each Machine is the vehicle of choice for one of/a group of your fuzzy/scaly survivors. Each Beast-Warrior is named after the animal they're based on and a character from a post-apocalyptic book, movie, show, or game (ie, "Zoodystopia Vole Max"), and each vehicle is named after a real car model and a type of weaponry (ie, "Zoodystopia Thompstarossa", after a Thompson/Tommy Gun and the Testarossa). Also, Sakura, are you going to add Servants of Kiwahine to your queue? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted May 27, 2017 Report Share Posted May 27, 2017 I'll think about it, although I may hold off on it until after I get more info on mo'o in general. While I did take a Hawaiian religion class last semester, that was an overall understanding of it (though there was a week's [2 lectures] worth of them for an overall thing). Might not be until next spring, but we'll see.  [Yeah, let's assume I'm the only one here [maybe bar Icy, but idk] who even read texts about them.] ===Moving on, you can probably do Wyvernite if that suits you. It's more Dragons. (Also a note that the Zoodystopia name was partially motivated from a time where YCM drama was correlated to a more aggressive version of a certain movie I like, but you probably guessed that.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tinkerer Posted May 27, 2017 Report Share Posted May 27, 2017 ChampZ, I'm going through "Pitbrood" now and I noticed that neither Wolf nor Bear have an OPT on their effects.  That's... problematic. Also, I don't think you meant for their first fusion to have 15,000 DEF XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted May 27, 2017 Report Share Posted May 27, 2017 I vote for Shiranui, Predaplants, Glad Beasts, Shaddols and Noble Knights, if I haven't done so already. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted May 27, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 27, 2017 Alright, that bumps everyone who was at 2 straight into the roster, and gives us NK and Shiranui @2/3 with CyDra still @1/3 even after losing Core and Infinity for compromise.  That amuses the hell out of me. EDIT: Also, just realized that Noble Knights/Arms were initially requested by a member who was cut for inactivity (took me long enough to find the req), but I'll maintain their vote, and finish their necessary bridge to being playable. Noble Knights/Arms are in, minus Eatos's sword because . . . no. Just no. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted May 28, 2017 Report Share Posted May 28, 2017 I don't remember if I approved CyDra in the past, but if I didn't, giving it now. Next project will either be Windy (because I still remember how to play Majespecters) or Y-Gear (screw VRAINS, we can Synchro however fast / many we want). Or I can try to do that one that was supposed to be themed on police dragons (can I rip off the ZPD playstyle yet for thematic purposes?) ====On inactive members: Talim Rave needs cutting because she hasn't been active in this club at all for the past year/half. She's around on YCM, yes, but nowhere near cardmaking (bar an incident concerning her and other users in 1v1). Rest of the guys on member list are still active enough (and contributed stuff). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted May 29, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 29, 2017 So far, Sakura, you're the only one to approve CyDras. I suppose I could purge Talim, if only to open up a slot for Catman/Surraco/liepard/whoever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted May 30, 2017 Report Share Posted May 30, 2017 How do the other members in here feel about that; right now, that boils down to Tinkerer, Nyx, ChampionZero and I guess Tojin when he shows up. I have nothing personal against Talim, but given her inactivity in this club (and Custom Cards in general) over the past year or so, yeah. shadow just came back not too long ago [and idk if she even pays attention to this anymore], Catman is really erratic with his activity (see the two month lag between his contest ending and grading) and not sure on Surraco's activity. ====Speaking of your legacy supports, it's usually me doing all of the reviewing in that thread (albeit for only my stuff and not everyone else). Same could probably be said about Tinkerer's, though you commented on his stuff, so... Point here, rest of you should probably look at what Draco/Tinkerer made and see if they mesh well with the original content you posted. ==== I'll probably do a random Archetype from that linked post; easiest is probably Windy (if to give me an excuse to make Majespecter.dek fare better against certain matchups). We'll see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted May 30, 2017 Report Share Posted May 30, 2017 I'll take a look at both Legacies, see what I can input to either. Hopefully I'll be able to talk about meshing. Also, as for a project, I'm going to re-pick-up Brethren of the Scythe. I didn't do them justice, and the entire set needs a reworking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted May 30, 2017 Report Share Posted May 30, 2017 So far, Draco and Tinkerer did fine in making stuff that goes well with the sets I already posted; likely the case for rest of yours. Think Draco commented a bit on Tinkerer's latest. I should probably design some legacy supports for past Archetypes, because yeah, a lot of them are literally incomplete. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChampionZero Posted May 30, 2017 Report Share Posted May 30, 2017 Yeah, I've got a presentation tomorrow, but I'll see if I can squeeze some review into my schedule. I am planning to test out the new Nightmare Engine support in a role-play, so we'll see how that goes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tinkerer Posted May 30, 2017 Report Share Posted May 30, 2017 Hey Nyx, I'm going through Highlander and there are a couple things that stand out.  Seer has 2 different effects (one on the card and one on the lore text underneath).  I assume the one on the card itself is the correct one.  The second (and probably more important thing), is that all of them allow you to Synchro with Highlanders in your opponent's S/T Zone where none of them explicitly say that they go to the opponent's zone when equipped. In regards to Talim, I think she should be shot a message with this warning before anything happens.  If there isn't a response or if she's fine with giving up her place, then Draco can go ahead.  But if she wants to stay in, she'd have to make some kind of showing to warrant staying (all this should be in the sent message).  In terms of time, I think a week should be fine.  There really is no rush to remove a member is there? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Nyx Avatar Posted May 30, 2017 Report Share Posted May 30, 2017 Hey Nyx, I'm going through Highlander and there are a couple things that stand out. Seer has 2 different effects (one on the card and one on the lore text underneath). I assume the one on the card itself is the correct one. The second (and probably more important thing), is that all of them allow you to Synchro with Highlanders in your opponent's S/T Zone where none of them explicitly say that they go to the opponent's zone when equipped. Yeah. The one on the generated card is the correct one. As for Synchro Summoning effect: Just following the prompt.In regards to Talim, I think she should be shot a message with this warning before anything happens. If there isn't a response or if she's fine with giving up her place, then Draco can go ahead. But if she wants to stay in, she'd have to make some kind of showing to warrant staying (all this should be in the sent message). In terms of time, I think a week should be fine. There really is no rush to remove a member is there?I was going to say to remove her, but I like this idea much better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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