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Problem: most of that Extra Deck isn't AGM legal. Numbers, Sharks, Frogs, and Steelswarm haven't been voted in. Also, NBEUD wasn't confirmed, although regular Ultimate and Twin Burst were.


That said, the rest of the Deck definitely works for the part, and as a Toon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Deck it definitely suffices.


Do you want to just cut the rest of the ED, or would you like some time to find replacements?

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Problem: most of that Extra Deck isn't AGM legal. Numbers, Sharks, Frogs, and Steelswarm haven't been voted in. Also, NBEUD wasn't confirmed, although regular Ultimate and Twin Burst were.


That said, the rest of the Deck definitely works for the part, and as a Toon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Deck it definitely suffices.


Do you want to just cut the rest of the ED, or would you like some time to find replacements?

I'd like to find some replacements. I'll repost the list later with some different Extra Deck monsters. Would Neo be replaced, too?
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I'm not sure if we voted to let all the Numbers (bar 39 for obvious reasons) in some time ago; can't be bothered to comb half this thread to find it. I think I recall the idea being mentioned though, but that probably got scrapped for the Numerix.


(But yeah, you may have to replace Neo unless we get other guys in here to support its addition.)



That being said, not too many people even do these challenges (you may want to increase the payout amount, as 1000 points isn't exactly much nowadays [well, considering CC reviews can earn that much, if not more in Multiples [provided they're acceptable quality])

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The idea was mentioned, it was just that we preferred the idea of our own equivalent to Numbers, which was why Numerix became a thing. And, at this point, to beggar some more activity, we might just need our own equivalent to Number C . . . Delta-Numerix, most likely.


Yeah, you'd have to cut Neo, unless someone allowed it in. We had to bring in Blue-Eyes cards one at a time, due to not wanting their rather dumb support cards.

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Yeah, Blue-Eyes were annoying at the time stuff was being added (and think they're still a pain, although probably neutered a bit with stuff like Zoodiacs and the like coming into play). Last time I checked, I don't think we voted to let Neo in (Regular Blue-Eyes was probably in)


As for Delta-Numerix (or whatever this gets called), sounds good. (Not like I need to make Numerix-102 any more powerful than it already is). Then again, some of the Numerix (including a few over-100s are made by former members of this club), but we can still design for those.

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Blue -Eyes Toon Dragon (x3)

Toon Dark Magician (x3)

Toon Cyber Dragon (x3)

Toon Gemini Elf (x3)

Toon Masked Sorcer (x3)

Toon Mermaid (x3)

Toon Goblin Attack Force (x2)

Toon Cyber Commander (x1)




Toon Table of Contents (x3)

Toon Kingdom (x3)

Toon Fusion (x3)

Reasoning (x1)

Upstart Goblin (x1)

Mimicat (x2)




Toon Mask (x3)

Toon Briefcase (x3)

Solemn Notice (x3)



Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (x3)

Blue-Eyes Twin Dragon (x3)

Gagaga Cowboy (x1)

Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer (x1)

Number 66: Master Key Beetle (x1)

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon (x1)

Numerix 17: Divine Guard (x2)

Numerix 070: Yukiko, the Swordmistress (x1)

Numerix 073: Malicious Marionette (x1)

Numerix 061: Vengeful Mage (X1)


Since we don't have Numbers, I chose to add some of the Numerix.

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I'm just going to point out that Master Key Beetle is still there.



Blue -Eyes Toon Dragon (x3)

Toon Dark Magician (x3)

Toon Cyber Dragon (x3)

Toon Gemini Elf (x3)

Toon Masked Sorcer (x3)

Toon Mermaid (x3)

Toon Goblin Attack Force (x2)

Toon Cyber Commander (x1)




Toon Table of Contents (x3)

Toon Kingdom (x3)

Toon Fusion (x3)

Reasoning (x1)

Upstart Goblin (x1)

Mimicat (x2)




Toon Mask (x3)

Toon Briefcase (x3)

Solemn Notice (x3)



Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (x3)

Blue-Eyes Twin Dragon (x3)

Gagaga Cowboy (x1)

Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer (x1)

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon (x1)

Numerix 17: Divine Guard (x2)

Numerix 70: Yukiko, the Swordmistress (x1)

Numerix 73: Malicious Marionette (x2)

Numerix 61: Vengeful Mage (X1)


Replaced it with another copy of Numerix  73: Malicious Marionette.

