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Or DMers because as far as canon is concerned, DM/GX had overlaps with each other.


Oh right, and I forgot about the new change to Pendulums; Konami, what the bloody hell were you thinking? So now we have to go second to play Pendulums and then risk having to deal with an established backrow and sheet. You already neutered them enough by moving the P-Zones and forcing them to go into the EMZ; this was just overkill at its finest. 


So yeah, it sucks for Yuya and friends now.



Y-Gears are technically ED Foolish Burial / anime Gofu, so...you can still play ARC-V format in VRAINS (yeah, because the loophole exists). Now we need an Archetype that can P-Summon from the Graveyard (I think Dova did one a long time ago).

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Starting at Page 62, I went backwards and found these 3 projects I should get around to, as well as All-Splice reminding me of our pitiful number of LV monsters (4 lines, all made by me. Guys.):




Diamondust are a series of WIND Rocks that can cut through damn near anything. These guys come at their opponents with effects that destroy the opponent's monster right after battle and reflect the battle damage! Not to mention they can't be destroyed by battle. Now, their ATK is always low, usually only 1000-1500, but they have a very impressive lineup of monsters. And they can also summon their Big Bad Fusion via contact, but you have to destroy them instead of just send them to the graveyard. Diamondust Hurricane is a vicious son of a b****, because he's just like the other Diamondust monsters, except he can attack THREE TIMES.


Dream ☆ Dream

A Spellcaster/Psychic Pendulum mix, designed like pop idol groups: The Spellcasters are the performers, wowing the crowd with flashy combinations of boosts and battle effects, while the Psychics are the management, with practical if admittedly boring searching and negation effects constantly available. In fact, while the "performers" outnumber the "management" monsters by a significant amount, because pop idol groups can be absurd and huge, you absolutely need as many management monsters as you can cram into your Deck, because their Scales are godly useful even outside "Dream ☆ Dream" Decks. They do have several stage Field Spells, as well as Continuous Spells named after pop songs that help the performers do their thing, and Continuous Traps that help your consistency just in case you didn't start out with a management team member in hand.


OK, the motto of Cyclone Peas is "if it's stupid, but it works, it's not stupid." These French vegetables are hard to take seriously, regardless of their effectiveness in battle. They each have 1000 ATK and DEF and they are all level 1. Jean-Claude can blow straight onto the field by shuffling one of his brothers into the deck. When your deck is shuffled with Philippe in it, you can send him to the graveyard to summon another from your hand. And when Francois is Summoned, he can pull un frere vert from the garbage bin!


Then there is their contact fusion: Hurricane Blownaparte! That's not a typo, that's a pun. Blownaparte is a once per turn Giant Trunade with 3000 atk and defense that requires one of each pea. Aesthetically, Blownaparte is just the three peas under a green and gold Napoleon-style coat. They have a Quick-play Spell called "Pea Cyclone", a nuke-meets-defusion spell for Blownaparte.

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Yo, ChampZ, there's a couple things in your "Nightmare Engine" archetype that caught my attention:

-Nightmare Engine Ouranous' effect says it only works when you control a Nightmare Engine, but needs a DIRECT attack to trigger. Might wanna make the condition one or the other.

-Every card that just says "Nightmare Engine" is referring to a monster, correct? You might wanna specify that in the cards themselves.

-Finally, Mass Production doesn't say where it summons stuff from.

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Wingkeepers done, looking for a new project.


EDIT: Found Furnacess, page 75.


Archetype of DARK and FIRE Pyro and Fiend-Type monsters. Their Extra Deck monsters (if any) consist of Fusion Monster(s). They're not Summoned via Contact Fusion, as they already have a very good Fusion Summoning Spell Card(s) of their own. The Main Deck monsters themselves have effects that activate upon Normal Summon, and even effects that equip them to opponent's monsters. However, the controller of monsters equipped with these princesses take damage each time they attack. The Fusion monsters focus on punishing your opponent for certain things (Summoning, activating, attacking, ect), which can range from effect removal to damage.

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HA! YES! WIND Fusion archetype! The Neo AGM Avengers are finally complete!


Also, Tinkerer, when you inevitably get to Fallen Champions, their monsters are anagrams of the names of companies that have been absorbed (Sega) or gone bankrupt to the point of no return (Clover), if not disappeared entirely (Enron).

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Um, sorry for the double post, but as I was looking at BlasterCube to make support, I noticed some things:


●The Tuners always treat themselves as Core, instead of just for a Synchro Summon, meaning that the Harpie problem arises where you can only use 1 archetypal Tuner.

●Half of the Synchros don't have ATK and DEF.

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​Weaknesses: A bit of trouble with OCG, occasionally stuck on card effects

Strengths: Balanced card design, keeps up with the meta

Trivia: Thinks Links are killing his odd-eyes deck


So yeah! i'm mainly here to write out some archetypes and have fun while doing so!

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I didn't realize what I was getting myself into, and my ideas dried up almost instantly, and I accidentally posted it instead of hitting Preview Post, so now I need to finish them


could just report post to mod and ask for it to be deleted


I'm also terrible with girls' names. I would suggest specifically looking at real pop stars, and basing it either directly off their names or some pun.

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Going through our cards again, I realized something kinda funny: I had thought we had two unSummonable monsters (Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon and Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon), until I realized that we technically do have a Predaplant (Rafflesia Mantis, the Synchro in the Generics thread), and frigging Convincing Costume of all things makes it possible (if kinda wonky) to Summon Odd-Eyes Venom.


However, what I really wanted to address was that The Eye of Timaeus is in the AGM (came in with the other DM support), but Critias and Hermos aren't. What say you on the Legendary Knights/Dragons?


Oh yeah, also, both Shaddolls and Photons (minus #62) are one vote short of being available in the AGM.

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