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The number of archetypes we've each submitted, with collaborative projects being split evenly between the contributors (so, because 8 of us were involved in Sclera Guild, those 8 each get an 8th)


Draconus: 45.625

Tinkerer: 11.125

MetalSonic: 14.125

Nyx: 26.625

Tojin: 1.125

Yemachu: 1

Sakura: 10.125

Trebuchet: 1

Dova: 20.125

jackelgull: 1

Champion0: 8.125

Ecchitori: 3

Catman: 1

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If I weren't busy with engineering work and all (well, college in general), plus general CC duties, maybe I'd submit more. So far, I do have the tendency to take ones that I have some role in creating; name or theme.
Speaking of which, I am going to be adding more support cards for Cheetah Racers (the most recent one) and some of the other stuff. Suppose it'd be a good time to give one for Phoenix Guardians (aka the first AGM set I made).

Number 118: Phoenix Guardian - Hellfire Incarnate

Rank 4 | FIRE | Winged Beast | Xyz | Effect

2 or more Level 4 Winged Beast monsters
① While this card has Xyz Material, when a "Phoenix Guardian" monster you control is Summoned: Your opponent takes damage equal to its Level or Rank x 200. ② Once per turn: You can destroy a number of cards on the field, up to the number of Xyz Materials on this card, then detach 1 Xyz Material from this card.


Yes, it's a Number monster beyond 107, but this is to fill in some holes I made earlier in the "108 and over" category for a set. You may treat this as a normal Xyz without the Number, or convert it to an equivalent Numerix if we decide to move up to 110+ [i think we're at 109 at highest, last time I checked].


If it makes any sense, the stuff I made for them plus Tinkerer's support card total 18 cards in the Archetype; also because the individual digits add up to 10, which is the position of the rooster zodiac [and fittingly because it's the year of it].

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The number of archetypes we've each submitted, with collaborative projects being split evenly between the contributors (so, because 8 of us were involved in Sclera Guild, those 8 each get an 8th)


Draconus: 45.625

Tinkerer: 11.125

MetalSonic: 14.125

Nyx: 26.625

Tojin: 1.125

Yemachu: 1

Sakura: 10.125

Trebuchet: 1

Dova: 20.125

jackelgull: 1

Champion0: 8.125

Ecchitori: 3

Catman: 1

Wait. Trebuchet MS actually submitted a set for this club? When? Which set?

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Given what late Arc-V entails, you'd be making some pretty powerful stuff for them- Late Arc-V includes Ancient Gear Chaos Giant, Blue-Eyes White Spirit Dragon, Zoodiac, Zarc . . .


Also, I forget. It was something pretty early on, though.

Okay. Looked back and it turns out he did submit something:



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Given what late Arc-V entails, you'd be making some pretty powerful stuff for them- Late Arc-V includes Ancient Gear Chaos Giant, Blue-Eyes White Spirit Dragon, Zoodiac, Zarc . . .

Right. Is there a link for the entire set, or is it only in that pm? I need to reacquaint myself with their gimmicks + see what they have already.


Also, I forget. It was something pretty early on, though.

Don't worry about it!

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Well, no one said anything about the cards when it was posted; likely turned off by the sheer size of it. Then again, Yinghua's the only card in there that explicitly has my creator information on it (people might've been able to tell it was mine otherwise, since I'm one of the few people who even use circumflex letters and stuff in card names, plus my hybrid PSCT), everything else was neutral. 


As it stands, Scleras have quite a bit to work with already. 



Then again, 8 archetypes is quite a bit (well, 10 if you consider Psychic Dragon and ZPD, though those are outsider stuff; and maybe 11 if you want to consider Dova's gift Archetype). Speaking of which, looks like he'll be gone for a good while. 


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I could repost it again for discussion/reviews, but as said before, most are likely turned off by the number of cards.

Well, no one said anything about the cards when it was posted; likely turned off by the sheer size of it. Then again, Yinghua's the only card in there that explicitly has my creator information on it (people might've been able to tell it was mine otherwise, since I'm one of the few people who even use circumflex letters and stuff in card names, plus my hybrid PSCT), everything else was neutral.


Plus the 2016 SAKURA in the corner.
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Even if I didn't have the creator thing at the bottom, my cardmaking style is somewhat obvious by now. 


That being said, need to respond to Draco's prompt in the source thread; otherwise club is going to be dead on Archetypes again. And yeah, Blu-Ray Dragon was intended as a reference to VCR_CAT and Shard (DVD_DOG). DRAGON should've been in caps to follow the trend, but you can add that later. 

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I don't like double posting in a thread that isn't mine, but with consideration to the new changes brought on by VRAINS (Link Monsters, the reformatting of the field setup), what are your opinions on it with regards to how this club is to move forward?


While we can't prevent people from making prompts that deal with Link Monsters, considering how nearly everything in here (including a chunk of our generics) are neutered hard because they were designed under an ARC-V era mindset, this is something to consider. 



I posed this question to Draco in the generics thread: Are we going to modify how we run the AGM and permit VRAINS changes (Link Monsters and the new mechanics) or keep this club in the ARC-V generation for the foreseeable future [whatever mechanics we have now. (Cybers as a Type can probably come in for now [that's all they are for now], unless they're explicitly intertwined with Link Monsters). 


Draco ultimately holds the final decision on what to do (and yes, the data for this just came out two days ago; roughly), but as a whole, what do we all think about this?

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Until further notice, we persist under Arc-V era rules. AGM archetypes aren't designed with the existence of Links in mind, and I refuse to render some of our concepts and cards completely obsolete.


Konami might be changing the rules, but we don't need to honor those rule changes. Nothing changed the function of the game like Links are going to, and the fact that they impede existing mechanics is frankly ridiculous.


From this point forward, the AGM is an unofficial "Arc-V format".

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(So this means the Cybers-Type is barred for all intents and purposes, even though it's simply a Type at present and not necessarily tied into Link Monsters. I may need to look them over again; don't believe I saw any of the Main Deck stuff explicitly supporting them, least from the ones that have confirmed effects)



I'll be making this a formal announcement later to see how to best move forward with the idea, but due to these changes being a massive overhaul (or a literal reset button) on mechanics we've been using for the longest time for a lot of members, I may be considering a tag system in CC with a dual format. 

  • Legacy: This will effectively be whatever we have now (Pendulums have their own zones, no segregating monster cards, "ED spam", no Link Monsters [dk about Cybers-Type, since none of them explicitly support Link Monsters]). 
  • Standard: I really don't want to call it the default format because Konami wanted to pull a Sun & Moon on the game, but since this is what life will be like come April (albeit TCG won't get it for a couple more months), we have to acknowledge this. 

You would be required to tag all threads in the section with the appropriate standard (either will be forum tags, written at the top of the thread or in title). This is so we can tell what style of play you made this for. We know that these changes haven't gone well with a lot of users (us included), so this is an effort for people who wish to stay with the older mechanics (or haven't adapted to them yet) and for those who are going to adapt. 


(Right now though, ARC-V is still the [official] standard for Custom Cards.)



Personally speaking, I'm not happy with the changes either (and because I'm in charge of CC, I have to make sure that the section at least stays up to the changes in the game; even if they don't prove popular with a lot of users [there exist some members who DO like them]). I'm still getting used to how they're intended to work, but yeah, everything in this club wasn't built to play with this overhaul. 


(Changes being that you can only use 1 ED monster at a time unless you Link Summon first and then expand Linked Zones, and lowering of S/T zones once Pendulums are used)


While I certainly did not propose the new tagging system solely for our sake, it does give us all a way to continue posting stuff from that thread in Games. I want to make sure all members have a place to post their cards, and not have them neutered because of this decision. I don't want to force everyone to post in Casual because they now work for an obsolete set of mechanics.


(Was Konami even thinking this through properly?)


This is not an official rule yet, but because of how the club works, we all need to mention in the main post that our stuff is functioning under the current mechanics and not with the VRAINS ones. 

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I personally think this format should stay in Arc-V era. However, prompts-wise, I won't stop people from making Link stuff once we have full information on them and their interactions with the rest of the game.


That said, unless people are making prompts with this club in mind (which, granted, will probably stay at a good amount of the time), prompts might end up being post-Arc-V-centric in terms of ideas and gamestate, even if it doesn't have Link stuff. Either way, even if no prompts were added ever from this point forward, we've still got tons of material to work with.


Either way, maybe a year from now we can re-open discussion on Link stuff, but for now, I am all for keeping the status quo.

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